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Forked from mwesten/auth.php
Created January 28, 2014 13:31
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class Auth_Controller extends Base_Controller {
public $restful = true;
public function __construct() {
$this->filter( 'before', 'guest' )->except( array( 'logout', 'validate' ) );
// Note: We may not always require CSRF on login for system based logins so ignore it here.
$this->filter( 'before', 'csrf' )->on( 'post' )->except( array( 'login' ) );
* No direct access needed
* @return NULL
public function get_index() {
return Redirect::to( 'home' );
* Verify login information and authenticate the client
* @param array
* @return Redirect
public function post_login( $data = NULL ) {
if( !empty( $data ) ) // Directly set the data so we can use it as normal
Input::$input = $data;
else // If this is a non-system call require CSRF
$this->filter( 'before', 'csrf' );
$rules = array(
'email_address' => 'required|email',
'password' => 'required|min:6',
// Validate all input
$validator = Validator::make( Input::all(), $rules );
// Send them back with errors
if( ! $validator->valid() )
return Redirect::to( 'home' )->with( 'errors', $validator->errors ); // Add errors to the view
// Attempt to authenticate
if( Auth::attempt( Input::get( 'email_address' ), Input::get( 'password' ) ) )
// Trigger log in event.
Locker::trigger_event( 1, 'logged in', Auth::user()->id );
// Send them to their locker
return Redirect::to( 'locker' );
return Redirect::to( 'home' );
* Handle logout requests by cleaning up the session
* @return Redirect
public function get_logout() {
// Trigger log out event
Locker::trigger_event( 1, 'logged out', Auth::user()->id );
// Destory the session
// Send them home
return Redirect::to( 'home' );
* Handle redirect from FB and save the users profile data.
* @return Redirect
public function get_fb() {
// Re-build object
$facebook = new Facebook\SDK( array(
'appId' => Config::get( 'facebook.app_id' ),
'secret' => Config::get( 'facebook.secret' ),
'cookie' => true
) );
// Auth request params
$params = array(
'scope' => Config::get( 'facebook.scope' ),
'redirect_uri' => Config::get( 'facebook.redirect_uri' ),
// Build the FB user
$user = $facebook->getUser();
if( $user ) {
// Request FB profile data
$fb_user = $facebook->api( '/me' );
// Something went wrong
if( ! $fb_user )
return Redirect::to( 'home' )->with( 'errors', 'Unable to connect with Facebook.' );
// Restucture FB data to our own
$lk_user['first_name'] = $fb_user['first_name'];
$lk_user['last_name'] = $fb_user['last_name'];
$lk_user['email_address'] = $fb_user['email'];
$lk_user['nickname'] = $fb_user['username'];
if( $fb_user['gender'] === 'male' )
$lk_user['gender'] = 1;
$lk_user['gender'] = 0;
// Reverse the encrypted password
$lk_user['password'] = Crypter::decrypt( Session::get( 'password' ) );
// This is for compatability with post_register() validation
$lk_user['password_confirmation'] = $lk_user['password'];
// Flag from_facebook
// Remove the session password
Session::forget( 'password' );
// Register the user, do not require email validation
$this->post_register( $lk_user, false );
return Redirect::to( 'home' );
* Choose a password to use with FB profile data.
* POST will have the users password in it and redirect to FB for auth request.
* @return Redirect
public function post_fb() {
// Give a form to set a password
$rules = array(
'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6',
// Validate all input
$validator = Validator::make( Input::all(), $rules );
// Send them back with errors
if( ! $validator->valid() )
return Redirect::to( 'home' )->with( 'errors', $validator->errors ); // Add errors to the view
// Store the password temporary in our session, use some encryption in case non-SSL
Session::put( 'password', Crypter::encrypt( Input::get( 'password' ) ) );
// Re-build object
$facebook = new Facebook\SDK( array(
'appId' => Config::get( 'facebook.app_id' ),
'secret' => Config::get( 'facebook.secret' ),
'cookie' => true
) );
// Auth request params
$params = array(
'scope' => Config::get( 'facebook.scope' ),
'redirect_uri' => Config::get( 'facebook.redirect_uri' ),
return Redirect::to( $facebook->getLoginUrl( $params ) );
* Validate registration data for our system
* @param array
* @param boolean
* @return Redirect with array
public function post_register( $data = NULL, $email_confirm = true ) {
if( !empty( $data ) )
Input::$input = $data;
$rules = array(
'first_name' => 'required|alpha|max:80',
'last_name' => 'required|alpha|max:120',
'gender' => 'required|in:0,1',
'email_address' => 'required|email|unique:users',
'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6'
// Validate all input
$validator = Validator::make( Input::all(), $rules );
// Send them back with errors
if( ! $validator->valid() )
return Redirect::to( 'home' )
->with( 'errors', $validator->errors )
->with_input( 'except', array( 'password', 'password_confirm' ) ); // Add errors to the view
// Create a new user
$user = new User;
// Fill in the details
$user->fill( Input::all() );
// Filter unused fields.
unset( $user->password_confirmation );
unset( $user->csrf_token );
// Hash the password
$user->password = Hash::make( $user->password );
// Require e-mail confirmation
if( ! $mail_confirm )
// Invalidate the account
$user->validated = 0;
// Save the user so we can grab their ID.
// Generate a validate key
$user->validation_code = Str::random( array_get( $arguments, 0, 32 ) );
$mailer = IoC::resolve( 'mailer' );
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance( 'Welcome to' )
->setFrom( array( Config::get( 'email.from' ) => Config::get( '' ) ) )
->setTo( array( $user->email_address => $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name ) )
'<h2>Welcome to</h2>'.
'<p>You need to confirm your e-mail in order to participate.</p>'.
'<p>Please <a href="' .
htmlentities( $user->validation_code ) .
'">click here</a>.</p>'.
'text/html' // Mark the content-type as HTML
$result = $mailer->send($message);
$user->validated = 1;
// Send to the database
$_POST['csrf_token'] = Session::token();
// Try to authenticate by passing the data to the login object.
$this->post_login( Input::all() );
return Redirect::to( 'home' );
* Validate email_address
* @return redirect
public function get_validate( $id, $code ) {
$key = html_entity_decode( $code );
$validation_code = DB::table( 'users' )->where( 'id', '=', $id )->only( 'validation_code' );
if( $validation_code === $key )
$affected = DB::table( 'users' )
->where( 'id', '=', $id )
->update( array(
'validated' => 1,
'validation_code' => NULL, // Clear the validation code so we do waste space
) );
return Redirect::to( 'home' )->with( 'errors', 'Invalid validation code.' );
// Notify the user it worked
Session::flash( 'notice', 'You have confirmed your e-mail.' );
return Redirect::to( 'home' );
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