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Created July 18, 2023 06:24
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TDD anti patterns - Survey focused on the industry and developer experience - data version 2022
Timestamp I am a software developer working in the industry professionally for: I work/worked for projects in the following countries (list provided by I write/wrote code professionally in the following languages (programming languages listed are from How many years of experience do you have doing Testing? I am familiar with testing tools such as Junit, Jest, PHPUnit or any other framework that provides a common ground to write tests. I learned TDD at work I learned TDD myself, through books, videos courses or tutorials. People that I work/worked with already knew TDD The people I work with practice TDD as part of daily work I practice TDD as part of my daily workflow. I feel that TDD makes me go slower than if I wasn't doing it I am not allowed to push code for review without a test case with it The companies I work/worked at, required TDD to join them as part of the job description. Companies I work/worked at do not practice TDD Companies I work/worked at argued that TDD requires more time to complete a task and the teams didn't have the required time to use it. Companies I work/worked at value the TDD practice and acknowledge its pros and cons I can recall in my mind at least one TDD anti pattern From the following list check the anti patterns you can recall I could spot at least one TDD anti pattern in the code base I work/worked on professionally. I feel that TDD anti patterns slows me down When I tried to practice TDD in a code base without tests, I felt that I was slowed down by writing the test first. I write test because I am worried about the code coverage I write tests, but without TDD because the project I am working on demands tests. If you want to be notified when the results are published, leave your email address on the box that follows.
9/14/2022 10:49:30 Between 5 and 10 years Spain, United Kingdom, United States Python, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, SQL, R, Scala Between 1 and 3 years Agree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Neutral Neutral Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Neutral
9/14/2022 10:50:37 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, United States Javascript, PHP, GO, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Agree Agree Disagree Neutral Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 10:53:35 Between 5 and 10 years Germany, Spain, Switzerland, United States Javascript, Typescript Between 3 and 5 years Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree
9/14/2022 10:59:18 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, Thailand, United States Python, C++, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Lua, Other Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Neutral The liar, The giant, The mockery, Generous leftovers, The local hero, The nitipicker, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency, The stranger, The one Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Agree
9/14/2022 11:05:55 Between 5 and 10 years Spain PHP, GO Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Neutral Agree The liar Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 11:28:16 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Python, Java, C#, Javascript, SQL, GO, Typescript Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral The liar, The giant, The mockery, Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 11:29:11 Between 10 and 20 years Saudi Arabia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States C#, Swift, Kotlin Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree The liar, The inspector, The local hero, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 11:29:13 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, United Kingdom C# Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 11:29:59 Between 1 and 3 years Spain, United States Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Other I have no experience in professional projects Neutral Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 11:30:36 Between 20 and 30 years Spain Java, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Groovy Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 11:31:41 Between 20 and 30 years Argentina, Australia, Chile, Spain, United Kingdom, United States C, Python, C++, SQL, GO Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Disagree Neutral Neutral Agree Disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 11:32:36 Between 20 and 30 years Andorra, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Groovy, Perl, Scala, Kotlin Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Agree The giant, The secret catcher, The dodger, oudmounth, Excessive setup, Success against all odds, The slow poke Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 11:34:30 Between 20 and 30 years Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, United States C, Python, Java, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Groovy, Ruby, MATLAB, Perl, Scala, Kotlin Between 10 and 20 years Agree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 11:36:49 Between 10 and 20 years Norway, Spain, United States C, Java, C++, C# Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, The inspector, Excessive setup, The stranger, Success against all odds, The slow poke Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Disagree
9/14/2022 11:42:08 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, United States C, Java, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript, Groovy, GO, Other Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Neutral Disagree The mockery, Excessive setup Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 11:43:09 Between 10 and 20 years Germany, Spain, United States Java, C#, Javascript, PHP Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 11:46:18 Between 5 and 10 years Malta, Spain, United Kingdom, United States Javascript, Typescript Less than one year Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree
9/14/2022 11:49:35 Between 5 and 10 years Germany PHP Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree The giant, The mockery, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Neutral
9/14/2022 11:50:40 Between 20 and 30 years Central African Republic, Kenya, Laos, Norway, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Spain, United Kingdom Java, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Swift, Objective C, Kotlin, Dart, Typescript Between 10 and 20 years Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Neutral Agree Excessive setup, The operating system evangelist, The slow poke Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 11:56:08 Between 5 and 10 years Chile, Denmark, Spain C, Python, Java, C++, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Ruby, GO, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree The liar, The mockery, The local hero, The secret catcher, Excessive setup, The operating system evangelist, Success against all odds Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree
9/14/2022 11:59:12 Between 5 and 10 years Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, United States C, Python, Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Kotlin, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, The nitipicker, Excessive setup, The stranger, The free ride, The slow poke Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 11:59:58 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Javascript, Typescript I have no experience in professional projects Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 12:00:30 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, United States C#, Javascript, SQL Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 12:03:45 Between 1 and 3 years Spain Javascript, Typescript Less than one year Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
9/14/2022 12:04:46 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Python, Java, Javascript, SQL, Ruby Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 12:06:19 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 12:08:16 Between 10 and 20 years Germany, Netherlands, Spain Javascript, PHP, SQL, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree The inspector, Excessive setup, The sequencer, Hidden dependency Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 12:12:58 Between 10 and 20 years Canada, Israel, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, United States Java Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Hidden dependency Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 12:13:13 Less than one year Spain Java Less than one year Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 12:28:03 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Python, Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Kotlin, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 12:28:26 Between 3 and 5 years China, Colombia, Spain, United Kingdom Java, Javascript, Typescript, Other Less than one year Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 12:32:30 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java, SQL, Kotlin Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
9/14/2022 12:32:40 Between 3 and 5 years France, Germany, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom Java, PHP, Kotlin Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree The mockery, Excessive setup Strongly Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 12:40:18 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Python, Java, Javascript, SQL, Kotlin, Typescript, Rust Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree
9/14/2022 12:40:29 Between 20 and 30 years Spain Java, PHP, Typescript I have no experience in professional projects Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree The liar, The mockery, The local hero Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 12:52:28 Between 20 and 30 years Spain C#, Javascript, SQL, Typescript Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly Agree The liar, The mockery, The local hero, The nitipicker, The secret catcher, The greedy catcher, Excessive setup, The sequencer, Hidden dependency, Success against all odds Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 12:54:21 Between 10 and 20 years Brazil, Germany, Gibraltar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, United Kingdom Java, Typescript Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, The inspector, Generous leftovers, The local hero, Hidden dependency, The enumerator, The stranger, The operating system evangelist, Success against all odds, The free ride, The one, The slow poke Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 13:02:37 Between 1 and 3 years Spain Python Between 1 and 3 years Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Agree
9/14/2022 13:05:25 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Javascript, PHP, SQL Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 13:13:11 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Javascript, PHP, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Agree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly Agree
9/14/2022 13:13:30 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Python, Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Kotlin, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 13:26:54 Between 20 and 30 years Denmark, Germany, Spain, United States Java, C#, Swift, Objective C, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree The mockery, Excessive setup Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 14:30:55 Between 3 and 5 years Germany, Spain Python, Java, C++, Javascript, SQL, GO Between 1 and 3 years Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Agree Neutral Disagree Agree Disagree
9/14/2022 14:33:07 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Python, Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Groovy, Ruby, Kotlin, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly Agree The giant, The mockery, The local hero, The dodger, Excessive setup, The sequencer, The enumerator, Success against all odds Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
9/14/2022 14:37:37 Between 3 and 5 years Australia, Germany, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, United States C, Python, C++ Between 1 and 3 years Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 14:39:42 Between 3 and 5 years Paraguay Python, Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Typescript, Other I have no experience in professional projects Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Excessive setup Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
9/14/2022 14:47:38 Between 5 and 10 years Spain, United Kingdom, United States Ruby, Closure Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 14:51:24 Between 3 and 5 years Spain, Sweden Java, Javascript, PHP, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Disagree
9/14/2022 14:55:12 Between 1 and 3 years Spain Javascript, PHP, SQL I have no experience in professional projects Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 15:01:59 Between 20 and 30 years Spain Python, Java, C++, C#, Visual Basic, SQL, Groovy, Kotlin, Lua, Other Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree The liar, The mockery, The inspector, Hidden dependency, The enumerator, The stranger, The free ride, The slow poke Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 15:04:42 Between 5 and 10 years France, Spain Python, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 15:07:20 Between 20 and 30 years Andorra, Belarus, France, India, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, United States C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, Assembly language, PHP, SQL, Groovy, Ruby, Perl, Typescript Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 15:28:06 Between 5 and 10 years Mexico, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States C, Javascript, PHP, Swift, Scala, Kotlin, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral The liar, The mockery, The local hero, The slow poke Neutral Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 15:34:58 Between 10 and 20 years Cuba, France, Germany, Spain, Turkey C, Python, Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, Ruby, Perl, Delphi Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 15:41:15 Between 1 and 3 years Spain PHP Between 1 and 3 years Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Agree
9/14/2022 15:51:15 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL Less than one year Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 16:01:44 Between 10 and 20 years Argentina, Spain, United States Java, Javascript, Ruby, Kotlin, Typescript, Haskell Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 16:07:47 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java, Javascript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Neutral Disagree
9/14/2022 16:21:36 Between 3 and 5 years Spain, United States Python, Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly Agree
9/14/2022 16:23:51 Between 10 and 20 years Germany, Spain C, Python, Java, C++, C#, SQL, GO Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree The mockery, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency, Success against all odds Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 16:58:04 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Agree The liar, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency Agree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 17:04:11 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Python, Java, Javascript, Ruby, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, The inspector, Generous leftovers, The local hero, The nitipicker, The secret catcher, The dodger, oudmounth, The greedy catcher, Excessive setup, The sequencer, Hidden dependency, The enumerator, The stranger, The operating system evangelist, Success against all odds, The free ride, The one, The peeping tom, The slow poke Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 17:21:42 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Javascript, Ruby Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 17:24:37 Between 3 and 5 years Germany, Spain Java, SQL, Groovy, Ruby, Kotlin Between 3 and 5 years Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree The mockery, The inspector Disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Disagree
9/14/2022 18:01:57 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Python, R Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree The mockery, The local hero, Excessive setup, The peeping tom Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 18:03:43 Between 5 and 10 years Argentina, Spain Java, C#, Groovy, Kotlin Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree The mockery Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 18:07:14 Between 5 and 10 years Colombia, Spain Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL Less than one year Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
9/14/2022 18:09:26 Between 10 and 20 years Mexico, Spain Python, Java, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Scala Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Excessive setup, Success against all odds Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 18:38:33 Between 5 and 10 years Spain, United Arab Emirates, United States C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Javascript, SQL, Kotlin Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 18:47:34 Between 5 and 10 years Spain PHP Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree The greedy catcher, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Neutral
9/14/2022 18:56:12 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Java, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Kotlin, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Agree Agree Neutral Disagree The giant Strongly disagree Agree Agree Agree Neutral
9/14/2022 19:08:31 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom C, C++, MATLAB Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 19:22:01 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, United Kingdom C#, Typescript Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Agree The mockery, The greedy catcher, Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 20:31:54 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java, Javascript, SQL Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Disagree Agree
9/14/2022 20:41:36 Between 10 and 20 years Ireland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom Java, C++, C#, Javascript, SQL Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral The nitipicker, The peeping tom Neutral Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 21:08:40 Between 20 and 30 years Argentina, Australia, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela Java, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Ruby, Delphi, Typescript, Other Less than one year Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral
9/14/2022 21:22:40 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, Objective C, Kotlin Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Excessive setup, Hidden dependency Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 21:30:40 Between 10 and 20 years Congo, Democratic Republic of the, France, Germany, Kenya, Malta, South Africa, Spain, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia Java, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Typescript Between 3 and 5 years Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
9/14/2022 22:20:52 Between 20 and 30 years Spain Java, Javascript, Haskell, Other Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree The mockery, Excessive setup Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 22:21:01 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Javascript, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Neutral
9/14/2022 22:24:01 Between 20 and 30 years Ireland, Spain C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Other Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 23:35:29 Between 20 and 30 years Spain C, Java, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript, Assembly language, SQL, Other Between 10 and 20 years Agree Neutral Agree Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Agree Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Neutral The mockery, Excessive setup, Success against all odds Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree
9/14/2022 23:43:51 Between 10 and 20 years Spain C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Objective C, Typescript, Other Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree The liar, The mockery, The secret catcher, Excessive setup, The sequencer Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/14/2022 23:56:44 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, United Kingdom C#, SQL Between 5 and 10 years Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Agree Excessive setup, Hidden dependency Neutral Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree
9/15/2022 0:07:45 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Python, Java, Javascript, SQL Between 5 and 10 years Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree Disagree
9/15/2022 1:37:21 Between 10 and 20 years Colombia, Mexico, Spain Javascript, PHP, Typescript Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree The liar, The giant, Excessive setup, The slow poke Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral
9/15/2022 6:47:05 Between 3 and 5 years Spain, Switzerland Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree
9/15/2022 7:13:27 Between 5 and 10 years Spain C#, Javascript, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Disagree
9/15/2022 7:25:53 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java, Javascript, SQL Less than one year Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral
9/15/2022 7:33:42 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Python, Javascript, PHP, SQL Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Disagree Disagree
9/15/2022 7:37:01 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Javascript, PHP Between 1 and 3 years Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Agree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/15/2022 7:38:14 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Javascript, PHP, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral
9/15/2022 7:42:52 Between 20 and 30 years Spain, United States Java, Javascript, PHP, GO, Typescript, Other Between 5 and 10 years Agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree
9/15/2022 8:08:42 Between 5 and 10 years Spain C Between 1 and 3 years Neutral Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Neutral The liar, The mockery, The local hero, Excessive setup, The free ride Disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree
9/15/2022 9:07:47 Between 1 and 3 years Brazil, Spain Java, Javascript, Kotlin Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly disagree
9/15/2022 9:16:32 Between 1 and 3 years Spain Python, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Dart Less than one year Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral The liar Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Disagree
9/15/2022 9:27:51 Between 20 and 30 years Spain, Switzerland, United States, Vietnam Java, C#, Javascript, SQL, Kotlin, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree The giant, The mockery, The local hero, The stranger Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/15/2022 10:52:24 Between 20 and 30 years Spain, United Kingdom Python, Java, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Ruby, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree The liar, The giant, The inspector, The local hero Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Agree
9/15/2022 11:44:46 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom Python, Java, Javascript, Kotlin, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral The liar, The mockery, Excessive setup Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
9/15/2022 11:47:14 Between 20 and 30 years Belgium, Spain Python, Java, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Ruby, Perl Between 20 and 30 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, The inspector, Excessive setup Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/15/2022 12:02:51 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Python, Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Ruby Less than one year Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Disagree Agree
9/15/2022 12:04:42 Between 10 and 20 years Germany, Spain, United States Java, Javascript, Ruby, Scala, Other Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree
9/15/2022 12:41:30 Between 1 and 3 years Spain Python Between 1 and 3 years Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Agree Agree The mockery, Success against all odds Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree
9/15/2022 12:49:30 Between 1 and 3 years Sweden, United States Python, Other Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree
9/15/2022 12:51:25 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Python, Java, C++, C#, Javascript, PHP, GO Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, Excessive setup, The sequencer, Hidden dependency Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/15/2022 13:05:28 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java, C#, Javascript, SQL, Objective C, Typescript, Other Less than one year Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree
9/15/2022 13:20:05 Between 20 and 30 years Spain C#, SQL, Other Between 20 and 30 years Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Excessive setup Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree
9/15/2022 14:15:09 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java, Javascript, PHP Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree The liar, The mockery, Excessive setup Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree
9/15/2022 15:05:54 Between 10 and 20 years Chile C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Dart, Typescript I have no experience in professional projects Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
9/15/2022 16:43:41 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Java, Kotlin Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree Agree The mockery Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
9/15/2022 17:18:17 Between 10 and 20 years Spain C#, Javascript, SQL, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Agree
9/15/2022 18:01:25 Between 20 and 30 years Spain Java, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript, SQL Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree Disagree
9/15/2022 19:16:16 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Javascript, PHP, SQL Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
9/15/2022 19:37:59 Between 10 and 20 years Spain, United Kingdom Java Between 1 and 3 years Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Neutral
9/15/2022 19:44:01 Less than one year Spain Python, Javascript, Typescript Less than one year Agree Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree The greedy catcher Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral
9/15/2022 19:51:51 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Javascript, PHP, Typescript Between 3 and 5 years Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Agree Agree
9/15/2022 20:16:22 Between 10 and 20 years Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, United States C, Python, Java, PHP, SQL, GO, Scala, Kotlin, Dart Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/15/2022 23:18:42 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL, MATLAB, R, Typescript, Other Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Hidden dependency, The slow poke Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree
9/15/2022 23:30:12 Between 10 and 20 years Germany, Spain Java, Javascript, SQL, Dart, Typescript Between 3 and 5 years Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Neutral The liar, The mockery Disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Neutral
9/16/2022 0:33:45 Between 10 and 20 years Spain C, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Perl, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/16/2022 2:14:14 Between 10 and 20 years Argentina, Netherlands, Spain Java, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, The nitipicker, Excessive setup, Success against all odds, The free ride Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/16/2022 7:33:04 Between 5 and 10 years Spain Javascript, Typescript Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/16/2022 8:17:44 Between 20 and 30 years Andorra, France, Spain, United Kingdom, United States C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Assembly language, PHP, SQL, Ruby, GO, Swift, MATLAB, Objective C, Dart, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Agree Agree Agree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree The liar, The mockery, The local hero, Excessive setup Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
9/16/2022 9:42:44 Between 1 and 3 years Spain Python, Java, C# Between 1 and 3 years Agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree Agree The liar, The local hero Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Agree
9/16/2022 10:56:05 Between 5 and 10 years Spain, United Kingdom C, Python, Java, SQL, Groovy, Kotlin, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/16/2022 11:02:51 Between 10 and 20 years France, India, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom Python, Java, Javascript, PHP, Typescript Between 3 and 5 years Agree Agree Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
9/16/2022 11:48:41 Between 10 and 20 years Spain C, Python, Java, Javascript, PHP, MATLAB, R, Scala, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree The liar, The giant, The mockery, Excessive setup, The operating system evangelist Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree
9/16/2022 12:46:12 Between 20 and 30 years Spain Java, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript, SQL Less than one year Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Disagree
9/16/2022 15:28:59 Between 10 and 20 years Akrotiri Java, Javascript, Typescript Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
9/16/2022 17:33:41 Between 1 and 3 years Spain Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Typescript Less than one year Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree Neutral Agree The giant, The mockery, Excessive setup Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly disagree
9/17/2022 16:52:48 Between 5 and 10 years Argentina, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, Spain Java, SQL, GO Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree The liar, The giant, Excessive setup Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
9/17/2022 18:16:33 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Java, C#, Kotlin Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Agree The giant, The mockery, Excessive setup, The enumerator, The operating system evangelist Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree
9/17/2022 20:30:25 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Java, C++, C#, Javascript, SQL, Typescript Between 5 and 10 years Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Agree
9/18/2022 13:29:46 Between 10 and 20 years Belgium, Croatia, France, Gabon, Ghana, Lebanon, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Oman, Philippines, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Uganda, Ukraine C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Javascript, SQL, Ruby, GO Between 10 and 20 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Disagree Excessive setup Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Disagree
9/19/2022 15:24:19 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Javascript, Typescript Between 1 and 3 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral
9/21/2022 0:26:53 Between 20 and 30 years Spain Java, Javascript, SQL Between 10 and 20 years Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral The mockery, The inspector, Excessive setup, Hidden dependency, Success against all odds Agree Agree Agree Neutral Disagree
9/23/2022 9:15:07 Between 10 and 20 years Albania, Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL Between 5 and 10 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Neutral The greedy catcher, Hidden dependency Strongly Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
9/23/2022 14:03:56 Less than one year Spain Javascript, Typescript Less than one year Strongly Agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Neutral Agree Neutral Disagree Agree
9/26/2022 14:16:20 Between 3 and 5 years Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Spain Javascript, PHP, SQL Between 1 and 3 years Agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral
10/13/2022 10:09:50 Between 3 and 5 years Spain Python Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Neutral Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral Neutral Hidden dependency, Success against all odds Neutral Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree
10/25/2022 1:21:43 Between 5 and 10 years Spain, United Kingdom Java, Kotlin Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Neutral Disagree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree The mockery, Excessive setup Disagree Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree
11/14/2022 13:24:18 Between 10 and 20 years Spain Javascript, PHP, SQL, Ruby, Typescript Between 3 and 5 years Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Neutral Neutral
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