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Last active November 10, 2017 14:53
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Newton-Raphson Equation Root Finder
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import Tuple, List, Generator
class Function(ABC):
"""Function for Newton-Raphson algorithm
def calculate(self, x: float) -> float:
"""Executes function on x which is iteratively corrected guess value,
until is step is smaller than precision """
class FDx(Function):
"""Derived F(x) == F'(x), e.g. if F(x) = x^2 => F'(x) = 2x """
def calculate(self, x: float) -> float:
"""see Function.calculate"""
class Fx(Function):
"""Function from which we are calculating F(x) = 0"""
def calculate(self, x: float) -> float:
"""see Function.calculate"""
def derived(self) -> FDx:
"""Create a derivation of this function"""
class NewtonRaphsonCalculator(object):
"""General implementation of Newton-Raphson method
Accepts more functions, but every Fx should have its derived version FDx
def __init__(self, *fs: Fx, precision: int = DEFAULT_PRECISION):
assert all(isinstance(f, Fx) for f in fs), \
"NewtonRaphsonCalculator accepts only `Fx` objects"
self.fxs: List[Fx] = list(fs)
self.precision = self._precision = precision
def execute_functions(self, guess: float) -> Generator[Tuple[float, float], None, None]:
"""Executes functions on guessed value"""
return ((fx.calculate(guess), fx.derived.calculate(guess)) for fx in self.fxs)
def precision(self):
return pow(10, -self._precision)
def precision(self, value: int):
assert isinstance(value, int)
self._precision = value
def calculate(self, guess: float = DEFAULT_GUESS) -> float:
"""Executes the iterative calculation
See more about this method in
basically you want to calculate x when F(x) = 0, so you will need F'(x) with this method
If there are partial functions, they will summed together:
F(x) = F1(x) + F2(x) + ... + Fn(x)
F'(x) = F1'(x) + F2'(x) + ... + Fn'(x)
diff = 1.0
value = guess
iterations = 0
while diff > self.precision:
assert iterations < self.MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS, \
"Maximum iteration loop `count:{}` exceeded".format(self.MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS)
iterations += 1
# sum up all results of all functions
ys, yds = zip(*self.execute_functions(value))
y, yd = sum(ys), sum(yds)
# remember the last value
old_value = value
assert yd != 0, "for `value:{}` f'(x) returned bad value: 0".format(value)
# value[n] = value[n-1] - Fn(x)/Fn'(x)
value = old_value - y / yd
diff = abs(old_value - value)
return value
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