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Created December 13, 2012 15:56
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Simple bash script for migrating MySQL databases (including all associated user accounts) to a remote server. Use it with care because the usage of mysqldump in this script solely relies on default values which may vary greatly on your machine. (mysqldump is a powerful tool, so don't miss `man mysqldump`).
# Copyright (c) 2005 nixCraft project <>
# This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above
# Source:
# Author Vivek Gite <>,
# Peter Geil <>
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# SETME First - local mysql user/pass
# SETME First - remote mysql user/pass
# SETME First - remote mysql ssh info
# Make sure ssh keys are set
# sql file to hold grants and db info locally
#### No editing below #####
# Input data
# Die if no input given
[ $# -eq 0 ] && { echo "Usage: $0 MySQLDatabaseName [MySQLUserName]"; exit 1; }
# Make sure you can connect to local db server
mysqladmin -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" ping &>/dev/null || { echo "Error: Mysql server is not online or set correct values for _lusr, _lpass, and _lhost"; exit 2; }
# Make sure database exists
mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -N -B -e'show databases;' | grep -q "^${_db}$" || { echo "Error: Database $_db not found."; exit 3; }
##### Step 1: Okay build .sql file with db and users, password info ####
echo "*** Getting info about $_db..."
echo "create database IF NOT EXISTS $_db; " > "$_tmp"
# Generate grant statements used to recreate user accounts on target database server
# Build pattern used to filter grant statements
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
# Grab all users having privs on given db
_users_qry="SELECT DISTINCT user.User FROM user RIGHT JOIN db ON user.User=db.User WHERE db.Db=REPLACE('$_db', '_', '\\\\_')"
_users_re=`mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -B -N -e "$_users_qry" mysql | tr '\n' '|'`
# Grab all privs for given user name (old default)
# Filter out grant statements for databases other than given one
_negate_db_qry="SELECT DISTINCT Db FROM db WHERE REPLACE(Db,'\\\\','') NOT IN ('mysql', '$_db')"
_negate_db_re=`mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -B -N -e "$_negate_db_qry" mysql | tr '\n' '|' | tr '\' '\\\'`
# Generate grant statements and write to temporary file
# Preprocessing: 1. write comment line -> 2. remove semicolons already there -> 3. add semicolons to all statement lines
mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -D mysql -B -N \
-e "SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('SHOW GRANTS FOR ''',user,'''@''',host,''';') AS query FROM user" \
| grep -P "$_users_re\'" \
| mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" \
| grep -P -v "(${_negate_db_re%?})\`" \
| sed -e 's/Grants for .*/#### &/' -e '/;\s$/ s/;\s$//' -e '/;$/ s/;$//' -e '/^[^#]/ s/$/;/' >> "$_tmp"
##### Step 2: send .sql file to remote server ####
echo "*** Creating $_db on ${rsshhost}..."
scp "$_tmp" ${_rsshusr}@${_rsshhost}:/tmp/
#### Step 3: Create db and load users into remote db server ####
ssh ${_rsshusr}@${_rsshhost} mysql -u "$_rusr" -p"$_rpass" -h "$_rhost" < "$_tmp"
#### Step 4: Send mysql database and all data ####
echo "*** Exporting $_db from $HOSTNAME to ${_rsshhost}..."
mysqldump -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" "$_db" | ssh ${_rsshusr}@${_rsshhost} mysql -u "$_rusr" -p"$_rpass" -h "$_rhost" "$_db"
rm -f "$_tmp"
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