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Last active May 10, 2024 15:36
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apple dev issues
# A reference to document problems that I encountered related to apple development and how to fix them
## Git
### Define git credential helper of choice
`git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain`
### Add credentials to git credential helper
`git credential fill`
now you need to enter the following information, confirming each line of input with enter, when you are done leave one line empty and confirm again with enter
See [git-credential]( for detailed information
## Using a HTTPS Git with Xcode and SPM
### Tell git to use the Keychain to store http credentials
`git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain`
### Tell Xcode to use system git credentials
`defaults write IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM true`
### Tell xcodebuild to use system git credentials
**Just pass the following flag to xcodebuild**
`xcodebuild -usePackageSupportBuiltinSCM`
## Crashes
### Symbolizing crash reports with crash reporting service
I noticed that the crash reporting service I used was not able to symbolize crash reports due to missing dSyms
all dSysms were correctly provided trough a build phase script and bitcode was disabled, to process the crashes I cooked my own dSyms:
1. find UUID of missing dSym file
2. obtain a copy of a valid dSym file of the app
3. obtain UUID of that dSym file *dwarfdump -u YOURdSym.dsym*
4. open the DWARF file of the dSym in a hex editor and lookup the UUID you obtained through the last command
5. replace the UUID with the one from the crash reporting service
6. upload that dSym to crash reporting service
original source:
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