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Last active September 4, 2024 17:52
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Save kervel/57c732fc6a5db60b8426750db06b866b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import os
import sys
import yaml
from pathlib import Path
def load_yaml_file(filepath):
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
return yaml.safe_load(file)
def save_yaml_file(data, filepath):
with open(filepath, 'w') as file:
yaml.safe_dump(data, file, default_flow_style=False)
def update_names(config, filename_prefix, verbose):
only_one_cluster = False
if 'clusters' in config and len(config['clusters']) == 1:
only_one_cluster = True
if 'clusters' in config:
for item in config['clusters']:
original_name = item['name']
item['name'] = f"{filename_prefix}-{original_name}"
if only_one_cluster:
item['name'] = f"{filename_prefix}"
if 'users' in config:
for item in config['users']:
original_name = item['name']
item['name'] = f"{filename_prefix}-{original_name}"
if only_one_cluster:
item['name'] = f"{filename_prefix}"
if 'contexts' in config:
for item in config['contexts']:
cluster_name = item['context']['cluster']
user_name = item['context']['user']
item['context']['cluster'] = f"{filename_prefix}-{cluster_name}"
item['context']['user'] = f"{filename_prefix}-{user_name}"
item['name'] = f"{filename_prefix}-{item['name']}"
if only_one_cluster:
item['context']['cluster'] = f"{filename_prefix}"
item['context']['user'] = f"{filename_prefix}"
item['name'] = f"{filename_prefix}"
def combine_configs(directory, verbose):
combined_config = {'apiVersion': 'v1', 'kind': 'Config', 'clusters': [], 'contexts': [], 'users': [], 'preferences': {}}
config_dir = Path(directory)
for config_file in config_dir.glob('*.yaml'):
if verbose:
print(f"Processing {config_file}")
config = load_yaml_file(config_file)
filename_stem = config_file.stem
update_names(config, filename_stem, verbose)
combined_config['clusters'].extend(config.get('clusters', []))
combined_config['contexts'].extend(config.get('contexts', []))
combined_config['users'].extend(config.get('users', []))
return combined_config
def parse_options(args):
verbose = False
kubeconfig_path = None
install = False
run = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "v", ["verbose", "kubeconfig=", "install", "run"])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
verbose = True
elif opt == "--kubeconfig":
kubeconfig_path = arg
elif opt == '--install':
install = True
elif opt == '--run':
run = True
return verbose, kubeconfig_path, install, run
def print_help():
print("Usage: [options]")
print(" --install: Install to ~/.kube/")
print(" --run: Combine config files in ~/.kube/config.d and save to ~/.kube/config")
print(" --kubeconfig: Specify the path to save the combined config file (instead of ~/.kube/config)")
print(" -v, --verbose: Print more information")
import getopt
if __name__ == "__main__":
verbose, override_kubeconfig_path, install, run = parse_options(sys.argv[1:])
home_dir = Path.home()
default_config_directory = home_dir / '.kube' / 'config.d'
default_kubeconfig_path = home_dir / '.kube' / 'config'
if install:
cur_location = Path(__file__).resolve()
kubeconfig_dir = home_dir / '.kube'
kc_location = kubeconfig_dir / ''
## make executable
os.chmod(kc_location, 0o755)
print(f''' installed to {kc_location}.\nUse:
* Now place all your configfiles in {default_config_directory}. make sure they have a .yaml file extension.
* Back up your existing .kube/config
* `{kc_location} --run` to combine them into {default_kubeconfig_path}
elif run:
config_directory = str(default_config_directory)
output_config_path = str(override_kubeconfig_path or default_kubeconfig_path)
combined_config = combine_configs(config_directory, verbose)
if len(combined_config['clusters']) == 0:
print("No clusters found in config files, not overwriting kubeconfig file. Exiting.")
save_yaml_file(combined_config, output_config_path)
if verbose:
print(f"Combined config saved to {output_config_path}")
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