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Last active August 31, 2020 22:16
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Java A* Maze / Pathfinding - created as part of a coding challenge
package Maze;
import java.util.*;
Learned about the A* algorithm from many sources including - strategy adopted from this post
public class MazeSolver{
private static final int MOVE_COST = 1;
private static boolean mazeSolved = false;
private static Map<MazeCell, MazeCell> mazeCellToParent = new HashMap<MazeCell, MazeCell>();
private MazeSolver() {
private static Maze drawPath(final Maze maze) {
Position goal = maze.getGoal();
MazeCell goalCell = maze.getCell(goal);
Position start = maze.getStart();
MazeCell startingCell = maze.getCell(start);
// update the maze to show the path, if the maze is solve-able
if (mazeSolved) {
int movesFromStartToGoal = 1;
MazeCell currentCell = mazeCellToParent.get(goalCell);
MazeCell previousCell = currentCell;
while (currentCell != startingCell) {
movesFromStartToGoal +=1;
currentCell = mazeCellToParent.get(previousCell);
// mark the cell with character representing the path
previousCell = currentCell;
System.out.println("Moves from start to goal: " + movesFromStartToGoal);
return maze;
public static Maze solve(final Maze maze) {
Set<MazeCell> closedCells = new HashSet<MazeCell>();
Map<MazeCell, Position> mazeCellPositions = new HashMap<MazeCell, Position>();
// h = best guess cost from current node to the destination - using Manhattan distance
// g = cost from the start to the current node
// calculate g by taking g of its parent and add movement cost to it
// f cost = g + h
TreeSet<MazeCell> openCells = new TreeSet<MazeCell>(
Comparator.comparingDouble((MazeCell cell) -> (cell.getHeuristicCost() + cell.getPathCost()))
// needed to add the comparisons below, because TreeSets cannot contain duplicate values
// and cells with the same costs would be identified as duplicates
.thenComparing((MazeCell cell) -> mazeCellPositions.get(cell).getCol())
.thenComparing((MazeCell cell) -> mazeCellPositions.get(cell).getRow()));
Position start = maze.getStart();
MazeCell startingCell = maze.getCell(start);
mazeCellPositions.put(startingCell, start);
Position goal = maze.getGoal();
MazeCell goalCell = maze.getCell(goal);
mazeCellPositions.put(goalCell, goal);
do {
MazeCell currentMazeCell = openCells.first();
Position currentPosition = mazeCellPositions.get(currentMazeCell);
if (closedCells.contains(goalCell)) {
mazeSolved = true;
List<Position> availablePositions = maze.getPathCandidates(currentPosition);
List<Position> potentialMoves = maze.getMoves(currentPosition);
for (Position position : availablePositions) {
MazeCell cell = maze.getCell(position);
mazeCellPositions.put(cell, position);
if (closedCells.contains(cell)) {
if (!openCells.contains(cell)) {
cell.setPathCost(currentMazeCell.getPathCost() + MOVE_COST);
mazeCellToParent.put(cell, currentMazeCell);
} else {
// check to see if using the current cell would give a better path
// if so, update the g and h scores
if ((currentMazeCell.getPathCost() + MOVE_COST)
< (cell.getPathCost())) {
cell.setPathCost(currentMazeCell.getPathCost() + MOVE_COST);
mazeCellToParent.put(cell, currentMazeCell);
while (!openCells.isEmpty());
return maze;
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