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Last active January 6, 2023 15:56
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MySQL thread-safe multi-database switching in Rails 5

The code here is a tech demo showing how to switch between databases in Rails 5, in a thread-safe manner.


The simple way to switch databases is:

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection :user_shard1
puts User.find(1) # this is executed on the database keyed on "user_shard1" in database.yml
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection :development

This should work in a single-thread environment, so it's safe to use in a single-threaded web server like Unicorn or WEBrick. However, in a multi-thread environment like Puma or Sidekiq, it will cause major bugs because ActiveRecord's state - ie which database it's using - is global for the whole process. Threads will constantly be switching this global state and then reading/writing to/from the wrong database.


The solution, as in the code example here, is to DIY pool management. Any general ActiveRecord statements will use the default database as normal (ie "development" or "production"). The pools should be established on initialisation and any code that needs to use another database should use pool.with_connection, which is a Rails method on the database pool class that will not affect global state. This is also nice from a clean-code perspective, because we don't need to reset to using the default database afterwards. It's just a block that temporarily uses a different database.


# Get the hash (i.e. parsed) representation of database.yml
databases = Rails.configuration.database_configuration
# Get a fancier AR-specific version of this hash, which is actually a wrapper of the hash
resolver =
# Get one specific database from our list of databases in database.yml. pick any database identifier (:development, :user_shard1, etc)
spec = resolver.spec(:user_shard1)
# Make a new pool for the database we picked
pool =
# Use the pool
# This is thread-safe, ie unlike ActiveRecord's establish_connection, it won't leak to other threads
pool.with_connection { |conn|
# Now we can perform direct SQL commands
result = conn.execute('select count(*) from users') # result will be an array of rows
puts result.first
# We can make AR queries using to_sql
# See
sql = User.where('created_at > ?', # generate SQL string
raw_users = conn.select_all sql # get list of hashes, one hash per matching result
rescue => ex
puts ex, ex.backtrace
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Thanks Mike. So doing just User.where.. wouldn't work?

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Thank you. This is really useful and I am using something similar. But I get a new thread hanging (related to the connection pool) once all the code is ran. Do you know the best way to kill that thread after the pool is disconnected?

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