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Last active February 24, 2022 21:00
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keccak256 of uint256 in Cairo

This gist contains the following Solidity code translated to Cairo:

uint256 x = 20
uint256 out = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(x)))

It uses the keccak256 implementation from starknet-l2-storage-verifier lib. The function deals with all the peculiarities of the necessary conversion (endianness, splitting of Uint256 to four 64-bit words and back again). There's also two helper python function to illustrate how to pass arguments in and how to deal with the result.

%lang starknet
from starkware.cairo.common.alloc import alloc
from starkware.cairo.common.bitwise import bitwise_and
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import BitwiseBuiltin
from starkware.cairo.common.math import unsigned_div_rem
from starkware.cairo.common.uint256 import Uint256
from lib.keccak import keccak256
from lib.swap_endianness import swap_endianness_64
const TOP = 0xffffffffffffffff0000000000000000
const BOTTOM = 0xffffffffffffffff
const SHIFT = 0x10000000000000000
func hash_uint256{range_check_ptr, bitwise_ptr : BitwiseBuiltin*}(input : Uint256) -> (
out : Uint256):
let (t0) = bitwise_and(input.high, TOP)
let w0 = t0 / SHIFT
let (w1) = bitwise_and(input.high, BOTTOM)
let (t2) = bitwise_and(input.low, TOP)
let w2 = t2 / SHIFT
let (w3) = bitwise_and(input.low, BOTTOM)
let word : felt* = alloc()
assert word[0] = w0
assert word[1] = w1
assert word[2] = w2
assert word[3] = w3
let (keccak_ptr : felt*) = alloc()
let (hash) = keccak256{keccak_ptr=keccak_ptr}(word, 32)
let (p0) = swap_endianness_64(hash[0], 8)
let (p1) = swap_endianness_64(hash[1], 8)
let (p2) = swap_endianness_64(hash[2], 8)
let (p3) = swap_endianness_64(hash[3], 8)
# (p0 * (1 << 64)) + p1
let high = (p0 * SHIFT) + p1
# (p2 * (1 << 64)) + p3
let low = (p2 * SHIFT) + p3
let rnd : Uint256 = Uint256(low=low, high=high)
return (rnd)
def as_uint256(n: int) -> tuple:
low = n & (2**128-1)
high = n >> 128
return (low, high)
def from_uint256(uint256: tuple) -> int:
return uint256[0] + (uint256[1] << 128)
# test example
async def test_rnd(contract):
n = 0x4000c000000000f000220000000012000f80
tx_info = await contract.hash_uint256(as_uint256(n)).invoke()
out = tx_info.result.out
assert from_uint256(out) == 23577221375772213464954469177302724949126992121106576711443777859778089135604
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kelemeno commented Feb 24, 2022

In line 20, you divide by BOTTOM=2^64 -1, do you not want to divide by 2^64 instead?

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You are, of course, right @kelemeno Thank you for pointing it out. The stupid-lucky thing is that because I'm discarding the remainder, it works. Updated the gist.

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