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Created August 31, 2024 06:02
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Task test:doc deno task test --doc
Warning `"nodeModulesDir": false` is deprecated in Deno 2.0. Use `"nodeModulesDir": "none"` instead
at file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/
Task test deno test "--doc"
Warning `"nodeModulesDir": false` is deprecated in Deno 2.0. Use `"nodeModulesDir": "none"` instead
at file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/
running 1 test from ./internal/deferred_test.ts
_deferred() ...
returns a PromiseWithResolvers<T> ... ok (0ms)
resolves when `resolve` calls ... ok (2ms)
resolves with value when `resolve` calls ... ok (3ms)
rejects when `reject` calls ... ok (2ms)
rejects with reason when `reject` calls ... ok (3ms)
_deferred() ... ok (11ms)
running 2 tests from ./internal/iterator_test.ts
getIterator() ...
returns a Iterator ... ok (0ms)
returns a Iterator if `obj[@@asyncIterator]` is null ... ok (0ms)
returns an AsyncIterator ... ok (0ms)
returns an AsyncIterator if both `obj[@@asyncIterator]` and `obj[@@iterator]` exists ... ok (0ms)
throws if `obj` is ...
null ... ok (1ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
function ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
ArrayLike ... ok (0ms)
throws if `obj` is ... ok (2ms)
throws if `obj[@@iterator]` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
throws if `obj[@@iterator]` is ... ok (1ms)
throws if `obj[@@iterator]()` returns ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
function without `next` method ... ok (0ms)
object without `next` method ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
throws if `obj[@@iterator]()` returns ... ok (0ms)
throws if `obj[@@asyncIterator]` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (1ms)
throws if `obj[@@asyncIterator]` is ... ok (2ms)
throws if `obj[@@asyncIterator]()` returns ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
function without `next` method ... ok (0ms)
object without `next` method ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
throws if `obj[@@asyncIterator]()` returns ... ok (1ms)
getIterator() ... ok (8ms)
getIteratorNext() ...
calls `` and returns result of it ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `` returns ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `` returns ... ok (1ms)
getIteratorNext() ... ok (1ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/concat_with_test.ts
concatWith() ...
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `inputs` is ...
ReadableStream<ReadableStream<T>> ... ok (1ms)
Array<Array<T>> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Iterable<T>> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<Itrable<T>>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<AsyncIterable<T>> ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `inputs` is ... ok (2ms)
throws if `inputs` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
function ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
ArrayLike ... ok (0ms)
throws if `inputs` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ...
emits each chunk of higher-order ReadableStream in order ... ok (7ms)
does not emits if higher-order ReadableStream is empty ... ok (1ms)
aborts when higher-order ReadableStream aborts ... ok (2ms)
cancels higher-order ReadableStream when the returned ReadableStream cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ... ok (14ms)
concatWith() ... ok (17ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/defer_test.ts
defer() ...
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `inputFactory` returns ...
ReadableStream<T> ... ok (0ms)
Array<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<T>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `inputFactory` returns ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `inputFactory` resolves ...
ReadableStream<T> ... ok (0ms)
Array<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<T>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `inputFactory` resolves ... ok (1ms)
throws if `inputFactory` is ...
null ... ok (1ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
ArrayLike ... ok (0ms)
throws if `inputFactory` is ... ok (1ms)
if `inputFactory` is specified ...
calls `inputFactory` when the stream pipes ... ok (1ms)
if `inputFactory` is specified ... ok (1ms)
if `inputFactory` returns not a Promise ...
aborts when pipes if `inputFactory` returns ...
null ... ok (3ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
function ... ok (1ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (1ms)
ArrayLike ... ok (0ms)
aborts when pipes if `inputFactory` returns ... ok (6ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a ReadableStream ...
emits each chunk of the ReadableStream ... ok (2ms)
aborts when the ReadableStream aborts ... ok (2ms)
cancels `inputFactory` returned ReadableStream when cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a ReadableStream ... ok (7ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a Array ...
emits each chunk of the Array ... ok (0ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a Array ... ok (0ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a Iterable ...
emits each chunk of the Iterable ... ok (1ms)
aborts when throws ... ok (0ms)
calls iterator.return() when cancels ... ok (1ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a Iterable ... ok (2ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a Iterable<Promise> ...
emits each resolved chunk of the Iterable<Promise> ... ok (1ms)
aborts when rejects ... ok (1ms)
calls iterator.return() when cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a Iterable<Promise> ... ok (5ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a AsyncIterable ...
emits each chunk of the AsyncIterable ... ok (1ms)
aborts when rejects ... ok (2ms)
calls iterator.return() when cancels ... ok (1ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a AsyncIterable ... ok (5ms)
does not fires unhandled rejection if ...
cancelled before resolves ... ok (1ms)
cancelled before rejects ... ok (1ms)
does not fires unhandled rejection if ... ok (3ms)
if `inputFactory` returns not a Promise ... ok (30ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a Promise ...
aborts when pipes if `inputFactory` resolves ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (1ms)
number ... ok (1ms)
function ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (1ms)
ArrayLike ... ok (0ms)
aborts when pipes if `inputFactory` resolves ... ok (3ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a ReadableStream ...
emits each chunk of the ReadableStream ... ok (1ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a ReadableStream ... ok (2ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a Array ...
emits each chunk of the Array ... ok (3ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a Array ... ok (3ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a Iterable ...
emits each chunk of the Iterable ... ok (0ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a Iterable ... ok (1ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a Iterable<Promise> ...
emits each resolved chunk of the Iterable<Promise> ... ok (2ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a Iterable<Promise> ... ok (2ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a AsyncIterable ...
emits each chunk of the AsyncIterable ... ok (1ms)
if `inputFactory` resolves a AsyncIterable ... ok (1ms)
does not fires unhandled rejection if ...
cancelled before `inputFactory` resolves ... ok (1ms)
cancelled before `inputFactory` rejects ... ok (1ms)
`iterator.return()` rejects ... ok (2ms)
does not fires unhandled rejection if ... ok (4ms)
if `inputFactory` returns a Promise ... ok (17ms)
defer() ... ok (54ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/empty_test.ts
empty() ...
returns a ReadableStream<never> type ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ...
closes immediately ... ok (3ms)
can be used in parallel ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ... ok (4ms)
empty() ... ok (4ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/error_test.ts
error() ...
returns a ReadableStream<never> type ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ...
cancels immediately with undefined if no `reason` specified ... ok (3ms)
cancels immediately with `reason` ... ok (1ms)
can be used in parallel ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ... ok (4ms)
error() ... ok (5ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/from_event_test.ts
fromEvent() ...
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if ...
is no `predicate` ... ok (0ms)
specifies event type ... ok (0ms)
is `predicate` return type ... ok (0ms)
is `options.predicate` return type ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if ... ok (1ms)
throws if `options.predicate` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `options.predicate` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ...
adds or removes the event listener to the `target` ... ok (1ms)
emits the event object from the `target` ... ok (8ms)
emits the return value of the `predicate` ... ok (4ms)
closes after the first event is emitted if `options.once` is true ... ok (1ms)
aborts when `options.signal` is aborted ... ok (1ms)
aborts if `options.signal` is already aborted ... ok (1ms)
aborts if `predicate` throws an error ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ... ok (16ms)
fromEvent() ... ok (19ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/from_message_test.ts
fromMessage() ...
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if ...
is no `predicate` ... ok (0ms)
specifies message type ... ok (0ms)
is `predicate` return type ... ok (0ms)
is `options.predicate` return type ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if ... ok (1ms)
if `target.onmessage` is not empty ...
throws if `force` is not specified ... ok (0ms)
throws if `force` is false ... ok (0ms)
does not throws if `force` is true ... ok (1ms)
if `target.onmessage` is not empty ... ok (1ms)
throws if `options.predicate` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `options.predicate` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ...
set or delete the message handler to the `target` ... ok (0ms)
emits the message data from the `target` ... ok (8ms)
emits the return value of the `predicate` ... ok (4ms)
aborts if `predicate` throws an error ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ... ok (13ms)
fromMessage() ... ok (17ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/from_test.ts
from() ...
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `input` is ...
ReadableStream<T> ... ok (0ms)
Array<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<T>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `input` is ... ok (1ms)
throws if `input` is ...
null ... ok (1ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
function ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
ArrayLike ... ok (0ms)
throws if `input` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ...
emits each chunk of ReadableStream ... ok (5ms)
emits each chunk of Array ... ok (1ms)
emits each chunk of Iterable ... ok (1ms)
emits the resolved value of each chunk of Iterable<Promise> ... ok (1ms)
emits each chunk of AsyncIterable ... ok (1ms)
aborts when `input` ReadableStream aborts ... ok (2ms)
aborts when `input` Iterable's throws ... ok (0ms)
aborts when `input` Iterable<Promise>'s rejects ... ok (2ms)
aborts when `input` AsyncIterable's rejects ... ok (1ms)
cancels `input` ReadableStream when the returned ReadableStream cancels ... ok (3ms)
calls `input` Iterable's iterator.return() when the returned ReadableStream cancels ... ok (1ms)
calls `input` Iterable<Promise>'s iterator.return() when the returned ReadableStream cancels ... ok (1ms)
calls `input` AsyncIterable's iterator.return() when the returned ReadableStream cancels ... ok (2ms)
does not fires unhandled rejection if ...
cancelled before `input` AsyncGenerator resolves ... ok (2ms)
cancelled before `input` AsyncGenerator rejects ... ok (1ms)
does not fires unhandled rejection if ... ok (3ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ... ok (25ms)
from() ... ok (29ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/interval_test.ts
interval() ...
returns a ReadableStream<number> type ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream and emits count at specified `period` ... ok (7ms)
interval() ... ok (7ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/merge_with_test.ts
mergeWith() ...
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `inputs` is ...
ReadableStream<ReadableStream<T>> ... ok (2ms)
Array<Array<T>> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Iterable<T>> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<Itrable<T>>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<AsyncIterable<T>> ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream<T> type if `inputs` is ... ok (3ms)
throws if `inputs` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (1ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
function ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
ArrayLike ... ok (0ms)
throws if `inputs` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ...
merge and emits each chunk of higher-order ReadableStream ... ok (5ms)
does not emits if higher-order ReadableStream is empty ... ok (1ms)
aborts when higher-order ReadableStream aborts ... ok (2ms)
cancels higher-order ReadableStream when the returned ReadableStream cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ... ok (13ms)
mergeWith() ... ok (18ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/range_test.ts
range() ...
returns a ReadableStream<number> type ... ok (1ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ...
emits a sequence starting from 0 with the number specifed in `count` ... ok (3ms)
emits a sequence starting from `start` with the number specifed in `count` ... ok (1ms)
emits a sequence starting from `start` that is negative with the number specifed in `count` ... ok (1ms)
closes if `count` is 0 and `start` is no specified ... ok (1ms)
closes if `count` is 0 ... ok (0ms)
closes if `count` is negative and `start` is no specified ... ok (1ms)
closes if `count` is negative ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ... ok (8ms)
range() ... ok (8ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/timer_test.ts
timer() ...
returns a ReadableStream<0> type if no `interval` specified ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream<number> type if `interval` specified ... ok (0ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ...
emits 0 at specified `delay` ... ok (4ms)
emits count at specified `delay` and `interval` ... ok (4ms)
returns a ReadableStream and ... ok (8ms)
timer() ... ok (9ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/abort_test.ts
abort() ...
returns a TransformStream<unknown, never> type ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
aborts immediately with undefined if no `reason` specified ... ok (4ms)
aborts immediately with `reason` ... ok (1ms)
can be used in parallel ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (5ms)
abort() ... ok (6ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/buffer_count_test.ts
bufferCount() ...
returns a TransformStream<T, T[]> type ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
buffers chunks and emits as an array when size reached `bufferSize` ... ok (5ms)
emits the remaining chunks as an array when the source closes ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (12ms)
bufferCount() ... ok (13ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/buffer_test.ts
buffer() ...
returns a TransformStream<T, T[]> type ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
buffers chunks and emits as an array when `emitter` emits ... ok (7ms)
emits an empty array when `emitter` emits if no buffered ... ok (3ms)
emits the remaining chunks as an array if `emitter` is closed before source close ... ok (2ms)
emits the remaining chunks as an array if source is closed before the `emitter` close ... ok (2ms)
terminates when `emitter` aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts after `emitter` closes ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels after `emitter` closes ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (27ms)
buffer() ... ok (29ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/concat_all_test.ts
concatAll() ...
returns a TransformStream<X, T> type if X is ...
ReadableStream<T> ... ok (1ms)
Array<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<T>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<X, T> type if X is ... ok (2ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
emits each chunk of all higher-order ReadableStream in order ... ok (6ms)
does not emits if all higher-order ReadableStream is empty ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side emits no values ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side immediately closed ... ok (1ms)
terminates when some higher-order ReadableStream cancels ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (18ms)
concatAll() ... ok (20ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/concat_map_test.ts
concatMap() ...
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ...
(value: I) => ReadableStream<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Array<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<Promise<O>> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => AsyncIterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ... ok (2ms)
throws if `project` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `project` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
calls `project` when previous substream is closed ... ok (10ms)
emits each chunks of each `project` in order ... ok (3ms)
does not emits `project` chunks while under backpressure ... ok (4ms)
does not emits if `project` returns an empty array ... ok (2ms)
closes if the writable side emits no values ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side immediately closed ... ok (1ms)
terminates when `project` throws ... ok (1ms)
terminates when some `project` ReadableStream cancels ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (28ms)
concatMap() ... ok (32ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/count_test.ts
count() ...
returns a TransformStream<unknown, number> type ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
emits number of chunks ... ok (5ms)
emits 0 if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (11ms)
count() ... ok (12ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/default_with_test.ts
defaultWith() ...
returns a TransformStream<T, T | D> type if `inputFactory` returns ...
ReadableStream<D> ... ok (1ms)
Array<D> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<D> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<D>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<Promise<D>> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<T, T | D> type if `inputFactory` returns ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream<T, T | D> type if `inputFactory` resolves ...
ReadableStream<D> ... ok (0ms)
Array<D> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<D> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<D>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<Promise<D>> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<T, T | D> type if `inputFactory` resolves ... ok (1ms)
throws if `defaultFactory` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (1ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `defaultFactory` is ... ok (1ms)
if `defaultFactory` is specified ...
if the writable side emits some chunks ...
does not calls `defaultFactory` ... ok (5ms)
if the writable side emits some chunks ... ok (5ms)
if the writable side aborts ...
does not call `defaultFactory` ... ok (2ms)
if the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
if the readable side cancels before the writable side closes ...
does not call `defaultFactory` ... ok (2ms)
if the readable side cancels before the writable side closes ... ok (2ms)
if `defaultFactory` is specified ... ok (10ms)
if `defaultFactory` returns not a Promise ...
if the writable side emits no chunks ...
terminates when the writable side closes if `defaultFactory` returns ...
null ... ok (1ms)
undefined ... ok (1ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
function ... ok (1ms)
object ... ok (1ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
ArrayLike ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the writable side closes if `defaultFactory` returns ... ok (5ms)
emits values from `defaultFactory` after the writable side closes ... ok (2ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (7ms)
terminates when `defaultFactory` throws ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the default stream aborts ... ok (2ms)
if the readable side cancels after the writable side closes ...
terminates the default stream ... ok (3ms)
if the readable side cancels after the writable side closes ... ok (3ms)
if `defaultFactory` returns not a Promise ... ok (15ms)
if `defaultFactory` returns a Promise ...
if the writable side emits no chunks ...
terminates when the writable side closes if `defaultFactory` resolves ...
null ... ok (1ms)
undefined ... ok (1ms)
number ... ok (1ms)
function ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (1ms)
symbol ... ok (1ms)
ArrayLike ... ok (0ms)
terminates when the writable side closes if `defaultFactory` resolves ... ok (6ms)
emits values from `defaultFactory` after the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (8ms)
terminates when `defaultFactory` throws ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the default stream aborts ... ok (3ms)
if the readable side cancels after the writable side closes ...
terminates the default stream ... ok (3ms)
if the readable side cancels after the writable side closes ... ok (3ms)
if `defaultFactory` returns a Promise ... ok (15ms)
defaultWith() ... ok (46ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/delay_test.ts
delay() ...
returns a TransformStream<T, T> type ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
emits with the specified delay ... ok (6ms)
emits without delay if the negative value is specified ... ok (2ms)
closes immediately after emitted last value if the writable side already closed ... ok (1ms)
closes immediately if the writable side emits no values ... ok (0ms)
closes immediately if the writable side immediately closed ... ok (1ms)
terminates immediately if the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates immediately if the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (15ms)
delay() ... ok (16ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/every_test.ts
every() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
with template <unknown, boolean> type if `predicate` is `(x) => boolean` ... ok (1ms)
with template <unknown, boolean> type if `predicate` is `(x) => Promise<boolean>` ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (1ms)
throws if `predicate` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (1ms)
throws if `predicate` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
if `predicate` is `(x) => boolean` ...
calls `predicate` with each chunk value and index ... ok (5ms)
does not calls `predicate` after returns false ... ok (1ms)
emits true if all chunks satisfy `predicate` ... ok (3ms)
emits true if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (2ms)
emits false if some chunk not satisfy `predicate` ... ok (1ms)
terminates when predicat throws ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if `predicate` is `(x) => boolean` ... ok (19ms)
if `predicate` is `(x) => Promise<boolean>` ...
calls `predicate` with each chunk value and index ... ok (1ms)
does not calls `predicate` after returns false ... ok (1ms)
emits true if all chunks satisfy `predicate` ... ok (3ms)
emits true if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (1ms)
emits false if some chunk not satisfy `predicate` ... ok (2ms)
terminates when predicat rejects ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `predicate` is `(x) => Promise<boolean>` ... ok (14ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (33ms)
every() ... ok (37ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/exhaust_all_test.ts
exhaustAll() ...
returns a TransformStream<StreamSource<T>, T> type if the source type is ...
ReadableStream<T> ... ok (1ms)
Array<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<T>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<StreamSource<T>, T> type if the source type is ... ok (2ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
emits chunks of higher-order ReadableStream when the previous higher-order ReadableStream has completed ... ok (7ms)
does not emits if higher-order ReadableStream is empty ... ok (2ms)
closes when the writable side emits no values ... ok (1ms)
closes when the writable side immediately closed ... ok (0ms)
terminates when some higher-order ReadableStream cancels ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (5ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (21ms)
exhaustAll() ... ok (24ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/exhaust_map_test.ts
exhaustMap() ...
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ...
(value: I) => ReadableStream<O> ... ok (1ms)
(value: I) => Array<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<Promise<O>> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => AsyncIterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ... ok (2ms)
throws if `project` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `project` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
calls `project` when the writable side emits if the previous `project` ReadableStream has completed ... ok (9ms)
emits each chunks of each `project` in exhaust ... ok (3ms)
does not emits `project` chunks while under backpressure ... ok (3ms)
does not emits if `project` returns an empty array ... ok (2ms)
closes if the writable side emits no values ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side immediately closed ... ok (0ms)
terminates when `project` throws ... ok (2ms)
terminates when some `project` ReadableStream cancels ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (26ms)
exhaustMap() ... ok (29ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/filter_test.ts
filter() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
with template <T, T> if `predicate` is `(x) => boolean` ... ok (1ms)
with template <T, T> if `predicate` is `(x) => Promise<boolean>` ... ok (0ms)
with template <I, O> if `predicate` is `(x) => x is type` ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (1ms)
throws if `options.predicate` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `options.predicate` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
if `predicate` is `(x) => boolean` ...
calls `predicate` with each chunk value and index ... ok (4ms)
filters chunks by `predicate` ... ok (2ms)
terminates when `predicat` throws ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `predicate` is `(x) => boolean` ... ok (13ms)
if `predicate` is `(x) => Promise<boolean>` ...
calls `predicate` with each chunk value and index ... ok (2ms)
filters chunks by `predicate` ... ok (1ms)
terminates when `predicat` rejects ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if `predicate` is `(x) => Promise<boolean>` ... ok (10ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (24ms)
filter() ... ok (28ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/map_test.ts
map() ...
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ...
(value: I) => O ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Promise<T> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ... ok (1ms)
throws if `project` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `project` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
calls `project` for each chunk from the writable side ... ok (4ms)
emits chunk values transformed by `project` ... ok (2ms)
emits resolved chunk values transformed by `project` that returns a Promise ... ok (2ms)
terminates when `project` throws ... ok (2ms)
terminates when `project` returned Promise rejects ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (17ms)
map() ... ok (20ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/max_test.ts
max() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
if no `comparer` is specified ...
with template <T | Promise<T>, T> ... ok (1ms)
if no `comparer` is specified ... ok (1ms)
if return type of `comparer` is number ...
with template <T | Promise<T>, T> ... ok (0ms)
if return type of `comparer` is number ... ok (0ms)
if return type of `comparer` is Promise<number> ...
with template <T | Promise<T>, T> ... ok (0ms)
if return type of `comparer` is Promise<number> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (1ms)
throws if `comparer` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `comparer` is ... ok (1ms)
if no `comparer` is specified ...
emits largest chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (5ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ...
does not emits ... ok (1ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (1ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ...
emits first chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (2ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if no `comparer` is specified ... ok (13ms)
if `comparer` returns not a Promise ...
calls `comparer` with each chunk value and index ... ok (1ms)
emits largest chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
terminates when `comparer` throws ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if `comparer` returns not a Promise ... ok (8ms)
if `comparer` returns a Promise ...
calls `comparer` with each chunk value and index ... ok (1ms)
emits largest chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
terminates when `comparer` throws ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `comparer` returns a Promise ... ok (8ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ...
does not calls `comparer` ... ok (1ms)
does not emits ... ok (0ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (1ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ...
does not calls `comparer` ... ok (1ms)
emits first chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (0ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ... ok (1ms)
max() ... ok (37ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/merge_all_test.ts
mergeAll() ...
returns a TransformStream<X, T> type if X is ...
ReadableStream<T> ... ok (1ms)
Array<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<Promise<T>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<X, T> type if X is ... ok (2ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
emits each chunk of all higher-order ReadableStream in merged ... ok (5ms)
does not emits if all higher-order ReadableStream is empty ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side emits no values ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side immediately closed ... ok (0ms)
terminates when some higher-order ReadableStream cancels ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (4ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (19ms)
mergeAll() ... ok (22ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/merge_map_test.ts
mergeMap() ...
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ...
(value: I) => ReadableStream<O> ... ok (1ms)
(value: I) => Array<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<Promise<O>> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => AsyncIterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ... ok (2ms)
throws if `project` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `project` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
calls `project` when substreams does not exceed `concurrent` ... ok (8ms)
emits each chunks of each `project` in merged ... ok (4ms)
does not emits `project` chunks while under backpressure ... ok (5ms)
does not emits if `project` returns an empty array ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side emits no values ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side immediately closed ... ok (1ms)
terminates when `project` throws ... ok (1ms)
terminates when some `project` ReadableStream cancels ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (28ms)
mergeMap() ... ok (32ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/min_test.ts
min() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
if no `comparer` is specified ...
with template <T | Promise<T>, T> ... ok (1ms)
if no `comparer` is specified ... ok (1ms)
if return type of `comparer` is number ...
with template <T | Promise<T>, T> ... ok (0ms)
if return type of `comparer` is number ... ok (0ms)
if return type of `comparer` is Promise<number> ...
with template <T | Promise<T>, T> ... ok (0ms)
if return type of `comparer` is Promise<number> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (2ms)
throws if `comparer` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `comparer` is ... ok (1ms)
if no `comparer` is specified ...
emits smallest chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (5ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ...
does not emits ... ok (2ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (2ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ...
emits first chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if no `comparer` is specified ... ok (13ms)
if `comparer` returns not a Promise ...
calls `comparer` with each chunk value and index ... ok (1ms)
emits smallest chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
terminates when `comparer` throws ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `comparer` returns not a Promise ... ok (8ms)
if `comparer` returns a Promise ...
calls `comparer` with each chunk value and index ... ok (0ms)
emits smallest chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (2ms)
terminates when `comparer` throws ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `comparer` returns a Promise ... ok (8ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ...
does not calls `comparer` ... ok (1ms)
does not emits ... ok (1ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (2ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ...
does not calls `comparer` ... ok (1ms)
emits first chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ... ok (2ms)
min() ... ok (38ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/pipe_test.ts
pipe() ...
emits a transform stream with the type of the writable side of the first stream and the readable side of the last stream, if 2 streams are specified ... ok (1ms)
emits a transform stream with the type of the writable side of the first stream and the readable side of the last stream, if 10 streams are specified ... ok (0ms)
emits a transform stream with the specified type ... ok (1ms)
emits a transform stream with the specified input and output type ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream that piped specified transform streams serially ... ok (6ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
pipe() ... ok (12ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/reduce_test.ts
reduce() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
if no `initialValue` is specified ...
with template <I, I | A> ... ok (1ms)
with template <I | Promise<I>, I | Awaited<A>> ... ok (0ms)
if no `initialValue` is specified ... ok (1ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
with template <I, A | V> ... ok (0ms)
with template <I | Promise<I>, Awaited<A | V>> ... ok (0ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (2ms)
throws if `accumulator` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `accumulator` is ... ok (1ms)
if `accumulator` returns not a Promise ...
calls `accumulator` with each chunk value and index ... ok (4ms)
emits accumulated result when the writable side closes ... ok (2ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
calls `accumulator` with `initialValue` ... ok (1ms)
emits accumulated result when the writable side closes ... ok (2ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (3ms)
terminates when `accumulator` throws ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if `accumulator` returns not a Promise ... ok (16ms)
if `accumulator` returns a Promise ...
calls `accumulator` with each chunk value and index ... ok (1ms)
emits accumulated result when the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
calls `accumulator` with `initialValue` ... ok (1ms)
emits accumulated result when the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (2ms)
terminates when `accumulator` rejects ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `accumulator` returns a Promise ... ok (10ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
calls `accumulator` with null ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with undefined ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with string ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with number ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with NaN ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with false ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with empty string ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with resolved value of Promise ... ok (1ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (8ms)
if `initialValue` rejects ...
does not calls `accumulator` ... ok (1ms)
terminates when `initialValue` rejects ... ok (2ms)
if `initialValue` rejects ... ok (3ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ...
does not calls `accumulator` ... ok (0ms)
does not emits ... ok (0ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
does not calls `accumulator` ... ok (0ms)
emits `initialValue` when the writable side closes ... ok (0ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (2ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (3ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ...
does not calls `accumulator` ... ok (0ms)
emits first chunk when the writable side closes ... ok (0ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ... ok (1ms)
reduce() ... ok (47ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/scan_test.ts
scan() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
if no `initialValue` is specified ...
with template <I, I | A> ... ok (1ms)
with template <I | Promise<I>, I | Awaited<A>> ... ok (0ms)
if no `initialValue` is specified ... ok (1ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
with template <I, A> ... ok (0ms)
with template <I | Promise<I>, I | Awaited<A>> ... ok (0ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (2ms)
throws if `accumulator` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `accumulator` is ... ok (2ms)
if `accumulator` returns not a Promise ...
calls `accumulator` with each chunk value and index ... ok (5ms)
emits each accumulated result ... ok (3ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
calls `accumulator` with `initialValue` ... ok (1ms)
emits each accumulated result with `initialValue` ... ok (2ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (3ms)
terminates when `accumulator` throws ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `accumulator` returns not a Promise ... ok (19ms)
if `accumulator` returns a Promise ...
calls `accumulator` with each chunk value and index ... ok (1ms)
emits each accumulated result ... ok (1ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
calls `accumulator` with `initialValue` ... ok (0ms)
emits each accumulated result with `initialValue` ... ok (2ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (2ms)
terminates when `accumulator` throws ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if `accumulator` returns a Promise ... ok (12ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
calls `accumulator` with null ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with undefined ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with string ... ok (2ms)
calls `accumulator` with number ... ok (1ms)
calls `accumulator` with NaN ... ok (0ms)
calls `accumulator` with false ... ok (0ms)
calls `accumulator` with empty string ... ok (2ms)
calls `accumulator` with resolved value of Promise ... ok (0ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (9ms)
if `initialValue` rejects ...
does not calls `accumulator` ... ok (1ms)
terminates when `initialValue` rejects ... ok (1ms)
if `initialValue` rejects ... ok (2ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ...
does not calls `accumulator` ... ok (1ms)
does not emits ... ok (0ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ...
does not calls `accumulator` ... ok (1ms)
does not emits `initialValue` ... ok (1ms)
if `initialValue` is specified ... ok (2ms)
if the writable side emits no chunks ... ok (4ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ...
does not calls `accumulator` ... ok (0ms)
emits first chunk ... ok (1ms)
if the writable side emits only one chunk ... ok (2ms)
scan() ... ok (54ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/skip_last_test.ts
skipLast() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
with template <T, T> if `count` is not specified ... ok (1ms)
with template <T, T> if `count` is specified ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is not specified ...
buffers and emits chunks without last chunk ... ok (5ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
aborts when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if `count` is not specified ... ok (9ms)
if `count` is specified ...
if `count` is positive ...
buffers and emits chunks without last `count` chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is positive ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is 0 ...
buffers and emits all chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is 0 ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is negative ...
emits all chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is negative ... ok (2ms)
if `count` is Infinity ...
does not emits chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is Infinity ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is NaN ...
buffers and emits all chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is NaN ... ok (1ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
aborts when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if `count` is specified ... ok (10ms)
skipLast() ... ok (23ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/skip_test.ts
skip() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
with template <T, T> if `count` is not specified ... ok (1ms)
with template <T, T> if `count` is specified ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is not specified ...
emits chunks without first chunk ... ok (4ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
aborts when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if `count` is not specified ... ok (9ms)
if `count` is specified ...
if `count` is positive ...
emits chunks without first `count` chunks ... ok (2ms)
if `count` is positive ... ok (2ms)
if `count` is 0 ...
emits all chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is 0 ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is negative ...
emits all chunks ... ok (2ms)
if `count` is negative ... ok (2ms)
if `count` is Infinity ...
does not emits chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is Infinity ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is NaN ...
does not emits chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `count` is NaN ... ok (2ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
aborts when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
if `count` is specified ... ok (12ms)
skip() ... ok (23ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/skip_while_test.ts
skip() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
if `predicate` is `BooleanConstructor` ...
with template <T, T> type if source chunk contains truthy ... ok (1ms)
with template <T, never> type if souce chunk is falsy ... ok (0ms)
if `predicate` is `BooleanConstructor` ... ok (1ms)
with template <T, T> type if `predicate` is `(x) => boolean` ... ok (0ms)
with template <T, T> type if `predicate` is `(x) => Promise<boolean>` ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (2ms)
throws if `predicate` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `predicate` is ... ok (1ms)
if `predicate` returns not a Promise ...
if `predicate` always returns true ...
calls `predicate` with each chunk value and index ... ok (4ms)
does not emits chunks ... ok (2ms)
if `predicate` always returns true ... ok (6ms)
if `predicate` always returns false ...
calls `predicate` with first chunk value and index ... ok (2ms)
emits all chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `predicate` always returns false ... ok (3ms)
skips chunks while `predicate` returns true and emits all rest chunks ... ok (3ms)
aborts when `predicate` throws ... ok (2ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
cancels when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `predicate` returns not a Promise ... ok (17ms)
if `predicate` returns a Promise ...
if `predicate` always returns true ...
calls `predicate` with each chunk value and index ... ok (0ms)
does not emits chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `predicate` always returns true ... ok (2ms)
if `predicate` always returns false ...
calls `predicate` with first chunk value and index ... ok (1ms)
emits all chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `predicate` always returns false ... ok (2ms)
skips chunks while `predicate` returns true and emits all rest chunks ... ok (3ms)
aborts when `predicate` throws ... ok (1ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
cancels when the readable side cancels ... ok (1ms)
if `predicate` returns a Promise ... ok (12ms)
skip() ... ok (34ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/switch_all_test.ts
switchAll() ...
returns a TransformStream<X, T> type if X is ...
ReadableStream<T> ... ok (1ms)
Array<T> ... ok (0ms)
Iterable<T> ... ok (1ms)
Iterable<Promise<T>> ... ok (0ms)
AsyncIterable<T> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<X, T> type if X is ... ok (2ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
emits each chunk of the most recently higher-order ReadableStream ... ok (8ms)
does not emits if all higher-order ReadableStream is empty ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side emits no values ... ok (1ms)
closes if the writable side immediately closed ... ok (1ms)
terminates when some higher-order ReadableStream cancels ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (3ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (19ms)
switchAll() ... ok (21ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/switch_map_test.ts
switchMap() ...
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ...
(value: I) => ReadableStream<O> ... ok (1ms)
(value: I) => Array<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<Promise<O>> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => AsyncIterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `project` is ... ok (2ms)
throws if `project` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `project` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
calls `project` when the writable side emits ... ok (8ms)
emits each chunks of only the most recent `project` ... ok (4ms)
does not emits `project` chunks while under backpressure ... ok (4ms)
does not emits if `project` returns an empty array ... ok (2ms)
closes if the writable side emits no values ... ok (0ms)
closes if the writable side immediately closed ... ok (1ms)
terminates when `project` throws ... ok (1ms)
terminates when some `project` ReadableStream cancels ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (26ms)
switchMap() ... ok (30ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/take_last_test.ts
takeLast() ...
returns a TransformStream<T, T> type ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
emits last count chunks ... ok (4ms)
emits last chunk if no count specified ... ok (2ms)
closes immediately if 0 is specified ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (11ms)
takeLast() ... ok (12ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/take_test.ts
take() ...
emits the type of the input ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
emits first count chunks ... ok (4ms)
emits first chunk if no count specified ... ok (1ms)
closes immediately if 0 is specified ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (3ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (10ms)
take() ... ok (12ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/take_while_test.ts
take() ...
returns a TransformStream type ...
with template <I, O> type if `predicate` is `(x) => x is type` ... ok (1ms)
with template <T, Truthy> type if `predicate` is `BooleanConstructor` ... ok (0ms)
with template <T, T> type if `predicate` is `(x) => boolean` ... ok (1ms)
with template <T, T> type if `predicate` is `(x) => Promise<boolean>` ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream type ... ok (2ms)
throws if `predicate` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (1ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `predicate` is ... ok (1ms)
if `predicate` returns not a Promise ...
if `predicate` always returns true ...
calls `predicate` with each chunk value and index ... ok (3ms)
emits all chunks ... ok (2ms)
if `predicate` always returns true ... ok (6ms)
if `predicate` always returns false ...
calls `predicate` with first chunk value and index ... ok (0ms)
terminates when first chunk ... ok (1ms)
if `predicate` always returns false ... ok (1ms)
if `options.inclusive` is not specified ...
emits chunks while `predicate` returns true ... ok (1ms)
if `options.inclusive` is not specified ... ok (1ms)
if `options.inclusive` is false ...
emits chunks while `predicate` returns true ... ok (1ms)
if `options.inclusive` is false ... ok (2ms)
if `options.inclusive` is true ...
emits chunks while `predicate` returns true and first time it returns false ... ok (1ms)
if `options.inclusive` is true ... ok (2ms)
aborts when `predicate` throws ... ok (2ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (2ms)
cancels when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `predicate` returns not a Promise ... ok (20ms)
if `predicate` returns a Promise ...
if `predicate` always resolves true ...
calls `predicate` with each chunk value and index ... ok (0ms)
emits all chunks ... ok (1ms)
if `predicate` always resolves true ... ok (2ms)
if `predicate` always resolves false ...
calls `predicate` with first chunk value and index ... ok (1ms)
terminates when first chunk ... ok (0ms)
if `predicate` always resolves false ... ok (1ms)
if `options.inclusive` is not specified ...
emits chunks while `predicate` resolves true ... ok (1ms)
if `options.inclusive` is not specified ... ok (1ms)
if `options.inclusive` is false ...
emits chunks while `predicate` resolves true ... ok (2ms)
if `options.inclusive` is false ... ok (2ms)
if `options.inclusive` is true ...
emits chunks while `predicate` resolves true and first time it resolves false ... ok (1ms)
if `options.inclusive` is true ... ok (2ms)
aborts when `predicate` rejects ... ok (1ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
cancels when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `predicate` returns a Promise ... ok (14ms)
take() ... ok (39ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/tap_test.ts
tap() ...
if `callbackWriteFn` is specified ...
returns a TransformStream<T, T> and ...
emits the source chunk type ... ok (0ms)
emits source chunk as-is ... ok (5ms)
returns a TransformStream<T, T> and ... ok (5ms)
called with each chunk value and index ... ok (1ms)
terminates the stream if the callback throws ... ok (3ms)
if `callbackWriteFn` is specified ... ok (10ms)
if `callbacksAndOptions` is specified ...
returns a TransformStream<T, T> and ...
emits the source chunk type ... ok (0ms)
emits source chunk as-is ... ok (2ms)
returns a TransformStream<T, T> and ... ok (2ms)
.abortWritable() ...
called when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
does nothing if the callback throws ... ok (2ms)
.abortWritable() ... ok (3ms)
.cancelReadable() ...
called when the readable side cancels ... ok (1ms)
does nothing if the callback throws ... ok (2ms)
.cancelReadable() ... ok (3ms)
.closeWritable() ...
called when the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
does nothing if the callback throws ... ok (1ms)
.closeWritable() ... ok (2ms)
.error() ...
called after `abortWritable` when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
called after `cancelReadable` when the readable side cancels ... ok (1ms)
does nothing if the writable side aborts and the callback throws ... ok (1ms)
does nothing if the readable side cancels and the callback throws ... ok (2ms)
.error() ... ok (5ms)
.finalize() ...
called after `abortWritable` and `error` when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
called after `cancelReadable` and `error` when the readable side cancels ... ok (1ms)
called after `closeWritable` when the writable side closes ... ok (1ms)
does nothing if `finalize` throws ... ok (1ms)
.finalize() ... ok (4ms)
.pull() ...
called when the readable side requests chunk ... ok (1ms)
terminates the stream if the callback throws ... ok (0ms)
.pull() ... ok (1ms)
.write() ...
called when a chunk is emitted from the writable side ... ok (0ms)
terminates the stream if the callback throws ... ok (2ms)
.write() ... ok (3ms)
if `callbacksAndOptions` is specified ... ok (24ms)
TapController ...
.desiredSize ...
is number if the stream is not errored ... ok (3ms)
is null if the readable side cancels ... ok (0ms)
is null if the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
.desiredSize ... ok (4ms)
.index ...
is the last chunk index number ... ok (1ms)
.index ... ok (1ms)
TapController ... ok (6ms)
returns a TransformStream<T, T> and ...
terminates when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
terminates when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
pass through backpressure to the writable side ... ok (4ms)
returns a TransformStream<T, T> and ... ok (8ms)
tap() ... ok (49ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/terminate_test.ts
terminate() ...
returns a TransformStream<unknown, never> type ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream and ...
teminates immediately ... ok (4ms)
can be used in parallel ... ok (0ms)
returns a TransformStream and ... ok (4ms)
terminate() ... ok (5ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/transform_test.ts
transform() ...
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `transformer` is ...
(value: I) => ReadableStream<O> ... ok (1ms)
(value: I) => Array<O> ... ok (1ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => Iterable<Promise<O>> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => AsyncIterable<O> ... ok (0ms)
(value: I) => AsyncGenerator<O> ... ok (1ms)
returns a TransformStream<I, O> type if `transformer` is ... ok (3ms)
throws if `transformer` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (1ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `transformer` is ... ok (1ms)
if `transformer` throws ...
throws an error ... ok (0ms)
if `transformer` throws ... ok (0ms)
if `transformer` returns `ReadableStream` ...
emits each chunks of the returned stream ... ok (4ms)
aborts the readable side when the returned stream aborts ... ok (3ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
aborts the returned stream when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `transformer` returns `ReadableStream` ... ok (11ms)
if `transformer` returns `AsyncGenerator` ...
emits each chunks of the returned stream ... ok (1ms)
aborts the readable side when the returned stream aborts ... ok (2ms)
aborts when the writable side aborts ... ok (1ms)
breaks the returned stream when the readable side cancels ... ok (2ms)
if `transformer` returns `AsyncGenerator` ... ok (6ms)
if `transformer` does not closes the source stream ...
does not cancel the writable side when the returned stream closes ... ok (8ms)
does not cancel the writable side when the returned stream aborts ... ok (6ms)
does not cancel the writable side when the readable side cancels ... ok (7ms)
if `transformer` does not closes the source stream ... ok (21ms)
transform() ... ok (43ms)
running 1 test from ./util/pull_test.ts
pull() ...
returns the next chunk in the stream ... ok (1ms)
returns undefined if the stream is closed ... ok (0ms)
returns `defaultValue` if the stream is closed ... ok (0ms)
throws if the stream is rejected ... ok (1ms)
pull() ... ok (1ms)
running 1 test from ./util/to_array_test.ts
toArray() ...
if `stream` is ReadableStream ...
returns the all chunk in the stream ... ok (0ms)
returns [] if the stream is empty ... ok (0ms)
throws if the stream is rejected ... ok (0ms)
if `mapFn` is specified ...
returns all awaited mapped values in the stream ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `mapFn` throws ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `mapFn` rejects ... ok (1ms)
if `mapFn` is specified ... ok (1ms)
if `stream` is ReadableStream ... ok (3ms)
if `stream` is AsyncIterable ...
returns all chunk values in the stream ... ok (0ms)
returns [] if the stream is empty ... ok (0ms)
rejects if the stream is rejected ... ok (0ms)
if `mapFn` is specified ...
returns all awaited mapped values in the stream ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `mapFn` throws ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `mapFn` rejects ... ok (0ms)
if `mapFn` is specified ... ok (0ms)
if `stream` is AsyncIterable ... ok (1ms)
if `stream` is Iterable ...
returns all awaited chunk values in the stream ... ok (1ms)
returns [] if the stream is empty ... ok (0ms)
rejects if the chunk value in the stream is rejected ... ok (0ms)
if `mapFn` is specified ...
returns all awaited mapped values in the stream ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `mapFn` throws ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `mapFn` rejects ... ok (0ms)
if `mapFn` is specified ... ok (0ms)
if `stream` is Iterable ... ok (2ms)
if `stream` is ArrayLike ...
returns all awaited chunk values in the stream ... ok (0ms)
returns [] if the stream is empty ... ok (0ms)
rejects if the chunk value in the stream is rejected ... ok (0ms)
if `mapFn` is specified ...
returns all awaited mapped values in the stream ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `mapFn` throws ... ok (0ms)
rejects if `mapFn` rejects ... ok (1ms)
if `mapFn` is specified ... ok (1ms)
if `stream` is ArrayLike ... ok (1ms)
toArray() ... ok (7ms)
running 1 test from ./util/write_test.ts
write() ...
writes a value to the WritableStream ... ok (1ms)
writes values to the WritableStream ... ok (0ms)
does nothing if no values specified ... ok (0ms)
writes awaited value of promises to the WritableStream ... ok (0ms)
throws if a rejected promise is specified ... ok (1ms)
write() ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./writable/for_each_test.ts
forEach() ...
returns a WritableStream<T> type if `fn` ...
is `(chunk: T, index: number) => void` ... ok (1ms)
is `(chunk: T, index: number) => Promise<void>` ... ok (0ms)
returns a WritableStream<T> type if `fn` ... ok (1ms)
throws if `fn` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
undefined ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (1ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `fn` is ... ok (1ms)
if `fn` returns not a Promise ...
calls `fn` ... ok (5ms)
aborts if `fn` throws an error ... ok (1ms)
if `fn` returns not a Promise ... ok (6ms)
if `fn` returns a Promise ...
calls `fn` ... ok (1ms)
aborts if `fn` throws an error ... ok (1ms)
if `fn` returns a Promise ... ok (3ms)
forEach() ... ok (11ms)
running 1 test from ./writable/post_message_test.ts
postMessage() ...
returns a WritableStream<T> type if ...
is no `transfer` ... ok (1ms)
specifies message type ... ok (0ms)
returns a WritableStream<T> type if ... ok (1ms)
throws if `transfer` is ...
null ... ok (0ms)
string ... ok (0ms)
number ... ok (0ms)
object ... ok (0ms)
symbol ... ok (0ms)
Promise ... ok (0ms)
throws if `transfer` is ... ok (1ms)
returns a WritableStream and ...
posts data as a message to `target` ... ok (5ms)
posts the return value of the `transfer` as transferable ... ok (2ms)
aborts if `transfer` throws an error ... ok (1ms)
returns a WritableStream and ... ok (8ms)
postMessage() ... ok (10ms)
running 1 test from ./$13-49.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$13-49.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$13-49.ts ... FAILED (3ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/concat_with.ts$20-32.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-32.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 3, 5, 9, 10, 20, 30 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-32.ts ... ok (3ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/defer.ts$20-33.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-33.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-33.ts ... ok (1ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/empty.ts$12-18.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$12-18.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$12-18.ts ... ok (0ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/error.ts$12-21.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$12-21.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$12-21.ts ... ok (0ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/from.ts$23-30.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$23-30.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 3, 8, 42 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$23-30.ts ... ok (1ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/from_event.ts$62-77.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$62-77.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ "foo" ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$62-77.ts ... ok (104ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/from_event.ts$99-111.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$99-111.ts ...running 1 test from ./readable/from_message.ts$54-66.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$54-66.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 1, "foo", true ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$54-66.ts ... FAILED (4ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/from_message.ts$87-99.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$87-99.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 1, "foo", true ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$87-99.ts ... FAILED (3ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/interval.ts$16-25.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$16-25.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$16-25.ts ... ok (413ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/merge_with.ts$20-39.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-39.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
1, 2, 2, 1, 2,
3, 1, 2, 3
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-39.ts ... ok (711ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/range.ts$18-25.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$18-25.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$18-25.ts ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./readable/timer.ts$20-34.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-34.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 0 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-34.ts ... ok (465ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/abort.ts$14-26.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$14-26.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$14-26.ts ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/buffer.ts$21-35.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$21-35.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ] ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$21-35.ts ... ok (314ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/buffer_count.ts$17-26.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$17-26.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8 ] ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$17-26.ts ... ok (3ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/concat_all.ts$22-35.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-35.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, "foo" ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-35.ts ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/concat_map.ts$23-45.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$23-45.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 30, 31, 50, 51 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$23-45.ts ... ok (1s)
running 1 test from ./transform/count.ts$16-25.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$16-25.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 4 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$16-25.ts ... ok (3ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/default_with.ts$22-31.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-31.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 42, 123 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-31.ts ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/delay.ts$20-32.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-32.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-32.ts ... ok (1s)
running 1 test from ./transform/every.ts$22-31.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-31.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ true ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-31.ts ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/exhaust_all.ts$20-45.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-45.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$20-45.ts ... FAILED (1s)
running 1 test from ./transform/exhaust_map.ts$23-44.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$23-44.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$23-44.ts ... ok (1s)
running 1 test from ./transform/filter.ts$22-33.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-33.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ "a", "b", "c" ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-33.ts ... ok (3ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/filter.ts$48-57.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$48-57.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$48-57.ts ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/filter.ts$72-81.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$72-81.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 2, 4, 6 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$72-81.ts ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/map.ts$27-36.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$27-36.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 2, 4, 6 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$27-36.ts ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/max.ts$19-28.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$19-28.ts ...
------- post-test output -------
[ 42 ]
----- post-test output end -----
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$19-28.ts ... ok (2ms)
running 1 test from ./transform/merge_all.ts$22-41.ts
file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-41.ts ...'file:///Users/yusuke/Repo/$22-41.ts' has been running for over (1m0s)
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