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In The Zone

Krunal Kshirsagar ksheersaagr

In The Zone
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# import the helper function
from helpers import display_world
# Display the final world!
# define figure size
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20,20)
# check if poses has been created
if 'poses' in locals():
def get_poses_landmarks(mu, N):
# create a list of poses
poses = []
for i in range(N):
poses.append((mu[2*i].item(), mu[2*i+1].item()))
# create a list of landmarks
landmarks = []
for i in range(num_landmarks):
landmarks.append((mu[2*(N+i)].item(), mu[2*(N+i)+1].item()))
## slam takes in 6 arguments and returns mu,
## mu is the entire path traversed by a robot (all x,y poses) *and* all landmarks locations
def slam(data, N, num_landmarks, world_size, motion_noise, measurement_noise):
## TODO: Use your initilization to create constraint matrices, omega and xi
omega, xi = initialize_constraints(N, num_landmarks, world_size)
## TODO: Iterate through each time step in the data
for time_step in range(len(data)):
## get all the motion and measurement data as you iterate through each time step
import numpy as np
from helpers import make_data
# your implementation of slam should work with the following inputs
# feel free to change these input values and see how it responds!
# world parameters
num_landmarks = 5 # number of landmarks
N = 20 # time steps
def initialize_constraints(N, num_landmarks, world_size):
''' This function takes in a number of time steps N, number of landmarks, and a world_size,
and returns initialized constraint matrices, omega and xi.'''
middle_of_the_world = world_size / 2
## Recommended: Define and store the size (rows/cols) of the constraint matrix in a variable
rows, cols = 2*(N + num_landmarks), 2*(N + num_landmarks)
## TODO: Define the constraint matrix, Omega, with two initial "strength" values
import numpy as np
# define omega and xi as in the example
omega = np.array([[1,0,0],
xi = np.array([[-3],
class robot:
#move function
def move(self, dx, dy):
x = self.x + dx + self.rand() * self.motion_noise
y = self.y + dy + self.rand() * self.motion_noise
if x < 0.0 or x > self.world_size or y < 0.0 or y > self.world_size:
return False
## Print out and display the final, resulting Gaussian
# set the parameters equal to the output of the Kalman filter result
mu = mu
sigma2 = sig
# define a range of x values
x_axis = np.arange(-20, 20, 0.1)
# create a corresponding list of gaussian values
g = []
# measurements for mu and motions, U
measurements = [5., 6., 7., 9., 10.]
motions = [1., 1., 2., 1., 1.]
# initial parameters
measurement_sig = 4.
motion_sig = 2.
mu = 0.
sig = 10000. #0000000001
def predict(mean1, var1, mean2, var2):
''' This function takes in two means and two squared variance terms,
and returns updated gaussian parameters, after motion.'''
# Calculate the new parameters
new_mean = mean1 + mean2
new_var = var1 + var2
return [new_mean, new_var]