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Last active April 15, 2022 14:04
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Accept All Steam Trade Offers With Steam Inventory Helper

Install Steam Inventory Helper, then copy and paste this script in to your browser console. Will accept each trade offer one-by-one with a 3.5 second interval. Uses a nice little ratelimiting function I found on StackOverflow.

function RateLimit(fn, delay, context) {
var queue = [], timer = null;
function processQueue() {
var item = queue.shift();
if (item)
fn.apply(item.context, item.arguments);
if (queue.length === 0)
clearInterval(timer), timer = null;
return function limited() {
context: context || this,
arguments: []
if (!timer) {
processQueue(); // start immediately on the first invocation
timer = setInterval(processQueue, delay);
var AcceptTrade = RateLimit(function(id) {
console.log(`Accept Trade ${id}`);
}, 3500);
$J('a.btn_grey_grey.btn_es_decline').each(function(i, e) {
AcceptTrade(e.href.replace('javascript:DeclineTradeOffer("',"").replace('");', ""));
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unek commented Apr 15, 2022

function RateLimit(fn, delay, context) {
    var queue = [], timer = null;

    function processQueue() {
        var item = queue.shift();
        if (item)
            fn.apply(item.context, item.arguments);
        if (queue.length === 0)
            clearInterval(timer), timer = null;

    return function limited() {
            context: context || this,
            arguments: []
        if (!timer) {
            processQueue();  // start immediately on the first invocation
            timer = setInterval(processQueue, delay);

var AcceptTrade = RateLimit(function(id) {
    console.log(`Accept Trade ${id}`);
}, 3500);

$J('.tradeoffer_footer_actions .whiteLink:last-child').each(function(i, e) {
    AcceptTrade(e.href.replace('javascript:DeclineTradeOffer( \'',"").replace('\');', ""));

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