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Recursively copy a directory (using cp, tar or rsync). Reformatted from

Recursively copy a directory (using cp, tar or rsync)

Original Source:

Reformatted for improved readability and personal reference.

How does one make a recursive, identical copy of /source/ into /target/?

I suppose you want to do that for archiving or duplicating something and want to preserve "everything". That includes permissions, ownership, filetypes, timestamps etc. Additionally I assume, that you create /target in advance. This is not required for any of the methods, but I would have to make a case-distinction for every method depending on whether the /target-directory exists or not (but see Note 3 at the very end). Check note 2 for a remark about sparse files.

There are multiple ways to do it. On a GNU system the simplest way is:

METHOD 1: Using GNU cp

cp -a /source/. /target/

Two remarks:

(1) If you used "/source" (or "/source/") as first argument, you would end up with /target /source/... This is usually no problem though: simply cd into target, then mv everything from ./source to . (either using mv twice, once with source/* and once with source/.* or using it only once with "shopt -s dotglob" in front). Copying one level of directories to many (like "source" in the example above) is much less annoying than copying one level to few (and e.g. ending up with all stuff under "source" besides /target instead of inside it).

So if in doubt, use a syntax that copies "one level too many". However, it could be a problem if either "" or "." expand to "very much entries" and you get an error along the lines of "argument list too long". In that case you'd need to work around the issus with a loop:

NOTE: not a method to copy but how to clean up after copying "one level too much"

cd /target; shopt -s dotglob; for f in source/*; do mv "$f" .; done; rmdir source.

Best thing of course is, to do it right in the first place as I showed above.

(2) The -a-option to cp is a GNUism. But GNU tools are very widespread, so it's the first method I show and the preferred one if it's available because of its simplicity. Note that the often used "cp -R" does not preserve attributes: "cp -R is a broken -a" - even with -p and especially if people suggest "-r" (lower case). YOU ALMOST NEVER WANT -R or -r!

METHOD 2: tar (available everywhere)

cd /source; tar cf - . | (cd /target && tar xf -)

I can't think of a system where that would not work (though it's not POSIX, since POSIX does not know tar...). Some notes as well:

(1) the cd commands could be replaced by -C option to tar, which again is a GNUism. (2) the "&&" in the extraction-subshell makes sure you don't clobber your filesystem if /target is not there.

The third (and last) method I show uses rsync. The advantage here is that it can be "restarted from where it left" if interrupted (while cp or tar wouuld have to start from the beginning). So it may be the preferred method for large amounts of data. The disadvantage is, that rsync is far less readily available than tar or even GNU cp.

METHOD 3: rsync (can be "re-started", mind the -H option!)

rsync -aH /source/ /target

(many people like to add a "-v" (--verbose) to the options, to make rsync show, what it does). The rsync "a" option is similar to the cp "a" option. They both stand for "archive" which is, what we want to do: preseve everything. For rsync however there is one notable exception: hard links. That's why we throw in the additional "H". Also note the trailing "/" on "/source/": It tells rsync to copy the contents of "/source", not "/source" itself. Omitting the trailing slash we'd end up with "/target/source/..." - not a desaster, as I noted above.

Some final notes:

  1. there sure are other ways. I can think of cpio and pax (which nobody knows but is POSIX...)
  2. If sparse files are an issue check the -S parameter for rsync/(GNU)tar or --sparse for (GNU) cp
  3. to copy "everything but some subdirectories" you need the respective exclude-options for tar/rsync. cp cannot do that, although by using bash extended globbing, trivial use-cases can be covered [Eample.: shopt -s exglob; echo /(!tmp)]
  4. ok, I didn't want to...but: If /target does not exists (or is a file instead of a directory) the "cp" method does not change. It errors if /target exists but is not a directory and creates the directory if no /target exists. The same goes for rsync.
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