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Last active August 7, 2024 00:59
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Clonezilla Rocks Ubuntu boot SSD to NVME

Cloning a Ubuntu boot SSD to NVME

Getting short of space on a 120G boot/root SSD on Ubuntu Server, decided to replace it with a bigger NVME (IDE) 250G drive.

Using the latest Clonezilla, the process was really painless. After cloning, there was still over 100G unallocated space on the larger drive for expansion of a new parition. The paritions of the clone had the same disk UUIDs and flags as the original.

  1. Checked disk and partition sizes using lsblk.
  2. Downloaded latest Stable iso from
  3. Get a 1G or more USB stick and burn the iso onto it using Startup Disk Creator.
  4. Installed the NVME drive onto the motherboard.
  5. Started the machine with the Clonezilla boot disk (with my motherboard F12 let me select the boot drive).
  6. Picked "Clonezilla live (VGA large font & To RAM)" (my monitor was a 7" Uniroi).
  7. Accepted the defaults for language and keyboard.
  8. Start_Clonezilla".
  9. Picked "device-device"
  10. Beginner
  11. "disk_to_local_disk" (clone entire disk)
  12. Picked source disk (in my case /dev/sda).
  13. Picked target disk (/dev/nvme0n1).
  14. Skip checking (-sfsck)
  15. Choose reboot/etc when everything is finished.
  16. "Enter" to continue.
  17. Are you sure... ? y
  18. Are you sure... ? y
  19. Wait a while.
  20. "Enter" and then "poweroff".
  21. Disconnect the original drive.
  22. Start the machine.
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