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Created February 27, 2020 01:30
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Code for article
Purpose: A Min Heap Implementation, representing the Binary Tree as an Array
@author: Vijay Ramachandran
@date: 27-02-2020
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct MinHeap MinHeap;
struct MinHeap {
int* arr;
// Current Size of the Heap
int size;
// Maximum capacity of the heap
int capacity;
int parent(int i) {
// Get the index of the parent
return (i - 1) / 2;
int left_child(int i) {
return (2*i + 1);
int right_child(int i) {
return (2*i + 2);
int get_min(MinHeap* heap) {
// Return the root node element,
// since that's the minimum
return heap->arr[0];
MinHeap* init_minheap(int capacity) {
MinHeap* minheap = (MinHeap*) calloc (1, sizeof(MinHeap));
minheap->arr = (int*) calloc (capacity, sizeof(int));
minheap->capacity = capacity;
minheap->size = 0;
return minheap;
MinHeap* insert_minheap(MinHeap* heap, int element) {
// Inserts an element to the min heap
// We first add it to the bottom (last level)
// of the tree, and keep swapping with it's parent
// if it is lesser than it. We keep doing that until
// we reach the root node. So, we will have inserted the
// element in it's proper position to preserve the min heap property
if (heap->size == heap->capacity) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot insert %d. Heap is already full!\n", element);
return heap;
// We can add it. Increase the size and add it to the end
heap->arr[heap->size - 1] = element;
// Keep swapping until we reach the root
int curr = heap->size - 1;
// As long as you aren't in the root node, and while the
// parent of the last element is greater than it
while (curr > 0 && heap->arr[parent(curr)] > heap->arr[curr]) {
// Swap
int temp = heap->arr[parent(curr)];
heap->arr[parent(curr)] = heap->arr[curr];
heap->arr[curr] = temp;
// Update the current index of element
curr = parent(curr);
return heap;
MinHeap* heapify(MinHeap* heap, int index) {
// Rearranges the heap as to maintain
// the min-heap property
if (heap->size <= 1)
return heap;
int left = left_child(index);
int right = right_child(index);
// Variable to get the smallest element of the subtree
// of an element an index
int smallest = index;
// If the left child is smaller than this element, it is
// the smallest
if (left < heap->size && heap->arr[left] < heap->arr[index])
smallest = left;
// Similarly for the right, but we are updating the smallest element
// so that it will definitely give the least element of the subtree
if (right < heap->size && heap->arr[right] < heap->arr[smallest])
smallest = right;
// Now if the current element is not the smallest,
// swap with the current element. The min heap property
// is now satisfied for this subtree. We now need to
// recursively keep doing this until we reach the root node,
// the point at which there will be no change!
if (smallest != index)
int temp = heap->arr[index];
heap->arr[index] = heap->arr[smallest];
heap->arr[smallest] = temp;
heap = heapify(heap, smallest);
return heap;
MinHeap* delete_minimum(MinHeap* heap) {
// Deletes the minimum element, at the root
if (!heap || heap->size == 0)
return heap;
int size = heap->size;
int last_element = heap->arr[size-1];
// Update root value with the last element
heap->arr[0] = last_element;
// Now remove the last element, by decreasing the size
// We need to call heapify(), to maintain the min-heap
// property
heap = heapify(heap, 0);
return heap;
MinHeap* delete_element(MinHeap* heap, int index) {
// Deletes an element, indexed by index
// Ensure that it's lesser than the current root
heap->arr[index] = get_min(heap) - 1;
// Now keep swapping, until we update the tree
int curr = index;
while (curr > 0 && heap->arr[parent(curr)] > heap->arr[curr]) {
int temp = heap->arr[parent(curr)];
heap->arr[parent(curr)] = heap->arr[curr];
heap->arr[curr] = temp;
curr = parent(curr);
// Now simply delete the minimum element
heap = delete_minimum(heap);
return heap;
void print_heap(MinHeap* heap) {
// Simply print the array. This is an
// inorder traversal of the tree
printf("Min Heap:\n");
for (int i=0; i<heap->size; i++) {
printf("%d -> ", heap->arr[i]);
void free_minheap(MinHeap* heap) {
if (!heap)
int main() {
// Capacity of 10 elements
MinHeap* heap = init_minheap(10);
insert_minheap(heap, 40);
insert_minheap(heap, 50);
insert_minheap(heap, 5);
// Delete the heap->arr[1] (50)
delete_element(heap, 1);
return 0;
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can I ask you about optimized sort how we can write a code about it. Or can I say "reducing the number of merge iterations-2: «replacement selection» (optimized sort)". How can we write the appropriate heapify code to sort different elements N using B buffer.

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