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Created January 21, 2024 09:30
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Map treesitter groups to nvim hl groups
-- Fix TS Colors
local function set_default_hlgroups()
local highlights = {
-- Identifiers
["@variable"] = { link = "Variable", default = true },
["@variable.builtin"] = { link = "Special", default = true },
["@variable.parameter"] = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
["@variable.member"] = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
["@constant"] = { link = "Constant", default = true },
["@constant.builtin"] = { link = "Special", default = true },
["@constant.macro"] = { link = "Define", default = true },
["@module"] = { link = "Include", default = true },
["@label"] = { link = "Label", default = true },
-- Literals
["@string"] = { link = "String", default = true },
["@string.regexp"] = { link = "String", default = true },
["@string.escape"] = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
["@string.special"] = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
["@string.special.symbol"] = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
["@character"] = { link = "Character", default = true },
["@character.special"] = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
["@boolean"] = { link = "Boolean", default = true },
["@number"] = { link = "Number", default = true },
["@number.float"] = { link = "Float", default = true },
-- Types
["@type"] = { link = "Type", default = true },
["@type.builtin"] = { link = "Type", default = true },
["@type.qualifier"] = { link = "Type", default = true },
["@type.definition"] = { link = "Typedef", default = true },
["@attribute"] = { link = "PreProc", default = true },
["@property"] = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
-- Functions
["@function"] = { link = "Function", default = true },
["@function.builtin"] = { link = "Special", default = true },
["@function.macro"] = { link = "Macro", default = true },
["@function.method"] = { link = "Function", default = true },
["@constructor"] = { link = "Special", default = true },
["@operator"] = { link = "Operator", default = true },
-- Keyword
["@keyword"] = { link = "Keyword", default = true },
["@keyword.function"] = { link = "Keyword", default = true },
["@keyword.operator"] = { link = "Operator", default = true },
["@keyword.import"] = { link = "Include", default = true },
["@keyword.repeat"] = { link = "Repeat", default = true },
["@keyword.return"] = { link = "Keyword", default = true },
["@keyword.debug"] = { link = "Debug", default = true },
["@keyword.exception"] = { link = "Exception", default = true },
["@keyword.conditional"] = { link = "Conditional", default = true },
["@keyword.directive"] = { link = "PreProc", default = true },
-- Punctutation
["@punctutation.delimiter"] = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
["@punctutation.bracket"] = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
["@punctutation.special"] = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
-- Comments
["@comment"] = { link = "Comment", default = true },
["@comment.note"] = { link = "SpecialComment", default = true },
["@comment.warning"] = { link = "WarningMsg", default = true },
["@comment.error"] = { link = "Error", default = true },
["@comment.todo"] = { link = "Todo", default = true },
-- Markup
["@markup.strong"] = { bold = true, default = true },
["@markup.emphasis"] = { italic = true, default = true },
["@markup.underline"] = { underline = true },
["@markup.strike"] = { strikethrough = true },
["@markup.math"] = { link = "Special", default = true },
["@markup.environment"] = { link = "Macro", default = true },
["@markup.heading"] = { link = "Title", default = true },
["@markup.raw"] = { link = "SpecialComment", default = true },
[""] = { link = "Underlined", default = true },
[""] = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
[""] = { link = "Keyword", default = true },
["@markup.list"] = { link = "Keyword", default = true },
["@tag"] = { link = "Label", default = true },
["@tag.delimiter"] = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
["@tag.attribute"] = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
for k, v in pairs(highlights) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, k, v)
-- Fix underlined links
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Underlined", {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", {
callback = set_default_hlgroups,
desc = "Set default highlights for TS",
Copy link

Works great, thanks!!

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