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Last active March 13, 2024 13:05
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Creating automatic tags using Github Tag Bump

Creating automatic tags using Github Tag Bump

To create automatic tags we are going to use a tool called Github Tag Bump which allows us to create tags automatically with just a few instructions.

First of all we must create a workflow and to do this we must create a folder .github/workflows in the root folder of the project and within this we must create a file, we can call it auto_tag.yml inside this file we are going to put the following code.

Example of use

name: Auto Tag

      - main
      - main

  Auto Tag:
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        fetch-depth: '0'

    - name: Bump version and push tag
      uses: anothrNick/github-tag-action@1.64.0
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        WITH_V: true
        DEFAULT_BUMP: minor

This code is a workflow (Workflow) for Github Actions called "Auto Tag".Its main function is to automate the process of labeling versions of a repository based on certain events, such as thrusts (pushes) to the main branch (MAIN) and extraction requests (Pull Requets) towards the main branch.Here is your breakdown:

1.Trigger event:

  • This workflow will be activated in two events:

    • When a push is made to the main branch.

    • When a Pull required to the main branch.

2.Work settings (Job):

  • The work is called "Auto Tag".

  • It will be executed in an instance of Ubuntu with the most recent version.

  • Scripture permits for content are configured.

3.Work steps:

  • Checkout of the repository:

    • Use checkout action to clone the repository in the virtual machine.

    • fetch-depth is established in '0', which means that all commits will be cloned, not just the most recent.

  • Version and labeling increase:

    • Use the action anothrnick/github-tag-action@1.64.0.

    • Configure some environment variables:

      • GITHUB_TOKEN: An access token that allows action to interact with the repository in Github.

      • WITH_V: established in True, indicating that the action must include the letter 'V' before the version label.

      • DEFAULT_BUMP: Established in Minor, which means that the version number will be increased in the 'lower' part (eg, from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0).

Environment Variables

Variable Descripción Valor por defecto
GITHUB_TOKEN Requerido para permisos de etiquetado del repositorio.
DEFAULT_BUMP Tipo de incremento a usar cuando no se proporciona explícitamente (none, patch, minor, major). Menor
DEFAULT_BRANCH Rama predeterminada obtenida de la variable de entorno $GITHUB_BASE_REF pero puede ser sobrescrita. Se recomienda establecer esta variable si se utiliza algo distinto a master o main como rama predeterminada, de lo contrario, en combinación con la historia completa generará un error. $GITHUB_BASE_REF
WITH_V Etiqueta la versión con el carácter 'v'.
RELEASE_BRANCHES Lista separada por comas de ramas que generarán las etiquetas de lanzamiento.
CUSTOM_TAG Establece una etiqueta personalizada.
SOURCE Operar en una ruta relativa bajo $GITHUB_WORKSPACE.
DRY_RUN Determina la próxima versión sin etiquetar la rama. Falso
GIT_API_TAGGING Establece si se usan llamadas de API de git cli o git para operaciones de etiquetado. Verdadero
INITIAL_VERSION Establece la versión inicial antes del incremento. 0.0.0
TAG_CONTEXT Establece el contexto de la etiqueta anterior. Repo
PRERELEASE Define si el flujo de trabajo se ejecuta en modo de prelanzamiento. Falso
PRERELEASE_SUFFIX Sufijo para las versiones de prelanzamiento. Beta
VERBOSE Imprime los registros de git. Verdadero
MAJOR_STRING_TOKEN Cambia la etiqueta de mensaje de commit predeterminada para cambios mayores.
MINOR_STRING_TOKEN Cambia la etiqueta de mensaje de commit predeterminada para cambios menores.
PATCH_STRING_TOKEN Cambia la etiqueta de mensaje de commit predeterminada para parches.
NONE_STRING_TOKEN Cambia la etiqueta de mensaje de commit predeterminada para ningún cambio.
BRANCH_HISTORY Establece el historial de la rama para encontrar incrementos. Comparar


As we can see in the following image the execution of the tool in Github Actions is shown.


In the following image we can see how all the jobs were executed correctly.


In the following image we can see all the versions that have been created using this tool.


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