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Last active February 7, 2021 22:22
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Save peterjaap/7233756 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Replace PHP short open tags with long form open tags - PHP script version. Slightly adapted from -- usage; find . -type f -iname "*.phtml" | xargs php -d short_open_tag=On fixtags.php --overwrite
* php_replace_short_tags
* Copyright © 2010 Weirdmasters, Austin, Texas
* License:
* CC-BY-SA v3.0
* Replace short open tags in PHP source with long open tags.
* e.g. Replace this:
* <?=
* With this:
* <?php echo
* php_replace_short_tags [-s|--skip-echo-tags] [-q|--quiet] [-d|--debug] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]
* php_replace_short_tags --overwrite [-s|--skip-echo-tags] [-q|--quiet] [-d|--debug] INOUTFILE [INOUTFILE ...]
global $argv;
$debug = FALSE;
$quiet = 0;
$overwrite = 0;
$not_echo_tags = 0;
$myname = array_shift($argv);
while(count($argv) && (substr($argv[0],0,1) == "-")) {
$option = array_shift($argv);
if(substr($option,0,2) != '--') {
if(substr($option,2)) {
$option = substr($option,0,2);
switch($option) {
case "--":
break 2;
case "-h":
case "--help":
case "-q":
case "--quiet":
case "-d":
case "--debug":
if(!$debug) {
$debug = TRUE;
case "-s":
case "--skip-echo-tags":
case "--overwrite":
usage("Unrecognized option: \"" . $option . "\"");
if(!$debug) {
$filenames = $argv;
$file_count = count($filenames);
if($overwrite) {
$file_count or
usage("Cannot overwrite STDIN");
else {
($file_count <= 2) or
usage("Cannot process multiple files without \"--overwrite\"");
if ($file_count == 0) {
$filenames = array("php://input");
// short_open_tag setting has to be on for this to do anything
if(!ini_get('short_open_tag')) {
ini_set('short_open_tag', true);
if (!ini_get('short_open_tag')) {
($quiet) || fputs(STDERR,"WARNING: short_open_tag is disabled in php.ini\n");
while($filenames) {
if(count($filenames)==0) continue;
$source_filename = array_shift($filenames);
if($source_filename == 'php://input') continue;
$source = file_get_contents($source_filename);
if(!$source) {
echo "Unable to read input file";
$changes = replace_short_open_tags($source,!$not_echo_tags);
if($overwrite) {
$output_filename = $source_filename;
elseif(count($filenames)) {
$output_filename = array_shift($filenames);
else {
$output_filename = "php://output";
if(($changes > 0) || (!$overwrite)) {
file_put_contents($output_filename,$source) or
die_with_status(1,"Unable to write output file");
if (!$quiet) {
if ($overwrite && ($file_count>1)) {
$out_prefix = $output_filename . ": ";
else {
$out_prefix = "";
fprintf(STDERR, "%s%u change%s\n", $out_prefix, $changes, $changes!=1?"s":"");
function die_with_status($status, $message) {
function usage($message,$status = 2) {
global $myname;
$opts = "[-s|--skip-echo-tags] [-q|--quiet] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help]";
if($message) $message .= "\n";
"USAGE:\n" .
" " . basename($myname) . " $opts [INFILE [OUTFILE]]\n" .
" " . basename($myname) . " --overwrite $opts INOUTFILE [INOUTFILE ...]\n" .
function _token_name($token_id) {
if($token_id == T_PSEUDO_EOF) {
return "T_PSEUDO_EOF";
return token_name($token_id);
* replace_short_open_tags()
* $source - A string containing the input source,
* possibly with short open tags.
* $echo_tags - TRUE if to process <?= tags, else they
* are not replaced.
* $source - A string with the short codes replaced by
* long codes.
* - the number of replacements made.
* The internal parser requires that the php.ini setting
* short_open_tag be set (On), else it will not recognize
* short open tags and nothing will change.
* We use the same variable for input as for output to
* allow for minimum memory consumption.
function replace_short_open_tags(&$source, $echo_tags = TRUE) {
$change_count = 0; // the number of changes we made
$tokens = token_get_all($source);
// A pseudo-EOF token is necessary to correctly process
// an open tag when it's the last token, which happens
// when it's on the last line and the last line doesn't
// have a terminating LF. (The next higher level syntax
// parser triggers an error if the last token is "<?php"
// but not if it's "<?" or "<?=".)
$tokens[] = array(T_PSEUDO_EOF,"",-1);
$source = "";
while(count($tokens)) {
$token = array_shift($tokens);
if(is_array($token)) {
list($toktype, $toktext) = $token;
(DEBUG) and fprintf(STDERR,"{%s:%s}\n",_token_name($toktype),$toktext);
if ($toktype == T_OPEN_TAG) {
// change "<?" to "<?php"
if (($toktext == "<?") && ($tokens[0][0] != T_STRING)) {
$toktext = "<?php";
// Token separation is natural with "<?" but it
// requires a separator for "<?php", so look
// ahead to make sure a separator follows
// and insert one if not.
if ($tokens[0][0] != T_WHITESPACE) {
$toktext .= " "; // serves as a token separator
else if($echo_tags && ($toktype == T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO)) {
// change "<?=" to "<?php echo"
$toktext = "<?php echo";
// Token separation is natural with "<?=" but it
// requires a separator for "<?php echo", so look
// ahead to make sure a separator follows
// and insert one if not.
if($tokens[0][0] != T_WHITESPACE) {
$toktext .= " "; // serves as a token separator
$source .= $toktext;
else {
// special character token
(DEBUG) and fprintf(STDERR,"{T_CHARACTER:%s}\n",$token);
$source .= $token;
return $change_count;
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