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pctj101 / embedded.go
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26 — forked from joshrotenberg/embedded.go
embedded nsqd
package main
// This is a basic example of running an nsqd instance embedded. It creates
// and runs an nsqd with all of the default options, and then produces
// and consumes a single message. You are probably better off running a
// standalone instance, but embedding it can simpllify deployment.
// See and
// for
// more details on how to configure an embedded nsqd instance.
RailsRoot = File.expand_path "#{File.dirname __FILE__}/.."
PidsDir = "#{RailsRoot}/tmp/pids"
ListenAddress = ""
ListenPort = 50000
UnixListen = "tmp/unicorn.sock"
Backlog = 2048
Workers = 10
Timeout = 30
# An example of using ngram analysis in ElasticSearch with the Tire rubygem
# ==========================================================================
# The original, raw example:
require 'rubygems'
require 'tire'
require 'yajl/json_gem'
class URL
def initialize(attributes={})
# An example of using ngram analysis in ElasticSearch with the Tire rubygem
# ==========================================================================
# The original, raw example:
require 'rubygems'
require 'tire'
require 'yajl/json_gem'
class URL
def initialize(attributes={})
This is an example how to perform multi-select faceting in ElasticSearch.
Selecting multiple values from the same facet will result in an OR filter between each of the values:
(facet1.value1 OR facet1.value2)
Faceting on more than one facet will result in an AND filter between each facet:
(facet1.value1 OR facet1.value2) AND (facet2.value1)
I have chosen to update the counts for each facet the selected value DOES NOT belong to since we are performing an AND between each facet. I have included an example that shows how to keep the counts if you don't want to do this (
pctj101 / Gemfile
Created May 8, 2014 09:21 — forked from bf4/Gemfile
gem 'lograge' # more readable logs
gem 'logstash-event' # for logstash json format
gem 'mono_logger' # threadsafe logging
pctj101 / index.html
Created February 21, 2014 08:52 — forked from enjalot/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Testing Pie Chart</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">
define( ['jquery'], function ( $ ) {
var token = $( 'meta[name="csrf-token"]' ).attr( 'content' );
$.ajaxSetup( {
beforeSend: function ( xhr ) {
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-CSRF-Token', token );
return token;
pctj101 / devise.rb
Created December 15, 2013 11:07 — forked from nicalpi/devise.rb
# initializers/devise.rb
config.omniauth :facebook, [APP_ID], [APP_SECRET]
config.omniauth :facebook_app1, [APP_ID], [APP_SECRET], :iframe => true, :scope => 'publish_stream,offline_access,email'
config.omniauth :facebook_app2, [APP_ID], [APP_SECRET], :iframe => true, :scope => 'publish_stream,offline_access,email'
pctj101 /
Created October 1, 2012 05:11 — forked from invalidusrname/
Resque: automatically kill stuck workers and retry failed jobs
set -e
# Updated to make use of timeout and email variables
# Also see: