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JavaScript for Automation (JXA) | Toggle macOS Accessibility Keyboard
* toggle-macos-accessibility-keyboard
* javascript for automation (jxa)
* description:
* macOS automation script to toggle the macOS Accessibility Keyboard.
* Shows and hides the keyboard depending on its current state.
* author: sidneys
* homepage:
* version: 2.0.2
* license: MIT
// Init
'use strict'
// Persist start-up state of the "System Preferences" app
var isRunningSystemPreferences = Application('System Preferences').running()
// Initialize storage for the checkbox value
var initialCheckboxValue
var currentCheckboxValue
// Show "Keyboard" pane within the Accessibility preferences
Application('System Preferences').panes.byId('').anchors[1].reveal()
// Start automated interaction
var appSE = Application('System Events')
// Wait for: System Preferences Window
while (appSE.processes.byName('System Preferences').windows[0].tabGroups.length !== 1) {}
// Wait for: Settings Pane
while (appSE.processes.byName('System Preferences').windows[0].tabGroups[0].radioButtons[1].name() !== 'Accessibility Keyboard') {}
// Select the "Accessibility Keyboard" Segmented Control
appSE.processes.byName('System Preferences').windows[0].tabGroups[0].radioButtons[1].click()
// Tick the "Enable Accessibility Keyboard" checkbox, remembering its before/after value
initialCheckboxValue = appSE.processes.byName('System Preferences').windows[0].tabGroups[0].checkboxes[0].value()
appSE.processes.byName('System Preferences').windows[0].tabGroups[0].checkboxes[0].click()
currentCheckboxValue = appSE.processes.byName('System Preferences').windows[0].tabGroups[0].checkboxes[0].value()
// Did the checkbox value change?
if (initialCheckboxValue === currentCheckboxValue) {
// No – Wait for: confirmation dialog
while (appSE.processes.byName('System Preferences').windows[0].sheets.length === 0) {}
// Dismiss dialog
appSE.processes.byName('System Preferences').windows[0].sheets[0].buttons[0].click()
// Did the "System Preferences" app run on start-up?
// Restore initial state of the "System Preferences" application
if (!isRunningSystemPreferences) {
// No – Quit
Application('System Preferences').quit()
} else {
// YesReturn to the overview screen
appSE.processes.byName('System Preferences').menuBars[0].menuBarItems[3].menus[0].menuItems[2].click()
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