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Last active December 17, 2015 11:09
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Save mbj/5599869 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DM2 names We need a name to solve dm1 and dm2 namespace clash proactively
* rom (ruby-object-mapper)
* rohm
* rome (easier to pronounce)
* resistance
* bloom
* allure
* agrabla (esperanto) agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant
* vigor (power, energy)
* moxie (courage)
* "mowr" (pronounced "mower", meaning nothing i can think of, except: "mapping objects with ruby")
* ampere
* damaru (DataMapper for ruby)
* rumada (ruby mapping data)
* rudama (ruby data mapper)?
* remapper
* rem
Available domain under .io or .org.
Available github account.
Available rubygems name!
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s/free/available :)

PS I like "mowr"

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Perhaps something map themed? IDK if these are open: "cartesian" or "magellan"?

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Magellan and cartesian are both taken rubygems :(

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Especially with the namespace clash, the shorter the better, in my opinion, and the closer to an English word, the better (the fingers will already be conditioned to typing it). Why not 'Em' for Entity-map? That has the added bonus of being cross-keyboard, so you can type it faster than 'Rom' or 'Rome'.

Otherwise, Rome and Rom are my second choice.

EDIT: Apparently there are rules! I should have noticed that.

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piotrze commented May 17, 2013

My propose: data-harvester

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solnic commented May 17, 2013

See. Naming is hard. Because all the cool names are taken. Except those weird ones we came up with :D

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solnic commented May 17, 2013

@piotrze there's another rule actually - it must be short :)

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I like mower (mapping objects with excellent ruby) the best, but second place would be rom/rohm/rome

Edit: github/mower is taken, so I guess it'll have to be the mowr form

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What about DAM, Data-Access-Mapping or Data Access Mapper?! Too close to the HTML DOM??

Edit: the .io domain is taken and so is the github account, sorry ... grrrr

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Tynker ( a play on word "Tinker" )

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solnic commented May 17, 2013

@florinpatrascu taken on rubygems :)

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then what about "wabi"? See: Shibusa. "Wabi" is available as .io and on rubygems. Too abstract? Shibui is taken by Heroku.

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homakov commented May 17, 2013


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avdi commented May 17, 2013

  • Ductwork (Ducts, Duct)
  • Conveyance
  • Ballast
  • Trunk

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I really like damaru

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clemens commented May 18, 2013

I would cross moxie off the list: moxiecode ( is the company behind TinyMCE, plupload etc. and one part of the new plupload infrastructure is even called moxie (

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clemens commented May 18, 2013

By the way, how about "osum" – means nothing in particular (so far as I know) but sounds kind of cool (like "awesome"). :D

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solnic commented May 18, 2013

So far the winner seems to be ROM :) Damaru turned out to mean "shut up" so it's probably a blocker :P

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Also make sure the organization is open as well, for things like drapergem/draper

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Apparently the word "datanomi" relates to the word "data", I think it's a finnish derivative? Meets all requirements.

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r3n4ud commented May 18, 2013

datumo, i.e. data in espéranto ?

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When choosing names, the name must describe what the library actually does. Avoid clever or cute names.

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mbj commented May 18, 2013

@postmodern So rom makes most sense IMHO. Ruby Object Mapper. Nothing more or less.

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solnic commented May 19, 2013

@postmodern I disagree that the name must describe anything although it's nice when it does

I thought about Rom name a lot during last couple of days and I'm completely sold on it right now. First of all it's super short. Secondly it's actually an abbreviation of what the project is - a ruby object mapper. We could have rom project with the mapper and rest of the things as rom-something (like rom-session etc.). The only "issue" is that there's already rom github handle but we could use rom-project or rom-gem as a workaround (others do that and I don't find this to be a real problem). In fact I kinda prefer to have rom-project/rom instead of rom/rom :)

Anyhow, thank you all for your ideas. We're still discussing possible names so keep them coming ;)

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wrozka commented May 20, 2013

I like the rom, it suggests a nice 8bit logo ;)

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snusnu commented May 21, 2013

i really like rom too, for all the reasons @solnic already mentioned. also, i really need the code renamed sooner rather than later, we need to use both dm1 and dm2 in our app, and naming clashes make that "impossible". @dkubb wdyt?

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What about delineate? Definition:

describe or portray (something) precisely

Also, kind of drawing a line between persistence and domain logic. As uncle bob said:

Good design is about drawing lines.

.io is available, rubygems available, github taken since Feb 14, 2011 but has no activity at all, a dead account. Maybe it's possible to talk to that person to turn it into an organization.

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rolfb commented May 29, 2013

I like remapper.

It sounds like a real word, easy to grok meaning from code / Gemfile, available pretty much anywhere and pronounciation is suitable for talks and presentations.

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dkubb commented May 31, 2013

I like rom: Ruby Object Mapper.

I especially like @wrozka's idea about an 8-bit logo too ;)

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