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Last active June 14, 2023 16:52
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Docker Macvlan and Ipvlan Experimental Driver Examples

  • The build will be vendored into in the next few days. In the meantime here is the binary that will be getting vendored.
  • Ipvlan L2 mode network with multiple subnets without a parent specified
  • For a long test that will create 54 networks and 120+ containers, then delete them all and recreate them again try Instructions here Docker Macvlan and Ipvlan Manual IT Test
  • FYI Note: When the parent is empty or the --internal flag is used, a linux type dummy interface is dynamically created by Libnetwork to act as the parent. This network is completely isolated and is the equivalent to a --internal flag. This is a good mode for demoing.
  • The first test requires an interface named eth0. Change the name to any other NIC naming on the docker host.

Create multiple macvlan bridge subnets using a sub-interface eth0.215 and VLAN ID 215

  • Note: gateways for a subnet left empty will default to the first usable address on the subnet. Example: would get a gateway of unless explicitly set with --gateway=172.16.90.x
docker network  create  -d macvlan \
    --subnet= \
    --subnet= \
    --gateway=  \
    -o parent=eth0.215 \
     -o macvlan_mode=bridge macnet215

# Test connectivity
docker run --net=macnet215 --ip= -itd alpine /bin/sh
docker run --net=macnet215 --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2

# Test connectivity
docker run --net=macnet215 --ip= -itd alpine /bin/sh
docker run --net=macnet215 --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2

Ipvlan L2 mode network with multiple subnets without a parent specified using a dummy interface

docker network  create  -d ipvlan \
	--subnet= \
	--subnet= \
	--gateway=  \
	--gateway=  \
	 -o ipvlan_mode=l2 ipnet212

# Start a container on each subnet
docker run --net=ipnet212 --ip= -itd alpine /bin/sh
docker run --net=ipnet212 --ip= -itd alpine /bin/sh

# Test connectivity
docker run --net=ipnet212 --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2

# Test connectivity
docker run --net=ipnet212 --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2

Ipvlan L3 mode network with multiple subnets without a parent specified using a dummy interface

docker network  create  -d ipvlan \
	--subnet= \
	--subnet= \
	 -o ipvlan_mode=l3 ipnet214

# Test connectivity
docker run --net=ipnet214 --ip= -itd alpine /bin/sh
docker run --net=ipnet214 --ip= -itd alpine /bin/sh

# Test L3 connectivity from to
docker run --net=ipnet214 --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2

# Test L3 connectivity from to
docker run --net=ipnet214 --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2

Dual Stack Ipvlan L3 mode with an interface specified using a dummy interface

  • All modes with both Macvlan and Ipvlan support Dual Stack IPv4/IPv6
docker network  create  -d ipvlan \
   --subnet= \
   --subnet= \
   --gateway= \
   --subnet=fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::/64 \
   --gateway=fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::254 \
   --subnet=fded:7a74:dec4:5a19::/64 \
   --gateway=fded:7a74:dec4:5a19::254 \
   -o ipvlan_mode=l3 \

# Start containers on & 7a74:dec4:5a18::/64
docker run --net=dualstack --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::81 -itd alpine /bin/sh
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= -itd alpine /bin/sh
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::80 -itd alpine /bin/sh

# Start containers on & 7a74:dec4:5a19::/64
docker run --net=dualstack --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::91 -itd alpine /bin/sh
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= -itd alpine /bin/sh
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::90 -itd alpine /bin/sh

# Start containers on a mix of the v4/v6 networks create
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::100 -itd alpine /bin/sh
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a19::100 -itd alpine /bin/sh

# Ping from one v6 subnet to another enabled by L3 mode
docker run --net=dualstack --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a19::25 -it --rm alpine ping6 -c 2 fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::81
docker run --net=dualstack --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a19::25 -it --rm alpine ping6 -c 2 fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::100
# Ping from one v6 subnet to another enabled by L3 mode
docker run --net=dualstack --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::25 -it --rm alpine ping6 -c 2 fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::91
docker run --net=dualstack --ip6=fded:7a74:dec4:5a18::25 -it --rm alpine ping6 -c 2 fded:7a74:dec4:5a19::100

# Ping from one v4 inside a subnet and to another enabled by L3 mode
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2
# Ping from one v4 inside a subnet and to another enabled by L3 mode
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2
docker run --net=dualstack --ip= -it --rm alpine ping -c 2
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ThomasFreedman commented May 17, 2018

I have read several articles about macvlan & ipvlan, but am having difficulty understanding them.

I need to implement host--> container communications with (external to host)--> container isolation. A host-only, internal network not accessible from outside the host where host and containers can connect is what I'm trying to achieve, as I describe here.

I suspect one of the examples you describe here may be the solution I need but I am not sure which provide the desired connectivity between host and container while at the same time isolating containers from connections external to the host.

I'm not a network expert, so I don't understand the L2 & L3 references in your description, tho I do understand this IP nomenclature: (/24 is a mask, the number of bits in IP address allowed so it expresses a range of IP addresses).

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