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Created August 27, 2014 20:48
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Generated loopback model from swagger api v1.2 specs
module.exports = function(SwaggerModel) = {
* Find pet by ID
* @param {integer} petId ID of pet that needs to be fetched
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Error|String} err Error object
* @param {Pet} result Result object
function getPetById(petId, callback) {
// Add your implementation here. Please make sure the callback is invoked
var err0 = new Error('Invalid ID supplied');
err0.statusCode = 400;
return cb(err0);
var err1 = new Error('Pet not found');
err1.statusCode = 404;
return cb(err1);
* partial updates to a pet
* @param {string} petId ID of pet that needs to be fetched * @param {Pet} body Pet object that needs to be added to the store
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Error|String} err Error object
* @param {array} result Result object
function partialUpdate(petId, body, callback) {
// Add your implementation here. Please make sure the callback is invoked
var err0 = new Error('Invalid tag value');
err0.statusCode = 400;
return cb(err0);
* Updates a pet in the store with form data
* @param {string} petId ID of pet that needs to be updated * @param {string} name Updated name of the pet * @param {string} status Updated status of the pet
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Error|String} err Error object
* @param {void} result Result object
function updatePetWithForm(petId, name, status, callback) {
// Add your implementation here. Please make sure the callback is invoked
var err0 = new Error('Invalid input');
err0.statusCode = 405;
return cb(err0);
* Deletes a pet
* @param {string} petId Pet id to delete
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Error|String} err Error object
* @param {void} result Result object
function deletePet(petId, callback) {
// Add your implementation here. Please make sure the callback is invoked
var err0 = new Error('Invalid pet value');
err0.statusCode = 400;
return cb(err0);
* Add a new pet to the store
* @param {Pet} body Pet object that needs to be added to the store
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Error|String} err Error object
* @param {void} result Result object
function addPet(body, callback) {
// Add your implementation here. Please make sure the callback is invoked
var err0 = new Error('Invalid input');
err0.statusCode = 405;
return cb(err0);
* Update an existing pet
* @param {Pet} body Pet object that needs to be updated in the store
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Error|String} err Error object
* @param {void} result Result object
function updatePet(body, callback) {
// Add your implementation here. Please make sure the callback is invoked
var err0 = new Error('Invalid ID supplied');
err0.statusCode = 400;
return cb(err0);
var err1 = new Error('Pet not found');
err1.statusCode = 404;
return cb(err1);
var err2 = new Error('Validation exception');
err2.statusCode = 405;
return cb(err2);
* Finds Pets by status
* @param {string} status Status values that need to be considered for filter
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Error|String} err Error object
* @param {array} result Result object
function findPetsByStatus(status, callback) {
// Add your implementation here. Please make sure the callback is invoked
var err0 = new Error('Invalid status value');
err0.statusCode = 400;
return cb(err0);
* Finds Pets by tags
* @param {string} tags Tags to filter by
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Error|String} err Error object
* @param {array} result Result object
function findPetsByTags(tags, callback) {
// Add your implementation here. Please make sure the callback is invoked
var err0 = new Error('Invalid tag value');
err0.statusCode = 400;
return cb(err0);
* uploads an image
* @param {string} additionalMetadata Additional data to pass to server * @param {File} file file to upload
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Error|String} err Error object
* @param {void} result Result object
function uploadFile(additionalMetadata, file, callback) {
// Add your implementation here. Please make sure the callback is invoked
{ isStatic: true,
[ 'application/json',
'text/html' ],
[ { arg: 'petId',
type: 'number',
description: 'ID of pet that needs to be fetched',
required: true,
http: [Object] } ],
returns: [ { description: undefined, type: 'Pet' } ],
http: { verb: 'get', path: '/pet/:petId' } }
{ isStatic: true,
consumes: [ 'application/json', 'application/xml' ],
produces: [ 'application/json', 'application/xml' ],
[ { arg: 'petId',
type: 'string',
description: 'ID of pet that needs to be fetched',
required: true,
http: [Object] },
{ arg: 'body',
type: 'Pet',
description: 'Pet object that needs to be added to the store',
required: true,
http: [Object] } ],
returns: [ { description: undefined, type: 'array' } ],
http: { verb: 'patch', path: '/pet/:petId' } }
{ isStatic: true,
consumes: [ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ],
[ 'application/json',
'text/html' ],
[ { arg: 'petId',
type: 'string',
description: 'ID of pet that needs to be updated',
required: true,
http: [Object] },
{ arg: 'name',
type: 'string',
description: 'Updated name of the pet',
required: false,
http: [Object] },
{ arg: 'status',
type: 'string',
description: 'Updated status of the pet',
required: false,
http: [Object] } ],
returns: [],
http: { verb: 'post', path: '/pet/:petId' } }
{ isStatic: true,
[ 'application/json',
'text/html' ],
[ { arg: 'petId',
type: 'string',
description: 'Pet id to delete',
required: true,
http: [Object] } ],
returns: [],
http: { verb: 'delete', path: '/pet/:petId' } }
{ isStatic: true,
consumes: [ 'application/json', 'application/xml' ],
[ 'application/json',
'text/html' ],
[ { arg: 'body',
type: 'Pet',
description: 'Pet object that needs to be added to the store',
required: true,
http: [Object] } ],
returns: [],
http: { verb: 'post', path: '/pet' } }
{ isStatic: true,
[ 'application/json',
'text/html' ],
[ { arg: 'body',
type: 'Pet',
description: 'Pet object that needs to be updated in the store',
required: true,
http: [Object] } ],
returns: [],
http: { verb: 'put', path: '/pet' } }
{ isStatic: true,
[ 'application/json',
'text/html' ],
[ { arg: 'status',
type: 'string',
description: 'Status values that need to be considered for filter',
required: true,
http: [Object] } ],
returns: [ { description: undefined, type: 'array' } ],
http: { verb: 'get', path: '/pet/findByStatus' } }
{ isStatic: true,
[ 'application/json',
'text/html' ],
[ { arg: 'tags',
type: 'string',
description: 'Tags to filter by',
required: true,
http: [Object] } ],
returns: [ { description: undefined, type: 'array' } ],
http: { verb: 'get', path: '/pet/findByTags' } }
{ isStatic: true,
consumes: [ 'multipart/form-data' ],
[ 'application/json',
'text/html' ],
[ { arg: 'additionalMetadata',
type: 'string',
description: 'Additional data to pass to server',
required: false,
http: [Object] },
{ arg: 'file',
type: 'File',
description: 'file to upload',
required: false,
http: [Object] } ],
returns: [],
http: { verb: 'post', path: '/pet/uploadImage' } }
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