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Last active November 20, 2021 14:37
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A lightweight and performant React global state management
/* eslint-disable no-console */
import {
} from 'react'
import deepCompare from 'deep-equal'
import shallowCompare from 'shallowequal'
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'
export type Comparator<T> =
| 'strict'
| 'shallow'
| 'deep'
| ((prev: T, next: T) => boolean)
export const compare = <T>(
prev: T,
next: T,
comparator: Comparator<T> = 'strict'
): boolean => {
switch (comparator) {
case 'strict': {
return prev === next
case 'shallow': {
return shallowCompare(prev, next)
case 'deep': {
return deepCompare(prev, next)
default: {
return comparator(prev, next)
const modInc = (x: number): number => {
return (x + 1) % 123456789
class SynchronousContext {
private static current: null | SynchronousContext = null
private static isWatcherExecuting = false
private static isWatcherSubscribing = false
public static warning(message: string): boolean {
if (SynchronousContext.isWatcherSubscribing) {
return false
if (
(SynchronousContext.current !== null ||
SynchronousContext.isWatcherExecuting) &&
typeof console !== 'undefined' &&
typeof console.warn === 'function'
) {
try {
throw new Error(message)
} catch {
// This error was thrown as a convenience so that if you enable
// "break on all exceptions" in your console,
// it would pause the execution at this line.
return true
return false
public static executeWatcher<T>(watcher: () => T): T {
SynchronousContext.isWatcherExecuting = true
const value = watcher()
SynchronousContext.isWatcherExecuting = false
return value
public static register<T>(microState: MicroStore<T>): void {
const current = SynchronousContext.current
if (current?.listener == null) {
if (current.cleanups.has(microState.key)) {
} else {
SynchronousContext.isWatcherSubscribing = true
SynchronousContext.isWatcherSubscribing = false
private listener: null | VoidFunction = null
private readonly deadCleanups = new Set<string>()
private readonly cleanups = new Map<string, VoidFunction>()
public activate(listener: VoidFunction): void {
SynchronousContext.current = this
this.listener = listener
this.cleanups.forEach((_, key) => this.deadCleanups.add(key))
public cleanupObsolete(): void {
SynchronousContext.current = null
this.listener = null
this.deadCleanups.forEach((key) => {
const clean = this.cleanups.get(key)
if (typeof clean === 'function') {
public cleanupAll(): void {
this.listener = null
this.cleanups.forEach((cleanup) => cleanup())
export class MicroStore<T> {
public static of<TValue>(value: TValue): MicroStore<TValue> {
'You should not call MicroState.of(something) inside the useWatch(watcher) callback. ' +
'he useWatch(watcher) hook is for read-only operations but MicroState.of(something) creates one.'
return new MicroStore(value)
private readonly subscribers = new Map<string, VoidFunction>()
public readonly key = nanoid()
protected constructor(private value: T) {}
private emit(): void {
this.subscribers.forEach((listener) => listener())
public clone(): MicroStore<T>
public clone<R>(fn: (value: T) => R): MicroStore<R>
public clone<R>(fn?: (value: T) => R): MicroStore<T | R> {
return MicroStore.of(typeof fn === 'function' ? fn(this.value) : this.value)
public setState(
fnOrValue: T | ((value: T) => T),
comparator: Comparator<T> = 'strict'
): void {
if (
'You may not call microState.setState(something) inside the useWatch(watcher) callback. ' +
'The useWatch(watcher) hook is for read-only operations but microState.setState(something) changes it.'
) {
const nextValue =
typeof fnOrValue === 'function'
? (fnOrValue as (value: T) => T)(this.value)
: fnOrValue
if (!compare(this.value, nextValue, comparator)) {
this.value = nextValue
public subscribe(listener: VoidFunction): VoidFunction {
if (
'You should not call microState.subscribe(listener) inside the useWatch(watcher) callback. ' +
'The useWatch(watcher) hook is for read-only operations but not for creating subscriptions.'
) {
return () => {
// do nothing
const subscriberId = nanoid()
this.subscribers.set(subscriberId, listener)
return () => {
public getState(): T
public getState<R>(fn: (value: T) => R): R
public getState<R>(fn?: (value: T) => R): T | R {
return typeof fn === 'function' ? fn(this.value) : this.value
type UnpackDirect<T> = T extends MicroStore<infer R> ? R : T
export type GetMicroState<T> = T extends MicroStore<infer R>
? R
: T extends Array<infer R>
? Array<UnpackDirect<R>>
: T extends ReadonlyArray<infer R>
? ReadonlyArray<UnpackDirect<R>>
: { [K in keyof T]: UnpackDirect<T[K]> }
export function useMicroUpdate<T>(
microStore: null | undefined | MicroStore<T>,
comparator: Comparator<T> = 'strict'
): Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>> {
return useCallback(
(update): void => {
microStore?.setState(update, comparator)
[microStore, comparator]
export function useMicroWatch<T>(
watcher: () => T,
comparator: Comparator<T> = 'strict'
): T {
const [x, render] = useReducer(modInc, 0)
// the flag is shared across all .activate listeners
// created in different useEffect ticks
const isRenderTriggeredRef = useRef(false)
// workaround to handle changes of the watcher returning value
const valueRef = useRef<T>()
const watcherRef = useRef<() => T>()
if (watcherRef.current !== watcher) {
valueRef.current = SynchronousContext.executeWatcher(watcher)
// permanent ref
const contextRef = useRef<SynchronousContext>()
if (contextRef.current == null) {
contextRef.current = new SynchronousContext()
// no need to re-register .getState calls when comparator changes
// it is only needed when watcher calls inside .activate listener
const comparatorRef = useRef(comparator)
useEffect(() => {
comparatorRef.current = comparator
}, [comparator])
useEffect(() => {
isRenderTriggeredRef.current = false
contextRef.current!.activate(() => {
const currentValue = valueRef.current!
const nextValue = SynchronousContext.executeWatcher(watcherRef.current!)
valueRef.current = nextValue
// no need to listen for all .getState updates
// the only one is enough to trigger the render
if (
!isRenderTriggeredRef.current &&
!compare(currentValue, nextValue, comparatorRef.current)
) {
isRenderTriggeredRef.current = true
// register .getState() calls
watcherRef.current = watcher
valueRef.current = SynchronousContext.executeWatcher(watcher)
}, [x, watcher])
// cleanup everything when unmounts
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, [])
return valueRef.current!
export function useMicroState<T>(
microState: MicroStore<T>,
comparator?: Comparator<T>
): [T, Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>>]
export function useMicroState<T>(
microState: null | MicroStore<T>,
comparator?: Comparator<T>
): [null | T, Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>>]
export function useMicroState<T>(
microState: undefined | MicroStore<T>,
comparator?: Comparator<T>
): [undefined | T, Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>>]
export function useMicroState<T>(
microState: null | undefined | MicroStore<T>,
comparator?: Comparator<T>
): [null | undefined | T, Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>>]
export function useMicroState<T>(
microState: null | undefined | MicroStore<T>,
comparator: Comparator<T> = 'strict'
): [null | undefined | T, Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>>] {
const [, render] = useReducer(modInc, 0)
useEffect(() => {
return microState?.subscribe(render)
}, [microState])
return [microState?.getState(), useMicroUpdate(microState, comparator)]
export function useMicroDispatch<T, A>(
microState: MicroStore<T>,
update: (action: A, state: T) => T,
comparator?: Comparator<T>
): [T, Dispatch<A>]
export function useMicroDispatch<T, A>(
microState: null | MicroStore<T>,
update: (action: A, state: T) => T,
comparator?: Comparator<T>
): [null | T, Dispatch<A>]
export function useMicroDispatch<T, A>(
microState: undefined | MicroStore<T>,
update: (action: A, state: T) => T,
comparator?: Comparator<T>
): [undefined | T, Dispatch<A>]
export function useMicroDispatch<T, A>(
microState: null | undefined | MicroStore<T>,
update: (action: A, state: T) => T,
comparator?: Comparator<T>
): [null | undefined | T, Dispatch<A>]
export function useMicroDispatch<T, A>(
microState: null | undefined | MicroStore<T>,
update: (action: A, state: T) => T,
comparator: Comparator<T> = 'strict'
): [null | undefined | T, Dispatch<A>] {
const [state, setState] = useMicroState(microState, comparator)
const updateRef = useRef(update)
useEffect(() => {
updateRef.current = update
}, [update])
return [
(action) => {
return setState((currentState) =>
updateRef.current(action, currentState)
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