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Created March 31, 2020 13:23
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## slam takes in 6 arguments and returns mu,
## mu is the entire path traversed by a robot (all x,y poses) *and* all landmarks locations
def slam(data, N, num_landmarks, world_size, motion_noise, measurement_noise):
## TODO: Use your initilization to create constraint matrices, omega and xi
omega, xi = initialize_constraints(N, num_landmarks, world_size)
## TODO: Iterate through each time step in the data
for time_step in range(len(data)):
## get all the motion and measurement data as you iterate through each time step
measurement = data[time_step][0]
motion = data[time_step][1]
dx = motion[0] # distance to be moved along x in this time_step
dy = motion[1] # distance to be moved along y in this time_step
#Consider the robot moves from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) in this time_step
#even numbered columns of omega correspond to x values
x0 = (time_step * 2) #x0 = 0,2,4,...
x1 = x0 + 2 #x1 = 2,4,6,...
#odd numbered columns of omega correspond to y values
y0 = x0 + 1 #y0 = 1,3,5,...
y1 = y0 + 2 #y1 = 3,5,7,...
actual_m_noise = 1.0/measurement_noise
actual_n_noise = 1.0/motion_noise
## TODO: update the constraint matrix/vector(omega/xi) to account for all *measurements*
## this should be a series of additions that take into account the measurement noise
for landmark in measurement:
lM = landmark[0] # landmark id
dx_lM = landmark[1] # separation along x from current position
dy_lM = landmark[2] # separation along y from current position
L_x0 = (N*2) + (lM*2) # even-numbered columns have x values of landmarks
L_y0 = L_x0 + 1 # odd-numbered columns have y values of landmarks
# update omega values corresponding to measurement between x0 and Lx0
omega[x0][x0] += actual_m_noise
omega[L_x0][L_x0] += actual_m_noise
omega[x0][L_x0] += -actual_m_noise
omega[L_x0][x0] += -actual_m_noise
# update omega values corresponding to measurement between y0 and Ly0
omega[y0][y0] += actual_m_noise
omega[L_y0][L_y0] += actual_m_noise
omega[y0][L_y0] += -actual_m_noise
omega[L_y0][y0] += -actual_m_noise
# update xi values corresponding to measurement between x0 and Lx0
xi[x0] -= dx_lM/measurement_noise
xi[L_x0] += dx_lM/measurement_noise
# update xi values corresponding to measurement between y0 and Ly0
xi[y0] -= dy_lM/measurement_noise
xi[L_y0] += dy_lM/measurement_noise
## TODO: update the constraint matrix/vector(omega/xi) to account for all *motion* from from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) and motion noise
omega[x0][x0] += actual_n_noise
omega[x1][x1] += actual_n_noise
omega[x0][x1] += -actual_n_noise
omega[x1][x0] += -actual_n_noise
omega[y0][y0] += actual_n_noise
omega[y1][y1] += actual_n_noise
omega[y0][y1] += -actual_n_noise
omega[y1][y0] += -actual_n_noise
xi[x0] -= dx/motion_noise
xi[y0] -= dy/motion_noise
xi[x1] += dx/motion_noise
xi[y1] += dy/motion_noise
## TODO: After iterating through all the data
## Compute the best estimate of poses and landmark positions
## using the formula, omega_inverse * Xi
inverse_of_omega = np.linalg.inv(np.matrix(omega))
mu = inverse_of_omega * xi
return mu
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