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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Number guessing game - Code Fellows Foundations I assignment 1
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var guess, answer, message, done, guessedSoFarLow, guessedSoFarHigh, iteration, low, high;
answer = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); //math floor rounds down and truncates
done = false;
//keep track of high and low guesses in arrays so we can sort the numbers
guessedSoFarLow = [];
guessedSoFarHigh = [];
iteration = 1;
//set the beginning high and low boundries, these will be changed as guesses get closer
high = 100;
low = 1;
while (done === false) {
guess = prompt("Guess a number between 1 and 100, or EXIT. Number is between " + low + ' and ' + high + '.');
if (guess == answer) {
if (iteration == 1) {
message = "You win on the first guess! Ahhmazing!";41
} else {
message = "You win! The number was " + guess +". It took you " + iteration + " tries.";
//end the game
done = true;
} else if (guess == 'EXIT') {
//control for illegal responses
} else if (isNaN(guess) == true) {
message = guess + " is not a number, you goof.";
} else if (guess < 1 || guess > 100) {
message = guess + " is out of range. Try again.";
//record a low guess
} else if (guess < answer) {
message = "Your guess is LOW. Try again.";
guessedSoFarLow.sort(function(a,b){return a-b});
low = Math.max(0, guessedSoFarLow[guessedSoFarLow.length-1]);
iteration += 1;
//record a high guess
} else if (guess > answer) {
message = "Your guess is HIGH. Try again.";
guessedSoFarHigh.sort(function(a,b){return a-b});
high = Math.min(100, guessedSoFarHigh[0]);
iteration += 1;
} else {
message = "I... I don't understand. Try again.";
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