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#!/bin/csh -f
# last update = 17 Aug 2016
# This is a C-shell script to execute GAMESS, by typing
# rungms JOB VERNO NCPUS PPN LOGN >& JOB.log &
# JOB is the name of the 'JOB.inp' file to be executed,
# VERNO is the number of the executable you chose at 'lked' time,
# NCPUS is the number of processors to be used, or the name of
# a host list file (see an example below, starting from "node1 4".
# PPN processors (actually core?) per node (MPI and cray-xt)
# LOGN logical node size (how many cores per logical node),
# as used by GDDI runs.
# For MPI, LOGN should be between 1 and PPN.
# For sockets, LOGN is only used when run on 1 multicore node.
# For other cases, prepare a node file passed as NCPUS;
# In this node file, repeat node names several times, for
# example, for 2 physical nodes with 12 cores split into
# 6 logical nodes with 4 cores, use a node file like this:
# node1 4
# node1 4
# node1 4
# node2 4
# node2 4
# node2 4
# A physical node can be split into an integer number of
# logical nodes.
# For 8 cores, meaningful values of LOGN are 1, 2 and 4.
# Simple guide: you may like to define NGROUP logical nodes,
# where NGROUP is a parameter in $GDDI.
# FSAVE extra files to save, example: F10, F06 etc.
# Multiple choices are allowed, separated by commas, as in
# rungms exam01 00 1 1 0 F10,F40
# Pertinent files with rank extensions are saved from all nodes.
# If you are not sure what PPN and/or LOGN may be, set them to 0
# as place holders if you want to define only FSAVE.
# Unfortunately execution is harder to standardize than compiling,
# so you have to do a bit more than name your machine type here:
# a) choose the target for execution from the following list:
# sockets, mpi, ga, altix, cray-xt, ibm64-sp, sgi64, serial
# IBM Blue Gene uses separate execution files: ~/gamess/machines/ibm-bg
# choose "sockets" if your compile time target was any of these:
# ibm64, mac64
# as all of these systems use TCP/IP sockets. Do not name your
# specific compile time target, instead choose "sockets".
# If your target was 'linux64', you may chose "sockets" or "mpi",
# or "serial", according to how you chose to compile. The MPI
# example below should be carefully matched against info found
# in 'readme.ddi'!
# Choose 'ga' if and only if you did a 'linux64' build linked
# to the LIBCCHEM software for CPU/GPU computations.
# Search on the words typed in capital letters just below
# in order to find the right place to choose each one:
# b) choose a directory SCR where large temporary files can reside.
# This should be the fastest possible disk access, very spacious,
# and almost certainly a local disk.
# Translation: do not put these files on a slow network file system!
# c) choose a directory USERSCR on the file server where small ASCII
# supplementary output files should be directed.
# Translation: it is OK to put this on a network file system!
# d) name the location GMSPATH of your GAMESS binary.
# e) change the the VERNO default to the version number you chose when
# running "lked" as the VERNO default, and maybe NCPUS' default.
# f) make sure that the ERICFMT file name and MCPPATH pathname point to
# your file server's GAMESS tree, so that all runs can find them.
# Again, a network file system is quite OK for these two.
# g) customize the execution section for your target below,
# each has its own list of further requirements.
# h) it is unwise to have every user take a copy of this script, as you
# can *NEVER* update all the copies later on. Instead, it is better
# to ask other users to create an alias to point to a common script,
# such as this in their C-shell .login file,
# alias gms '/u1/mike/gamess/rungms'
# i) it is entirely possible to make 'rungms' run in a batch queue,
# be it PBS, DQS, et cetera. This is so installation dependent
# that we leave it to up to you, although we give examples.
# See ~/gamess/tools, where there are two examples of "front-end"
# scripts which can use this file as the "back-end" actual job.
# We use the front-end "gms" on local Infiniband clusters using
# both Sun Grid Engine (SGE), and Portable Batch System (PBS).
# See also a very old LoadLeveler "ll-gms" for some IBM systems.
set TARGET=sockets
set SCR=/tmp/gamess
set USERSCR=/tmp/gamess
set GMSPATH=${HOME}/programs/tools/gamess/gamess
# Get any MDI-related options and remove them from the argument list
set newargv=()
set iarg=0
set mdi_next=false
while ( "$iarg" != "$#argv" )
@ iarg++
echo "$iarg : $argv[$iarg]"
if ($mdi_next == true) then
setenv GAMESS_MDI_OPTIONS "$argv[$iarg]"
set mdi_next=false
if ("$argv[$iarg]" == "-mdi") then
set mdi_next=true
set newargv=( $newargv $argv[$iarg] )
set argv=( $newargv )
# Catch unallowed characters in input file name
if ( "$1" =~ *[^A-Za-z0-9\-_./\\]* ) then
echo "Your input file name contains non-allowed symbols." >> /dev/stderr
echo "Allowed symbols are the following: '0-9A-Za-z-_./\'" >> /dev/stderr
echo "Please, rename input file and restart your calculation." >> /dev/stderr
exit 4
# Check VERNO name
if ( "$2" =~ *[^A-Za-z0-9\-_.]* ) then
echo "GAMESS executable's name contains non-allowed symbols." >> /dev/stderr
echo "Allowed symbols are the following: '0-9A-Za-z-_.'" >> /dev/stderr
echo "Please, rename GAMESS executable and restart your calculation." >> /dev/stderr
exit 4
# Check number of CPUs, allow for argument 3 to be a file name
if ( ! -e "$3" && "$3" =~ *[^0-9]* ) then
echo "Number of CPUs is not integer or hostfile does not exist." >> /dev/stderr
echo "Please, specify proper number of CPUs or hostsfile path." >> /dev/stderr
exit 4
# Check processors per node
if ( "$4" =~ *[^0-9]* ) then
echo "Number of processors per node is not integer." >> /dev/stderr
echo "Please, specify proper number of processors per node." >> /dev/stderr
exit 4
if ( "$5" =~ *[^0-9]* ) then
echo "Logical node size is not integer." >> /dev/stderr
echo "Please, specify a proper number or remove the 5th argument." >> /dev/stderr
exit 4
set JOB=$1 # name of the input file xxx.inp, give only the xxx part
set VERNO=$2 # revision number of the executable created by 'lked' step
set NCPUS=$3 # number of compute processes to be run
# $4 is treated below.
set LOGN=$5 # number of cores per logical node
set FSAVE="$6" # extra files to save, example: F10, F06 etc.
# provide defaults if last two arguments are not given to this script
if (null$VERNO == null) set VERNO=00
if (null$NCPUS == null) set NCPUS=1
if (null$LOGN == null) set LOGN=0
# ---- the top third of the script is input and other file assignments ----
echo "----- GAMESS execution script 'rungms' -----"
set master=`hostname`
echo This job is running on host $master
echo under operating system `uname` at `date`
# Batch scheduler, if any, should provide its own working directory,
# on every assigned node (if not, modify scheduler's prolog script).
# The SCHED variable, and scheduler assigned work space, is used
# below only in the MPI section. See that part for more info.
set SCHED=none
if ($SCHED == SGE) then
echo "SGE has assigned the following compute nodes to this run:"
uniq $TMPDIR/machines
if ($SCHED == PBS) then
# our ISU clusters have different names for local working disk space.
if ($?TMPDIR) then
set SCR=/scratch/$PBS_JOBID
echo "PBS has assigned the following compute nodes to this run:"
echo "Available scratch disk space (Kbyte units) at beginning of the job is"
df -k $SCR
echo "GAMESS temporary binary files will be written to $SCR"
echo "GAMESS supplementary output files will be written to $USERSCR"
# this added as experiment, February 2007, as 8 MBytes
# increased to 32 MB in October 2013 for the VB2000 code.
# its intent is to detect large arrays allocated off the stack
limit stacksize 32768
# Grab a copy of the input file.
# In the case of examNN jobs, file is in tests/standard subdirectory.
# In the case of exam-vbNN jobs, file is in vb2000's tests subdirectory.
set FULL_PATH=`readlink -f $JOB`
set JOB_PATH=`dirname $FULL_PATH`
if ($JOB:r.inp == $JOB) set JOB=$JOB:r # strip off possible .inp
set JOB=`basename $JOB`
echo "Copying input file $JOB_PATH/$JOB.inp to your run's scratch directory..."
if (-e $JOB_PATH/$JOB.inp) then
set echo
cp $JOB_PATH/$JOB.inp $SCR/$JOB.F05
unset echo
if (-e tests/standard/$JOB.inp) then
set echo
cp tests/standard/$JOB.inp $SCR/$JOB.F05
unset echo
if (-e tests/$JOB.inp) then
set echo
cp tests/$JOB.inp $SCR/$JOB.F05
unset echo
echo "Input file $JOB.inp does not exist." >> /dev/stderr
echo "This job expected the input file to be in directory `pwd`" >> /dev/stderr
echo "Please fix your file name problem, and resubmit." >> /dev/stderr
exit 4
# define many environment variables setting up file names.
# anything can be overridden by a user's own choice, read 2nd.
source $GMSPATH/gms-files.csh
if (-e $HOME/.gmsrc) then
echo "reading your own $HOME/.gmsrc"
source $HOME/.gmsrc
# In case GAMESS has been interfaced to the Natural Bond Orbital
# analysis program (, you must
# specify the full path name to the NBO binary.
# This value is ignored if NBO has not been linked to GAMESS.
setenv NBOEXE /u1/mike/nbo6/bin/nbo6.i8.exe
# choose remote shell execution program.
# Parallel run do initial launch of GAMESS on remote nodes by the
# following program. Note that the authentication keys for ssh
# must have been set up correctly.
# If you wish, choose 'rsh/rcp' using .rhosts authentication instead.
setenv DDI_RSH ssh
setenv DDI_RCP scp
# If a $GDDI input group is present, the calculation will be using
# subgroups within DDI (the input NGROUP=0 means this isn't GDDI).
# The master within each group must have a copy of INPUT, which is
# dealt with below (prior to execution), once we know something about
# the host names where INPUT is required. The INPUT does not have
# the global rank appended to its name, unlike all other files.
# OUTPUT and PUNCH (and perhaps many other files) are opened on all
# processes (not just the master in each subgroup), but unique names
# will be generated by appending the global ranks. Note that OUTPUT
# is not opened by the master in the first group, but is used by all
# other groups. Typically, the OUTPUT from the first group's master
# is the only one worth saving, unless perhaps if runs crash out.
# The other files that GDDI runs might use are already defined above.
set ngddi=`grep -i '^ \$GDDI' $SCR/$JOB.F05 | grep -iv 'NGROUP=0 ' | wc -l`
if ($ngddi > 0) then
set GDDIjob=true
echo "This is a GDDI run, keeping various output files on local disks"
set echo
setenv OUTPUT $SCR/$JOB.F06
setenv PUNCH $SCR/$JOB.F07
unset echo
set GDDIjob=false
# replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD)
# option is active iff runtyp=md as well as mremd=1 or 2.
# It utilizes multiple replicas, one per subgroup.
# Although REMD is indeed a GDDI kind of run, it handles its own
# input file manipulations, but should do the GDDI file defs above.
set runmd=`grep -i runtyp=md $SCR/$JOB.F05 | wc -l`
set mremd=`grep -i mremd= $SCR/$JOB.F05 | grep -iv 'mremd=0 ' | wc -l`
if (($mremd > 0) && ($runmd > 0) && ($ngddi > 0)) then
set GDDIjob=false
set REMDjob=true
echo "This is a REMD run, keeping various output files on local disks"
set echo
setenv TRAJECT $SCR/$JOB.F04
setenv REMD $USERSCR/$JOB.remd
unset echo
set GDDIinp=(`grep -i '^ \$GDDI' $SCR/$JOB.F05`)
set numkwd=$#GDDIinp
@ g = 2
@ gmax = $numkwd - 1
while ($g <= $gmax)
set keypair=$GDDIinp[$g]
set keyword=`echo $keypair | awk '{split($1,a,"="); print a[1]}'`
if (($keyword == ngroup) || ($keyword == NGROUP)) then
set nREMDreplica=`echo $keypair | awk '{split($1,a,"="); print a[2]}'`
@ g = $gmax
@ g++
unset g
unset gmax
unset keypair
unset keyword
set REMDjob=false
# data left over from a previous run might be precious, stop if found.
if ( (-e $CASINO) || (-e $CIMDMN) || (-e $CIMFILE) || (-e $COSDATA) \
|| (-e $COSPOT) || (-e $GAMMA) || (-e $MAKEFP) \
|| (-e $MDDIP) || (-e $OPTHES1) || (-e $OPTHES2) || (-e $PUNCH) \
|| (-e $QMWAVE) || (-e $RESTART) || (-e $TRAJECT) ) then
echo "Please save, rename, or erase these files from a previous run:" >> /dev/stderr
echo " $CASINO," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $CIMDMN," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $CIMFILE," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $COSDATA," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $COSPOT," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $GAMMA," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $MAKEFP," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $MDDIP," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $OPTHES1," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $OPTHES2," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $PUNCH," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $QMWAVE," >> /dev/stderr
echo " $RESTART, and/or" >> /dev/stderr
echo " $TRAJECT," >> /dev/stderr
echo "and then resubmit this computation." >> /dev/stderr
exit 4
# ---- the middle third of the script is to execute GAMESS ----
# we show execution sections that should work for
# sockets, mpi, altix, cray-xt, serial
# which are not mentioned at the top of this file, as they are quite stale.
# Most workstations run DDI over TCP/IP sockets, and therefore execute
# according to the following clause. The installer must
# a) Set the path to point to the DDIKICK and GAMESS executables.
# b) Build the HOSTLIST variable as a word separated string, i.e. ()'s.
# There should be one host name for every compute process that is
# to be run. DDIKICK will automatically generate a set of data
# server processes (if required) on the same hosts.
# An extended explanation of the arguments to ddikick.x can be found
# in the file gamess/ddi/readme.ddi, if you have any trouble executing.
if ($TARGET == sockets) then
# adjust the path pointing to GAMESS and DDIKICK binaries
# The default path to GAMESS was already set above!
# At Iowa State, we have many operating systems, and store files
# in different partitions according to which system is being used.
# The other nodes have a separate directory for each machine,
# based on their host names.
# special compilation for IBM AIX pSeries p4+ (uname AIX)
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/ti/mike/gamess
# special compilation for Digital AXP500 (uname OSF1)
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/in/mike/gamess
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/in/mike/gamess
# special compilation for Sun SunFire 280R (uname SunOS)
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/hf/mike/gamess
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/hf/mike/gamess
# special compilation for Sun V40Z Opteron uS3 (uname also= SunOS)
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/as/mike/gamess
# special compilation for HP rx2600 Itan2 (uname HP-UX)
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/zr/mike/gamess
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/zr/mike/gamess
# special compilation for SGI Altix 450 (uname also= Linux)
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/br/mike/gamess
# special compilation for SGI XE210 (uname also= Linux)
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/se/mike/gamess
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/se/mike/gamess
# place holder for an Apple node (uname Darwin)
if (`hostname` == set GMSPATH=/users/mike/desktop/gamess
# -- some special settings for certain operating systems --
set os=`uname`
# IBM's AIX needs special setting if node is more than a 4-way SMP
if ($os == AIX) setenv EXTSHM ON
# next allows the huge modules in efpmodule.src to load for execution
if ($os == AIX) limit datasize 2097151
# Fedora Core 1 can't run DDI processes w/o placing a finite
# but large limit on the stack size (2**27 bytes seems OK)
if ($os == Linux) limit stacksize 131072
# In case this Linux system is using Intel's Math Kernel Library
# to obtain its BLAS, we insist each process runs single-threaded.
# one variable is for MKL up to 9, the other from 10 on up.
if ($os == Linux) setenv MKL_SERIAL YES
if ($os == Linux) setenv MKL_NUM_THREADS 1
# it is unlikely that you would need to change DDI_VER from 'new'!
# some antique system lacking pthreads, for example, might have
# to use the old DDI code, so we keep an execution example below.
set DDI_VER='new'
if (`hostname` == set DDI_VER='old'
# Six examples of how to build the HOSTLIST are shown....
# terminology: CPU= processor core,
# NODE= physical enclosure (box/blade)
# 1. User provided a host list as a file. The host list should have this
# structure (one node per line, two entrees per line: node name
# and the number of cores):
# node1 8
# node2 12
# ...
if (-e $NCPUS) then
set NNODES=`wc -l <$NCPUS`
@ CPU=1
set ncores=0
while ($CPU <= $NNODES)
set node=`sed -n -e "$CPU p" <$NCPUS`
set n=`echo $node | awk '{ print $1 }'`
set c=`echo $node | awk '{ print $2 }'`
set HOSTLIST=($HOSTLIST ${n}:cpus=$c)
@ CPU++
@ ncores += $c
echo Using $NNODES nodes and $ncores cores from $NCPUS.
set NCPUS=$ncores
goto skipsetup
# 2. Sequential execution is sure to be on this very same host
if ($NCPUS == 1) then
set NNODES=1
set HOSTLIST=(`hostname`)
# 3. This is an example of how to run on a multi-core SMP enclosure,
# where all CPUs (aka COREs) are inside a -single- NODE.
# At other locations, you may wish to consider some of the examples
# that follow below, after commenting out this ISU specific part.
if ($NCPUS > 1) then
switch (`hostname`)
if ($NCPUS > 2) set NCPUS=2
set NNODES=1
set HOSTLIST=(`hostname`:cpus=$NCPUS)
if ($NCPUS > 4) set NCPUS=4
set NNODES=1
set HOSTLIST=(`hostname`:cpus=$NCPUS)
if ($NCPUS > 6) set NCPUS=6
set NNODES=1
set HOSTLIST=(`hostname`:cpus=$NCPUS)
if ($NCPUS > 8) set NCPUS=8
set NNODES=1
set HOSTLIST=(`hostname`:cpus=$NCPUS)
if ($NCPUS > 12) set NCPUS=12
set NNODES=1
set HOSTLIST=(`hostname`:cpus=$NCPUS)
echo " "
echo Assuming a single but multicore node.
if($LOGN == 0) then
set NNODES=1
set HOSTLIST=(`hostname`:cpus=$NCPUS)
echo Splitting it into $NNODES logical nodes with $LOGN cores each.
set i=1
while ($i <= $NNODES)
set HOSTLIST=($HOSTLIST `hostname`:cpus=$LOGN)
@ i++
echo " "
# 4. How to run in a single computer, namely the "localhost", so
# this computer needn't have a proper Internet name.
# This example also presumes SysV was deliberately *not* chosen
# when DDI was compiled, so that host names have to be repeated,
# instead of using the simpler localhost:cpus=$NCPU form.
# This example is appropriate for use with the pre-compiled
# Apple binary from our web site, provided it is uncommented,
# and the passage #2 just above is deleted or commented out.
#-- set HOSTLIST=()
#-- @ n=1
#-- while ($n <= $NCPUS)
#-- set HOSTLIST=($HOSTLIST localhost)
#-- @ n++
#-- end
# 5. A phony example, of four dual processors (arbitrary names)
# Since their names never change, we just can just specify them.
# Note that we can use a short name like 'bb' if and only if
# system name resolution can map them onto the true host names.
if (`hostname` == then
set NCPUS=8
set NNODES=4
set HOSTLIST=(aa:cpus=2 bb:cpus=2 cc:cpus=2 dd:cpus=2)
# 6. An example of 16 uniprocessor boxes in a Beowulf-type cluster.
# Because they are uniprocessors, we just set NNODES = NCPUS.
# Their host names fall into the pattern fly1 to fly16,
# which we can turn into a HOSTLIST with a small loop.
if (`hostname` == then
set nmax=$NCPUS
if ($nmax > 16) set nmax=16
@ CPU=1
while ($CPU <= $nmax)
@ CPU++
unset $CPU
# we have now finished setting up a correct HOSTLIST.
# uncomment the next two if you are doing script debugging.
#--echo "The generated host list is"
#--echo $HOSTLIST
# One way to be sure that the master node of each subgroup
# has its necessary copy of the input file is to stuff a
# copy of the input file onto every single node right here.
if ($GDDIjob == true) then
@ n=2 # master in master group already did 'cp' above
while ($n <= $NNODES)
set host=$HOSTLIST[$n]
set host=`echo $host | cut -f 1 -d :` # drop anything behind a colon
echo $DDI_RCP $SCR/$JOB.F05 ${host}:$SCR/$JOB.F05
$DDI_RCP $SCR/$JOB.F05 ${host}:$SCR/$JOB.F05
@ n++
if ($REMDjob == true) then
source $GMSPATH/tools/remd.csh $TARGET $nREMDreplica
if ($status > 0) exit $status
# Just make sure we have the binaries, before we try to run
if ((-x $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x) && (-x $GMSPATH/ddikick.x)) then
echo "The GAMESS executable gamess.$VERNO.x" >> /dev/stderr
echo "or else the DDIKICK executable ddikick.x" >> /dev/stderr
echo "could not be found in directory $GMSPATH," >> /dev/stderr
echo "or else they did not properly link to executable permission." >> /dev/stderr
exit 8
# OK, now we are ready to execute!
# The kickoff program initiates GAMESS process(es) on all CPUs/nodes.
if ($DDI_VER == new) then
set echo
$GMSPATH/ddikick.x $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x $JOB \
-scr $SCR < /dev/null
unset echo
set path=($GMSPATH $path)
set echo
ddikick.x $JOB $GMSPATH gamess.$VERNO.x $SCR $NCPUS $HOSTLIST < /dev/null
unset echo
# ------ end of the TCP/IP socket execution section -------
# - a typical MPI example -
# This section is customized to two possible MPI libraries:
# Intel MPI or MVAPICH2 (choose below).
# We do not know tunings to use openMPI correctly!!!
# This section is customized to two possible batch schedulers:
# Sun Grid Engine (SGE), or Portable Batch System (PBS)
# See ~/gamess/tools/gms, which is a front-end script to submit
# this file 'rungms' as a back-end script, to either scheduler.
# if you are using some other MPI:
# See ~/gamess/ddi/readme.ddi for information about launching
# processes using other MPI libraries (each may be different).
# Again: we do not know how to run openMPI effectively.
# if you are using some other batch scheduler:
# Illustrating other batch scheduler's way's of providing the
# hostname list is considered beyond the scope of this script.
# Suffice it to say that
# a) you will be given hostnames at run time
# b) a typical way is a disk file, named by an environment
# variable, containing the names in some format.
# c) another typical way is an blank separated list in some
# environment variable.
# Either way, whatever the batch scheduler gives you must be
# sliced-and-diced into the format required by your MPI kickoff.
if ($TARGET == mpi) then
# Besides the usual three arguments to 'rungms' (see top),
# we'll pass in a "processers per node" value, that is,
# all nodes are presumed to have equal numbers of cores.
set PPN=$4
# Allow for compute process and data servers (one pair per core)
# note that NCPUS = #cores, and NPROCS = #MPI processes
# User customization required here:
# 1. specify your MPI choice: impi/mpich/mpich2/mvapich2/openmpi
# Note that openMPI will probably run at only half the speed
# of the other MPI choices, so openmpi should not be used!
# 2. specify your MPI library's top level path just below,
# this will have directories like include/lib/bin below it.
# 3. a bit lower, perhaps specify your ifort path information.
# ISU's various clusters have various iMPI paths, in this order:
# dynamo/chemphys2011/exalted/bolt/CyEnce/CJ
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == impi) then
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/opt/intel/impi/3.2
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/intel/impi/
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/intel/impi/
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/impi/intel64
set DDI_MPI_ROOT=/shared/intel/impi/
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/impi/intel64
# ISU's various clusters have various MVAPICH2 paths, in this order:
# dynamo/exalted/bolt/thebunny/CJ
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) then
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/mvapich2-1.9a2-generic
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/mvapich2-1.9a2-qlc
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/mvapich2-1.9-generic-gnu
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/mvapich2-2.0a-generic
set DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/mvapich2-2.1a-mlnx
# ISU's various clusters have various openMPI paths
# examples are our bolt/CyEnce clusters
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == openmpi) then
#-- DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/openmpi-1.6.4-generic
set DDI_MPI_ROOT=/shared/openmpi-1.6.4/intel-13.0.1
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == mpich) then
set DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/share/mpi/mpich-3.1.3-generic-gnu
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == mpich2) then
set DDI_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/share/mpi/mpich-3.1.3-generic-gnu
# pre-pend our MPI choice to the library and execution paths.
switch ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE)
case impi:
case mpich:
case mpich2:
case mvapich2:
case openmpi:
if ($?LD_LIBRARY_PATH) then
set path=($DDI_MPI_ROOT/bin $path)
# you probably don't need to modify the kickoff style (see below).
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == impi) set MPI_KICKOFF_STYLE=hydra
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == mpich) set MPI_KICKOFF_STYLE=hydra
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == mpich2) set MPI_KICKOFF_STYLE=hydra
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) set MPI_KICKOFF_STYLE=hydra
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == openmpi) set MPI_KICKOFF_STYLE=orte
# Argonne's MPICH2, offers two possible kick-off procedures,
# guided by two disk files (A and B below).
# Other MPI implementations are often derived from Argonne's,
# and so usually offer these same two styles.
# For example, iMPI and MVAPICH2 can choose either "3steps" or "hydra",
# but openMPI uses its own Open Run Time Environment, "orte".
# Kickoff procedure #1 uses mpd demons, which potentially collide
# if the same user runs multiple jobs that end up on the same nodes.
# This is called "3steps" here because three commands (mpdboot,
# mpiexec, mpdallexit) are needed to run.
# Kickoff procedure #2 is little faster, easier to use, and involves
# only one command (mpiexec.hydra). It is called "hydra" here.
# Kickoff procedure #3 is probably unique to openMPI, "orte".
# A. build HOSTFILE,
# This file is explicitly used only by "3steps" initiation,
# but it is always used below during file cleaning,
# and while creating the PROCFILE at step B,
# so we always make it.
setenv HOSTFILE $SCR/$JOB.nodes.mpd
if (-f "$HOSTFILE" && -w "$HOSTFILE") rm "$HOSTFILE"
if ($NCPUS == 1) then
# Serial run must be on this node itself!
echo `hostname` >> $HOSTFILE
set NNODES=1
# Parallel run gets node names from scheduler's assigned list:
set NNODES=1
if ($SCHED == SGE) then
uniq $TMPDIR/machines $HOSTFILE
set NNODES=`wc -l $HOSTFILE`
if ($SCHED == PBS) then
set NNODES=`wc -l $HOSTFILE`
# uncomment next lines if you need to debug host configuration.
#--echo '-----debug----'
#--echo HOSTFILE $HOSTFILE contains
#--cat $HOSTFILE
#--echo '--------------'
# B. the next file forces explicit "which process on what node" rules.
# The contents depend on the kickoff style. This file is how
# we tell MPI to double-book the cores with two processes,
# thus accounting for both compute processes and data servers.
setenv PROCFILE $SCR/$JOB.processes.mpd
if (-f "$PROCFILE" && -w "$PROCFILE") rm "$PROCFILE"
case 3steps:
if ($NCPUS == 1) then
echo "-n $NPROCS -host `hostname` $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x" >> $PROCFILE
if ($NNODES == 1) then
# when all processes are inside a single node, it is simple!
# all MPI processes, whether compute processes or data servers,
# are just in this node. (note: NPROCS = 2*NCPUS!)
echo "-n $NPROCS -host `hostname` $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x" >> $PROCFILE
# For more than one node, we want PPN compute processes on
# each node, and of course, PPN data servers on each.
# Hence, PPN2 is doubled up.
# Front end script 'gms' is responsible to ensure that NCPUS
# is a multiple of PPN, and that PPN is less than or equals
# the actual number of cores in the node.
@ PPN2 = $PPN + $PPN
@ n=1
while ($n <= $NNODES)
set host=`sed -n -e "$n p" $HOSTFILE`
set host=$host[1]
echo "-n $PPN2 -host $host $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x" >> $PROCFILE
@ n++
case hydra:
if ($NNODES == 1) then
# when all processes are inside a single node, it is simple!
# all MPI processes, whether compute processes or data servers,
# are just in this node. (note: NPROCS = 2*NCPUS!)
@ PPN2 = $PPN + $PPN
echo "`hostname`:$NPROCS" > $PROCFILE
# For more than one node, we want PPN compute processes on
# each node, and of course, PPN data servers on each.
# Hence, PPN2 is doubled up.
# Front end script 'gms' is responsible to ensure that NCPUS
# is a multiple of PPN, and that PPN is less than or equals
# the actual number of cores in the node.
@ PPN2 = $PPN + $PPN
@ n=1
while ($n <= $NNODES)
set host=`sed -n -e "$n p" $HOSTFILE`
set host=$host[1]
echo "${host}:$PPN2" >> $PROCFILE
@ n++
case orte:
# openMPI can double book cores on its command line, no PROCFILE!
@ PPN2 = $PPN + $PPN
echo "no process file is used" >> $PROCFILE
# uncomment next lines if you need to debug host configuration.
#--echo '-----debug----'
#--echo PROCFILE $PROCFILE contains
#--cat $PROCFILE
#--echo '--------------'
# ==== values that influence the MPI operation ====
# tunings below are specific to Intel MPI 3.2 and/or 4.0:
# a very important option avoids polling for incoming messages
# which allows us to compile DDI in pure "mpi" mode,
# and get sleeping data servers if the run is SCF level.
# trial and error showed process pinning slows down GAMESS runs,
# set debug option to 5 to see messages while kicking off,
# set debug option to 200 to see even more messages than that,
# set statistics option to 1 or 2 to collect messaging info,
# iMPI 4.0 on up defaults fabric to shm,dapl: dapl only is faster.
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == impi) then
set echo
setenv I_MPI_WAIT_MODE enable
setenv I_MPI_PIN disable
setenv I_MPI_DEBUG 0
setenv I_MPI_STATS 0
# next two select highest speed mode of an Infiniband
setenv I_MPI_FABRICS dapl
# Force use of "shared memory copy" large message transfer mechanism
# The "direct" mechanism was introduced and made default for IPS 2017,
# and makes GAMESS hang when DD_GSum() is called. See IPS 2017 release notes
# for more details.
setenv I_MPI_SHM_LMT shm
# next two select TCP/IP, a slower way to use Infiniband.
# The device could be eth0 if IP over IB is not enabled.
#--setenv I_MPI_FABRICS tcp
#--setenv I_MPI_TCP_NETMASK ib0
# in case someone wants to try the "tag matching interface",
# an option which unfortunately ignores the WAIT_MODE in 4.0.2!
#--setenv I_MPI_FABRICS tmi
#--setenv I_MPI_TMI_PROVIDER psm
#--setenv TMI_CONFIG $DDI_MPI_ROOT/etc/tmi.conf
unset echo
# similar tunings for MVAPICH2 are
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) then
set echo
unset echo
# similar tunings for openMPI are
# this parameter appears to be ignored, in our hands,
# as the data servers always use as much machine time as
# the compute processes. This effectively halves the
# performance of each core, and renders openMPI more or
# less useless. Using '--mca mpi_yield_when_idle 1'
# on the orterun command line is also of no avail.
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == openmpi) then
set echo
setenv OMPI_MCA_mpi_yield_when_idle 1
unset echo
# ... thus ends setting up the process initiation,
# tunings, pathnames, library paths, for the MPI.
# Compiler library setup (ifort)
# just ignore this (or comment out) if you're using gfortran.
# ISU's various clusters have various compiler paths, in this order:
# dynamo/chemphys2011/exalted/bolt/CyEnce/thebunny/CJ
#----- LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/intel/fce/10.1.018/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#----- LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/intel/composerxe-2011.1.107/compiler/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#----- LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/intel/composerxe-2011.4.191/compiler/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#----- LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/intel/composer_xe_2013.3.163/compiler/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /shared/intel/composer_xe_2013.1.117/compiler/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#----- LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/share/apps/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.8.273/composer_xe_2011_sp1.11.339/compiler/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
#----- LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/intel/composer_xe_2013.5.192/compiler/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# Math library setup (MKL or Atlas):
# set up Intel MKL (math kernel library):
# GAMESS links MKL statically, for single threaded execution,
# so if you use MKL, you can probably skip this part.
# below are ISU's dynamo/CyEnce clusters
#--setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/intel/mkl/
#--setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/intel/composer_xe_2013/mkl/lib/intel64
#--setenv MKL_SERIAL YES
#--setenv MKL_NUM_THREADS 1
# set up Atlas, if you use that.
#--setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib64/atlas:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# =========== runtime path/library setup is now finished! ===========
# any issues with paths and libraries can be debugged just below:
#--echo '-----debug----'
#--echo the execution path is
#--echo $path
#--echo " "
#--echo the library path is
#--echo " "
#--echo The dynamically linked libraries for this binary are
#--ldd $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x
#--echo '--------------'
# the next two setups are GAMESS-related
# Set up Fragment MO runs (or other runs exploiting subgroups).
# One way to be sure that the master node of each subgroup
# has its necessary copy of the input file is to stuff a
# copy of the input file onto every single node right here.
if ($GDDIjob == true) then
set nmax=`wc -l $HOSTFILE`
set nmax=$nmax[1]
set lasthost=$master
echo GDDI has to copy your input to every node....
@ n=2 # input has already been copied into the master node.
while ($n <= $nmax)
set host=`sed -n -e "$n p" $HOSTFILE`
set host=$host[1]
if ($host != $lasthost) then
echo $DDI_RCP $SCR/$JOB.F05 ${host}:$SCR/$JOB.F05
$DDI_RCP $SCR/$JOB.F05 ${host}:$SCR/$JOB.F05
set lasthost=$host
@ n++
# The default for the logical node size is all cores existing
# in the physical node (just skip setting the value).
# GDDI runs require that the number of groups should not be
# less than the number of logical nodes.
# For example, if you run on 2 physical nodes with 12 cores each
# and you want to use 6 GDDI groups, then you would set LOGN to 4
# (12*2/6).
# By doing this, you will get 6 groups with 4 cores each;
# if you do not do this (and run with 2 nodes), you can only ask
# for at most 2 groups.
if ($REMDjob == true) then
source $GMSPATH/tools/remd.csh $TARGET $nREMDreplica
if ($status > 0) exit $status
# Now, at last, we can actually kick-off the MPI processes...
echo "MPI kickoff will run GAMESS on $NCPUS cores in $NNODES nodes."
echo "The binary to be executed is $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x"
echo "MPI will run $NCPUS compute processes and $NCPUS data servers,"
echo " placing $PPN of each process type onto each node."
echo "The scratch disk space on each node is $SCR, with free space"
df -k $SCR
chdir $SCR
case 3steps:
# a) bring up a 'ring' of MPI demons
set echo
mpdboot --rsh=ssh -n $NNODES -f $HOSTFILE
# b) kick off the compute processes and the data servers
mpiexec -configfile $PROCFILE < /dev/null
# c) shut down the 'ring' of MPI demons
unset echo
case hydra:
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == impi) then
set echo
setenv I_MPI_HYDRA_ENV all
unset echo
if ($DDI_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) then
set echo
setenv HYDRA_ENV all
unset echo
set echo
mpiexec.hydra -f $PROCFILE -n $NPROCS \
$GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x < /dev/null
unset echo
case orte:
set echo
orterun -np $NPROCS --npernode $PPN2 \
$GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x < /dev/null
unset echo
case default:
echo "rungms: No valid DDI-over-MPI startup procedure was chosen." >> /dev/stderr
# keep HOSTFILE, as it is passed to the file erasing step below
if (-f "$PROCFILE" && -w "$PROCFILE") rm "$PROCFILE"
# ------ end of the MPI execution section -------
if ($TARGET == ga) then
# This section is used if and only if you run GAMESS+LIBCCHEM,
# over Global Arrays (GA) which is running over MPI.
# To save space, the more verbose notes in the MPI section are
# not all here. See the MPI section for extra comments.
# LIBCCHEM wants only one process per assigned node, hence the
# hardwiring of processes per node to just 1. In effect, the input
# value NCPUS, and thus NPROCS, are node counts, not core counts.
# Parallelization inside the nodes is handled by LIBCCHEM threads.
# The lack of data servers is due to GA as the message passing agent.
set PPN=1
# User customization here!
# select MPI from just two: impi,mvapich2
# select MPI top level directory pathname.
set GA_MPI_CHOICE=impi
# ISU's various clusters have various iMPI paths
# the examples are our exalted/bolt clusters
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == impi) then
set GA_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/intel/impi/
#-- GA_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/impi/intel64
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mpich) then
set GA_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/share/mpi/mpich-3.1.3-generic-gnu
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mpich2) then
set GA_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/share/mpi/mpich-3.1.3-generic-gnu
# ISU's various clusters have various MVAPICH2 paths
# the examples are our exalted/bolt clusters
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) then
set GA_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/mvapich2-1.9a2-sock
#-- GA_MPI_ROOT=/share/apps/mpi/mvapich2-1.9-generic-gnu
# we were unable to run by iMPI/hydra, but the old 3steps=OK.
# in contrast, MVAPICH2 ran well by hydra, but not by mpirun_rsh.
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == impi) set MPI_KICKOFF_STYLE=3steps
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mpich) set MPI_KICKOFF_STYLE=hydra
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mpich2) set MPI_KICKOFF_STYLE=hydra
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) set MPI_KICKOFF_STYLE=hydra
# ===== set up MPI control files to execute 1 process per node =====
# A. build HOSTFILE,
setenv HOSTFILE $SCR/$JOB.nodes.mpd
if (-f "$HOSTFILE" && -w "$HOSTFILE") rm "$HOSTFILE"
if ($NCPUS == 1) then
# Serial run must be on this node itself!
echo `hostname` >> $HOSTFILE
set NNODES=1
# Parallel run gets node names from scheduler's assigned list:
if ($SCHED == SGE) then
uniq $TMPDIR/machines $HOSTFILE
set NNODES=`wc -l $HOSTFILE`
if ($SCHED == PBS) then
set NNODES=`wc -l $HOSTFILE`
# uncomment next lines if you need to debug host configuration.
#--echo '-----debug----'
#--echo HOSTFILE $HOSTFILE contains
#--cat $HOSTFILE
#--echo '--------------'
# B. the next file forces explicit "which process on what node" rules.
setenv PROCFILE $SCR/$JOB.processes.mpd
if (-f "$PROCFILE" && -w "$PROCFILE") rm "$PROCFILE"
case mpirun_rsh:
# MVAPICH2 hasn't got the 3-step way, but has a similar 'mpirun_rsh'.
# PROCFILE can remain empty, since it isn't used for this case.
case 3steps:
if ($NCPUS == 1) then
echo "-n $NPROCS -host `hostname` $GMSPATH/gamess.cchem.$VERNO.x" >> $PROCFILE
if ($NNODES == 1) then
# when all processes are inside a single node, it is simple!
# all MPI processes, whether compute processes or data servers,
# are just in this node. (note: NPROCS = 2*NCPUS!)
echo "-n $NPROCS -host `hostname` $GMSPATH/gamess.cchem.$VERNO.x" >> $PROCFILE
@ n=1
while ($n <= $NNODES)
set host=`sed -n -e "$n p" $HOSTFILE`
set host=$host[1]
echo "-n $PPN -host $host $GMSPATH/gamess.cchem.$VERNO.x" >> $PROCFILE
@ n++
case hydra:
if ($NNODES == 1) then
# when all processes are inside a single node, it is simple!
echo "`hostname`:$PPN" > $PROCFILE
@ n=1
while ($n <= $NNODES)
set host=`sed -n -e "$n p" $HOSTFILE`
set host=$host[1]
echo "${host}:$PPN" >> $PROCFILE
@ n++
# uncomment next lines if you need to debug host configuration.
#--echo '-----debug----'
#--echo PROCFILE $PROCFILE contains
#--cat $PROCFILE
#--echo '--------------'
# add the MPI to the execution path.
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == impi) set path=($GA_MPI_ROOT/bin $path)
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mpich) set path=($GA_MPI_ROOT/bin $path)
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mpich2) set path=($GA_MPI_ROOT/bin $path)
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) set path=($GA_MPI_ROOT/bin $path)
# ... thus ends setting up the process initiation files,
# tunings, and pathnames for the MPI.
# ===== locate any shared object libraries we need here =====
# note we are adding onto any pre-existing system's library path,
# placing our choices first means they are sure to be obeyed.
# a) next line finds the CUDA runtime libraries
# the examples are our exalted/bolt clusters
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/cuda4.1/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#--env LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# b) next finds the right MPI libraries
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == impi) then
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mpich) then
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mpich2) then
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) then
# c) next line finds ifort-related compiler libraries
# ignore this, or comment out if you're using gfortran.
# the examples are our exalted/bolt clusters
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/intel/composerxe-2011.4.191/compiler/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#--env LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/intel/composer_xe_2013.3.163/compiler/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# d) next line finds Intel MKL (math kernel library) libraries
# While pure-GAMESS steps run, we want serial execution here, note that
# at times LIBCCHEM manipulates some of its steps to use threaded MKL.
# Atlas is an acceptable substitute for MKL, if you linked to Atlas.
# the examples are our exalted/bolt clusters
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/intel/composerxe-2011.4.191/mkl/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#--env LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/intel/composer_xe_2013.3.163/mkl/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#--setenv MKL_SERIAL YES
#--setenv MKL_NUM_THREADS 1
#--setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib64/atlas:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# any issues with run-time libraries can be debugged just below
#--echo '-----debug----'
#--echo the execution path is
#--echo $path
#--echo the library path is
#--echo The dynamically linked libraries for this binary are
#--ldd $GMSPATH/gamess.cchem.$VERNO.x
#--echo '--------------'
# ==== values that influence the MPI operation ====
# There is a known problem with GA on QLogics brand infiniband,
# for which the high speed IB mode "dapl" does not work correctly.
# In our experience, Mellanox brand infiniband works OK.
# our exalted/bolt clusters have QLogics/Mellanox boards.
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == impi) then
set echo
setenv I_MPI_WAIT_MODE enable
setenv I_MPI_PIN disable
setenv I_MPI_DEBUG 0
setenv I_MPI_STATS 0
# Qlogics Infiniband must run in IPoIB mode due to using GA.
# recently, device ib0 stopped working, but eth1 is OK.
setenv I_MPI_FABRICS tcp
setenv I_MPI_TCP_NETMASK eth1
# Mellanox Infiniband can launch GA in a native IB mode
#--env I_MPI_FABRICS dapl
unset echo
# similar tunings for MVAPICH2 are
# DPM=dynamic process management (GA does MPI spawning)
# see MPI explanation for QLogics/Mellanox choice about IPoIB/DAPL
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) then
set echo
setenv MV2_SUPPORT_DPM 1
# comment out the next line if you are using DAPL instead of IPoIB
setenv HYDRA_IFACE ib0
unset echo
# ===== Runtime control over LIBCCHEM =====
# set GMS_CCHEM to 1 to enable calls to LIBCCHEM.
# set CCHEM to control use of GPUs, or memory used.
# for example, setenv CCHEM 'devices=;memory=100m'
# disables the usage of GPUs,
# and limits memory/node to 100m (units m,g both OK)
# set OMP_NUM_THREADS to limit core usage to fewer than all cores.
setenv GMS_CCHEM '1'
# Our 'gms' front end for PBS batch submission changes the value
# of NUMGPU to 2 or 4 depending on user's request, or else
# leaves NUMGPU at 0 if the user decides to ignore any GPUs.
# Please set to your number of GPU's if you are not using
# the front end 'gms' to correctly change this value.
# The 0 otherwise leads to ignoring GPUs (OK if you have none).
# Approximately 1 GByte of memory should be given per CPU thread.
# Our system is hex-core nodes, your memory setting might vary.
if ($NUMGPU > 0) then
setenv CCHEM 'memory=6g'
setenv CCHEM 'devices=;memory=6g'
# Now, at last, we can actually kick-off the MPI/GA processes...
echo "MPI kickoff will start GAMESS on $NCPUS cores in $NNODES nodes."
echo "LIBCCHEM will generate threads on all other cores in each node."
echo "LIBCCHEM will run threads on $NUMGPU GPUs per node."
echo "LIBCCHEM's control setting for CCHEM is $CCHEM"
echo "The binary to be executed is $GMSPATH/gamess.cchem.$VERNO.x"
echo "The scratch disk space on each node is $SCR, with free space"
df -k $SCR
chdir $SCR
case 3steps:
# a) bring up a 'ring' of MPI demons
set echo
mpdboot --rsh=ssh -n $NNODES -f $HOSTFILE
# b) kick off the compute processes and the data servers
mpiexec -configfile $PROCFILE < /dev/null
# c) shut down the 'ring' of MPI demons
unset echo
# never succeeded in getting next kickoff stuff to actually work!
case mpirun_rsh:
set echo
mpirun_rsh -ssh -np $NNODES -hostfile $HOSTFILE \
unset echo
case hydra:
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == impi) then
set echo
setenv I_MPI_HYDRA_ENV all
unset echo
if ($GA_MPI_CHOICE == mvapich2) then
set echo
setenv HYDRA_ENV all
setenv HYDRA_DEBUG 0
unset echo
set echo
mpiexec.hydra -f $PROCFILE -n $NPROCS \
$GMSPATH/gamess.cchem.$VERNO.x < /dev/null
unset echo
case default:
echo "No valid GA/MPI startup procedure chosen." >> /dev/stderr
# keep HOSTFILE, as it is passed to the file erasing step below
if (-f "$PROCFILE" && -w "$PROCFILE") rm "$PROCFILE"
# ------ end of the GA execution section -------
# SGI Altix or ICE, using ProPack's mpt MPI library, and PBS batch queues
if ($TARGET == altix) then
# James Ianni bumped up two values in the script from Dave Anderson,
# but not the first one shown. Alan Sheinine discovered the final two.
set SMP_SIZE=36
echo Assuming this Altix has $SMP_SIZE cores/node...
set echo
# default: 96 pages (1 page = 16KB), Max: 1 million pages
setenv MPI_BUFS_PER_PROC 512
# default: 32 pages (1 page = 16KB), Max: 1 million pages
# set number of milliseconds between polls, helps data servers sleep
setenv MPI_NAP 1
# way to force MPI processes out to every node (each with SMP_SIZE cores)
unset echo
setenv GMSPATH /usr/local/u/boatzj/gamess
cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} | sort > $SCR/$JOB.nodes.$$
cat $SCR/$JOB.nodes.$$ $SCR/$JOB.nodes.$$ | sort > $SCR/$JOB.2xnodes.$$
setenv PBS_NODEFILE $SCR/$JOB.2xnodes.$$
#-- echo "Contents of PBS_NODEFILE are ..."
#-- echo "PBS_NODEFILE has the following number of hostnames:"
#-- cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l
chdir $SCR
set echo
mpiexec_mpt -v -n $NPROCS $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x $JOB
unset echo
rm "$SCR/$JOB.nodes.$$"
rm "$SCR/$JOB.2xnodes.$$"
# CRAY-XT (various models) running GAMESS/DDI over MPI wants you to
# a) set the path to point to the GAMESS executable
# b) set SMP_SIZE to the number of cores in each XT node
# c) read the notes below about SCR and USERSCR
# This machine runs only one MPI process/core, with most of these
# able to be compute processes. DDI_DS_PER_NODE lets you pick
# how many of processes are to function as data servers.
# So a node runs SMP_SIZE minus DDI_DE_PER_NODE compute processes.
# The TPN variable below lets you use more memory, by wasting
# some of the processors, if that is needed to do your run.
# The 4th run parameter has to be passed at time of job submission,
# if not, all cores are used.
# This machine may not allow FORTRAN to access the file server
# directly. As a work-around, input data like the error function
# table can to be copied to the working disk SCR. Any extra
# output files can be rescued from USERSCR after the run ends.
# For speed reasons, you probably want to set SCR at the top of this
# file to /tmp, which is a RAM disk. Not all data centers will let
# you do this, and it is acceptable to use the less eficient
# alternative of setting SCR to a /lustre subdirectory.
# You should set USERSCR to your directory in /lustre, which is
# visible to all compute nodes, but not as fast as its /tmp.
# Supplemental output files (like .dat) are then not in a RAM
# disk which is wiped automatically at job end.
# If you use subgroups, e.g. $GDDI input for FMO runs, you should
# modify the input copying near the top of this file to copy to
# USERSCR rather than SCR. A file in /lustre is visible to all
# nodes! You must also change gms-files.csh to define INPUT as
# being in USERSCR rather than SCR.
# aprun flags:
# -n is number of processing elements PEs required for the application
# -N is number of MPI tasks per physical node
# -d is number of threads per MPI task (interacts w/ OMP_NUM_THREADS)
# -r is number of CPU cores to be used for core specialization
# -j is number of CPUs to use per compute unit (single stream mode)
# If your data center does not let you use -r 1 below, to run on
# a jitter-free microkernel, just remove that flag from 'aprun'.
if ($TARGET == cray-xt) then
# path to binary, and number of cores per node.
set GMSPATH=/u/sciteam/spruitt/gamess
set SMP_SIZE=16
# number of processes per node (TPN=tasks/node)
set TPN=$4
if (null$TPN == null) set TPN=$SMP_SIZE
if (!(-e $SCR/$JOB)) mkdir $SCR/$JOB
# copy auxiliary data files to working disk, redefine their location.
cp $ERICFMT $SCR/$JOB/ericfmt.dat
setenv ERICFMT $SCR/$JOB/ericfmt.dat
# execute, with a few run-time tunings set first.
set echo
setenv DDI_DS_PER_NODE 1
#--- setenv MPICH_UNEX_BUFFER_SIZE 90000000
chdir $SCR/$JOB
aprun -j 1 -n $NCPUS -N $TPN $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x $JOB
unset echo
# Rescue the supplementary ASCII output files,
# from /lustre to one's permanent disk storage.
# This user is doing FMO trajectories, mainly,
# and ends up saving all those files...
set PERMSCR=/u/sciteam/spruitt/scr
if (-e $USERSCR/$JOB.efp) cp $USERSCR/$JOB.efp $PERMSCR
if (-e $USERSCR/$JOB.gamma) cp $USERSCR/$JOB.gamma $PERMSCR
if (-e $USERSCR/$JOB.trj) cp $USERSCR/$JOB.trj $PERMSCR
if (-e $USERSCR/$JOB.rst) cp $USERSCR/$JOB.rst $PERMSCR
if (-e $USERSCR/$JOB.dat) cp $USERSCR/$JOB.dat $PERMSCR
cp $USERSCR/$JOB.trj.000* $PERMSCR
set nonomatch
foreach file ("$USERSCR/$JOB."*)
if (-f "$file" && -w "$file") rm "$file"
# clean SCR, e.g. the RAM disk /tmp
foreach file ("$SCR/$JOB/$JOB.F"*)
if (-f "$file" && -w "$file") rm "$file"
foreach file ("$SCR/$JOB/$JOB.F"*)
if (-f "$file" && -w "$file") rm "$file"
if (-f "$SCR/$JOB/ericfmt.dat" && -w "$SCR/$JOB/ericfmt.dat") rm "$SCR/$JOB/ericfmt.dat"
foreach file ("$SCR/$JOB/MCP/"*)
if (-f "$file" && -w "$file") rm "$file"
unset nonomatch
unset file
rmdir "$SCR/$JOB/MCP"
rmdir "$SCR/$JOB"
# perhaps these next things are batch queue related files?
# this is dangerous if jobs are launched from home directory,
# as it will wipe out input and output!
#---rm "/u/sciteam/spruitt/$JOB."*
# Serial execution is mainly used for debugging.
# Therefore we directly include the gdb debugger in the
# command line.
if ($TARGET =~ serial*) then
# -- some special settings for certain operating systems --
set os=`uname`
if ($os == Linux) limit stacksize 131072
# In case this Linux system is using Intel's Math Kernel Library
# to obtain its BLAS, we insist each process runs single-threaded.
# one variable is for MKL up to 9, the other from 10 on up.
if ($os == Linux) setenv MKL_SERIAL YES
if ($os == Linux) setenv MKL_NUM_THREADS 1
# Just make sure we have the binaries, before we try to run
if (!(-x $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x)) then
echo "The GAMESS executable gamess.$VERNO.x" >> /dev/stderr
echo "could not be found in directory $GMSPATH," >> /dev/stderr
echo "or else they did not properly link to executable permission." >> /dev/stderr
exit 8
# OK, now we are ready to execute!
set path=($GMSPATH $path)
if ($TARGET == serial) then
set echo
$GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x "$JOB -scr $SCR < /dev/null"
unset echo
else if ($TARGET == serial-debug) then
set echo
gdb --args $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x "$JOB -scr $SCR < /dev/null"
unset echo
# ------ end of the serial execution section -------
# ---- the bottom third of the script is to clean up all disk files ----
# It is quite useful to display to users how big the disk files got to be.
echo ----- accounting info -----
# in the case of GDDI runs, we save the first PUNCH file only.
# If something goes wrong, the .F06.00x, .F07.00x, ... from the
# other groups are potentially interesting to look at.
if ($GDDIjob == true) cp $SCR/$JOB.F07 $USERSCR/$JOB.dat
# Clean up the master's scratch directory.
echo Files used on the master node $master were:
ls -lF $SCR/$JOB.*
set nonomatch
# Save user specified files.
set savelist=""
if($SCR == $USERSCR) set FSAVE=""
if(null$FSAVE != null) then
echo Saving $FSAVE files on the master node.
foreach i (`echo $FSAVE | tr "," " "`)
set savelist=("$savelist" "$JOB.${i}*")
mv $SCR/$JOB.${i}* $USERSCR
foreach file ("$SCR/$JOB.F"*)
if (-f "$file" && -w "$file") rm "$file"
unset nonomatch
unset file
# Clean/Rescue any files created by the VB2000 plug-in
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.V84) mv $SCR/$JOB.V84 $USERSCR
# New *.gpfep and *.dmat from VB2000 3.0
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.gpfep) mv $SCR/$JOB.gpfep $USERSCR
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.dmat) mv $SCR/$JOB.dmat $USERSCR
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.V80) then
set nonomatch
foreach file ("$SCR/$JOB.V"*)
if (-f "$file" && -w "$file") rm "$file"
unset nonomatch
unset file
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.TEMP02) then
set nonomatch
foreach file ("$SCR/$JOB.TEMP"*)
if (-f "$file" && -w "$file") rm "$file"
unset nonomatch
unset file
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.orb) mv $SCR/$JOB.orb $USERSCR
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.vec) mv $SCR/$JOB.vec $USERSCR
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.mol) mv $SCR/$JOB.mol $USERSCR
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.molf) mv $SCR/$JOB.molf $USERSCR
if (-e $SCR/$JOB.mkl) mv $SCR/$JOB.mkl $USERSCR
if (-e $SCR/$ mv $SCR/$ $USERSCR
ls $SCR/${JOB}-*.cube > $SCR/${JOB}.lis
if (! -z $SCR/${JOB}.lis) mv $SCR/${JOB}*.cube $USERSCR
if (-f "$SCR/${JOB}.lis" && -w "$SCR/${JOB}.lis") rm "$SCR/${JOB}.lis"
ls $SCR/${JOB}-*.grd > $SCR/${JOB}.lis
if (! -z $SCR/${JOB}.lis) mv $SCR/${JOB}*.grd $USERSCR
if (-f "$SCR/${JOB}.lis" && -w "$SCR/${JOB}.lis") rm "$SCR/${JOB}.lis"
ls $SCR/${JOB}-*.csv > $SCR/${JOB}.lis
if (! -z $SCR/${JOB}.lis) mv $SCR/${JOB}*.csv $USERSCR
if (-f "$SCR/${JOB}.lis" && -w "$SCR/${JOB}.lis") rm "$SCR/${JOB}.lis"
# Clean up scratch directory of remote nodes.
# This may not be necessary, e.g. on a T3E where all files are in the
# same directory, and just got cleaned out by the previous 'rm'. Many
# batch queue managers provide cleaning out of scratch directories.
# It still may be interesting to the user to see the sizes of files.
# The 'lasthost' business prevents multiple cleanup tries on SMP nodes.
if ($TARGET == sockets) then
set nmax=${#HOSTLIST}
set lasthost=$HOSTLIST[1]
@ n=2 # master already cleaned above
while ($n <= $nmax)
set host=$HOSTLIST[$n]
set host=`echo $host | cut -f 1 -d :` # drop anything behind a colon
if ($host != $lasthost) then
echo Files from $host are:
$DDI_RSH $host -l $USER -n "ls -l $SCR/$JOB.*"
if ($GDDIjob == true && null$FSAVE != null) then
echo Saving $FSAVE files on $host
$DDI_RSH $host -l $USER -n "cd $SCR; mv $savelist $USERSCR"
$DDI_RSH $host -l $USER -n "find '$SCR' -maxdepth 1 -type f -writable -name '$JOB.F*' -exec rm {} \;"
set lasthost=$host
@ n++
# This particular example is for the combination iMPI, w/SGE or PBS.
# We have inherited a file of unique node names from above.
# There is an option to rescue the output files from group DDI runs,
# such as FMO, in case you need to see the other group's outputs.
if ($TARGET == mpi) then
set nnodes=`wc -l $HOSTFILE`
set nnodes=$nnodes[1]
@ n=1
set master=`hostname`
# burn off the .local suffix in our cluster's hostname
set master=$master:r
while ($n <= $nnodes)
set host=`sed -n -e "$n p" $HOSTFILE`
# in case of openMPI, unwanted stuff may follow the hostname
set host=$host[1]
if ($host != $master) then
echo Files used on node $host were:
#---------FMO rescue------
#--if ($GDDIjob == true) then
#-- echo "========= OUTPUT from node $host is =============="
#-- ssh $host -l $USER "cat $SCR/$JOB.F06*"
#---------FMO rescue------
ssh $host -l $USER "ls -l $SCR/$JOB.*"
if ($GDDIjob == true && null$FSAVE != null) then
echo Saving $FSAVE files on $host
$DDI_RSH $host -l $USER -n "cd $SCR; mv $savelist $USERSCR"
$DDI_RSH $host -l $USER "find '$SCR' -maxdepth 1 -type f -writable -name '$JOB.F*' -exec rm {} \;"
@ n++
# clean off the last file on the master's scratch disk.
if (-f "$HOSTFILE" && -w "$HOSTFILE") rm "$HOSTFILE"
if ($?I_MPI_STATS) then
if ($I_MPI_STATS > 0) mv $SCR/stats.txt ~/$JOB.$NCPUS.stats
# and this is the end
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