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Last active January 26, 2017 23:44
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Agency Pro - Multiple background Images
//* Enqueue Backstretch script and prepare images for loading
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'agency_enqueue_backstretch_scripts' );
function agency_enqueue_backstretch_scripts() {
// $image = get_option( 'agency-backstretch-image', sprintf( '%s/images/bg.jpg', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ) );
//* Load scripts only if custom backstretch image is being used
//if ( ! empty( $image ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'agency-pro-backstretch', get_bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' ) . '/js/backstretch.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.0.0' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'agency-pro-backstretch-set', get_bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' ).'/js/backstretch-set.js' , array( 'jquery', 'agency-pro-backstretch' ), '1.0.0' );
//wp_localize_script( 'agency-pro-backstretch-set', 'BackStretchImg', array( 'src' => str_replace( 'http:', '', $image ) ) );
// }
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// Create an array of images that you'd like to use
var images = [
// Get a random number between 0 and the number of images
var randomNumber = Math.floor( Math.random() * images.length );
// Use the random number to load a random image
//Source -
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
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I can only get this to work on the homepage of the 411-theme , get white pages else where. What could be the issue thanks

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