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machiko machikoyasuda

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themightychris /
Last active February 17, 2022 16:35
Alvin Toffler's description of techno-rebels from the 1980 book The Third Wave

The Techno-Rebels

The magnitude of such an advance—its importance for the future of evolution itself—makes it critically necessary that we begin to guide it. To adopt a hands-off, damn-the-torpedoes approach could spell doom for ourselves and our children. For the power, scale, and speed of the change is like nothing before in history, and our minds are still fresh with news of the near-catastrophe at Three Mile Island, the tragic DC-10 crashes, the hard-to-plug massive oil spill off the Mexican coast, and a hundred other technological horrors. Faced with such disasters, can we permit the development and combination of tomorrow’s even more powerful technologies to be controlled by the same shortsighted and selfish criteria used during the Second Wave era?

The basic questions asked of new technologies during the past three hundred years, in both capitalist and socialist nations, have been simple: do they contribute to economic gain or military clout? These twin criteria are clearly no longer adequate. New

There's under the sun


Quick: say something about Ruby that hasn't already been said.

Not easy, right? This community is prolific. In thousands of talks, Ruby's story has been told and retold. We heralded programmer happiness, path of least surprise, and confident code. We unleashed metaprogramming (until we tamed our DSLs). We built apps, tested them to death, and then legacy-rescued them.

What's left to say? We could tell the same stories again, but that wouldn't be very DRY. What we need to hear was often said years ago, so this talk will help us rediscover timeless lessons from our community's greatest hits.


jshimko / 01-container.js
Last active October 3, 2017 04:26
Container/Component Patterns
* Container
import { compose, withProps } from 'recompose';
import { graphql } from 'react-apollo';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { withPermissions, withIsAdmin, composeWithTracker } from '/client/api';
import UserDashboard from '../components/dashboard';
import usersListQuery from '../graphql/usersList.graphql';
kmontenegro /
Last active May 15, 2017 23:52
From a visioning exercise at the Movement Technologist Retreat at the Highlander Center

Liberation looks like freedom:
Freedom from state controls like police, borders, & prisons;
Freedom looks like a reduced dependency on money;
Freedom looks like being able to spend time with & provide for our loved ones;
Freedom means access to learning opportunities and a pedagogy that centers collective struggle and liberation.

Liberation means all of us.

xyzzyismagic / gist:325fedb55f152620d62f37f43f486a85
Created November 3, 2016 18:36
What To Do: North Dakota Access Pipeline #noDAP
The Dakota Access Pipeline (by Energy Transfer Partners) is being constructed dangerously close to the primary water supply (Missouri River) of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Police have militarized against protestors. Here's what can be done to help.
*** UCSF's school of medicine is setting up a clinic to provide healthcare for the assembled; there are 2,000-5,000 people and the local IHS hospital has only 12 beds. You can donate here:
*** You can also donate to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe for help with emergencies, sanitation, and legal fees against Energy Transfer Partners:
*** The protesters have a wishlist if you want to send them supplies (especially for the upcoming winter):
machikoyasuda /
Last active October 21, 2016 01:54
open source projects that started in/around journalism


I think you mean team...
I think you mean squad..
I think you mean gang...
I think you mean pals...
I think you mean buds...
I think you mean posse...
I think you mean phalanx...
I think you mean crew...
I think you mean crüe...
I think you mean nerds...
r00k /
Last active November 23, 2015 19:13
Quizzy Question 3
jendiamond /
Last active July 25, 2017 03:21
Rails Girls L.A. Guide to Coaching

Rails Girls L.A. Guide to Coaching

The complete schedule for the event and the address can be found at:

This account of Coaching a Study Group is a great guide for everyone to read.

The Guide (tutorial)
This is the tutorial we will go through with the students. It is not a race to get through it all. Aim for getting up to the part where it says to take a break. Anything past that point is frosting.