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yorickdowne /
Last active September 26, 2024 09:09
Great and less great SSDs for Ethereum nodes


Syncing an Ethereum node is largely reliant on latency and IOPS, I/O Per Second, of the storage. Budget SSDs will struggle to an extent, and some won't be able to sync at all. For simplicity, this page treats IOPS as a proxy for/predictor of latency.

This document aims to snapshot some known good and known bad models.

The drive lists are ordered by interface and then by capacity and alphabetically by vendor name, not by preference. The lists are not exhaustive at all. @mwpastore linked a filterable spreadsheet in comments that has a far greater variety of drives and their characteristics. Filter it by DRAM yes, NAND Type TLC, Form Factor M.2, and desired capacity.

For size, 4TB comes recommended as of mid 2024. The smaller 2TB drive should last an Ethereum full node until early 2025 or thereabouts, with crystal ball uncertainty. The Portal team aim to make 2TB [last forever with EIP-4444](https://

hungdoansy / main.ts
Created July 5, 2022 06:02
Call a contract method at a specific block using ethers.js
// Example of using ethers.js to interact with a smart contract
// Call a contract method at a specific block
// This example is to get rate of a token at a block
import { ethers } from "ethers"
import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"
// prettier-ignore
const oracleABI = '[{"inputs":[{"internalType":"contract MultiWrapper","name":"_multiWrapper","type":"address"},{"internalType":"contract IOracle[]","name":"existingOracles","type":"address[]"},{"internalType":"enum OffchainOracle.OracleType[]","name":"oracleTypes","type":"uint8[]"},{"internalType":"contract IERC20[]","name":"existingConnectors","type":"address[]"},{"internalType":"contract IERC20","name":"wBase","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"internalType":"contract IERC20","name":"connector","type":"address"}],"name":"ConnectorAdded","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"internalType":"contract IERC20","name":"connector","type":"address"}],"name":"
wosc /
Created July 8, 2021 07:49
Creating tracing data from an haproxy access log via fluent bit and opentelemetry collector

Creating opentelemetry tracing data from an haproxy access log


Unfortunately, otelcol currently has no receiver for logfiles that produces tracing data. There is log tailing functionality, and e.g. a fluent forward protocol receiver, but they all create "log" data, not tracing. I've seen this proof of concept to implement a forward receiver that creates tracing data, but that seems to have no traction and no relation to the upstream project at all (not even git history.

Thus, we've settled on this approach:

frank-dspeed /
Last active December 19, 2023 07:20 — forked from cecilemuller/
How to create an HTTPS certificate for localhost domains

How to create an HTTPS certificate for localhost domains

This focuses on generating the certificates for loading local virtual hosts hosted on your computer, for development only.

Do not use self-signed certificates in production ! For online certificates, use Let's Encrypt instead (tutorial).

Create a own domain (1-10 Domains No Wildcards)

edit /etc/hosts add my.

mill1000 /
Last active July 5, 2024 08:18
Headless A2DP Audio Streaming on Raspbian Stretch


This gist will show how to setup Raspbian Stretch as a headless Bluetooth A2DP audio sink. This will allow your phone, laptop or other Bluetooth device to play audio wirelessly through a Rasperry Pi.


A quick search will turn up a plethora of tutorials on setting up A2DP on the Raspberry Pi. However, I felt this gist was necessary because this solution is:

  • Automatic & Headless - Once setup, the system is entirely automatic. No user iteration is required to pair, connect or start playback. Therefore the Raspberry Pi can be run headless.
  • Simple - This solution has few dependencies, readily available packages and minimal configuration.
  • Up to date - As of December 2017. Written for Raspbian Stretch & Bluez 5.43


matthewzring /
Last active September 26, 2024 17:51
A guide to Markdown on Discord.

Markdown Text 101

Want to inject some flavor into your everyday text chat? You're in luck! Discord uses Markdown, a simple plain text formatting system that'll help you make your sentences stand out. Here's how to do it! Just add a few characters before & after your desired text to change your text! I'll show you some examples...

What this guide covers:

egmontkob /
Last active September 25, 2024 23:31
Hyperlinks in Terminal Emulators
lg / uap-ac-lite-openwrt.txt
Last active October 22, 2023 12:16
making the ubnt wifi awesome (uap ac lite) w/ openwrt
making the ubnt wifi awesome (uap ac lite) w/ lede (openwrt)
the reasons you would do this:
- you get 802.11r
- you get better roaming
- you get access to some new 5ghz channels
** note that though we're using Lede, it's essentially openwrt minus the drama
zburgermeiszter /
Created December 29, 2015 21:48
Loop video file as fake webcam device with ffmpeg
ffmpeg -re -f concat -i <(for i in {1..9999}; do printf "file '%s'\n" input.mp4; done) -f v4l2 /dev/video1 && !!