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Grammar boilerplate with annotations.
# TextMate tutorial:
# Regex to convert keys to unquoted: '(include|match|captures|begin|end|beginCaptures|endCaptures|name|patterns|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|comment|fileTypes|scopeName|repository|contentName|firstLineMatch|foldingStartMarker|foldingStopMarker)':
scopeName: 'source.<scope>' # <scope> should be a short, unique indicator for the language ("js", "php", "c", etc.)
name: '<name>' # The title that will show up in grammar selection and on your status bar.
fileTypes: [ # An array of file extensions.
firstLineMatch: '' # A regular expression that is matched against the first line of the document when Atom is trying to decide if the grammar is appropriate. Useful for shell scripts, mostly.
foldingStartMarker: '' # A regular expression that checks for the start of a foldable area (such as `{`).
foldingStopMarker: '' # A regular expression that checks for the end of a foldable area (such as `}`). If both folding markers are matched in the same line, there will be no foldable area.
patterns: [ # An array of individual pattern declarations.
match: '' # A regular expression that matches some content. Optional.
begin: '' # A regular expression that precedes the content. Optional.
end: '' # A regular expression that follows the content. Optional.
name: '' # A period-delimited list of classes that will be applied to the content identified by `match`. Optional.
contentName: '' # A period-delimited list of classes that will be applied to the content within `begin` and `end`. Optional.
captures: # An array of `name` designations for `match` expressions that capture multiple bits. Optional.
0: # Arrays start at zero. This one will catch the whole regex. 1+ will catch the capture groups.
name: '' # This should be self-explanatory by now.
beginCaptures: # An array of `name` designations for `begin` expressions that capture multiple bits. Optional.
name: ''
endCaptures: # An array of `name` designations for `end` expressions that capture multiple bits. Optional.
name: ''
include: '' # This can be a reference to another grammar (by scope name), the current grammar (with `$self`), or a rule from the grammar's repository (with `#<rule>`). Optional.
patterns: [] # This is where you can get tricky. When you have matched content, Atom will search within it for anything in the child array. You can have `patterns[]` within `patterns[]`, then throw an `include` in to jump to some other rule or refer back to the root of the grammar. If you are making a rule that captures a block that might contain other tags, you should refer back to the root. Optional, naturally.
match: ''
begin: ''
end: ''
name: ''
contentName: ''
name: ''
name: ''
name: ''
include: ''
repository: # An array of rules. If you're going to be referencing one bit of code over and over again, stick it here so that you can edit all in one place.
ruleName: # Can be anything.
name: ''
match: ''
end: ''
name: ''
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