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Created March 31, 2020 17:19
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aws s3 cp s3://$SCENARIOS_BUCKET/$SERVICE . --recursive
# Default environment variables
source ./overwrites.env # Override TASK_COUNT & others if needed
./ && echo "Setup script finished." || echo "No file found. Continuing..."
PAYLOAD=$( jq -n -c \
--arg tc "$TASK_COUNT" \
--arg sv "$SERVICE" \
'{taskCount: $tc, service: $sv}' )
aws lambda invoke --function-name ${LAMBDA_FUNCTION} --payload ${PAYLOAD} runner-response.json
PAYLOAD=$(jq -n -c \
--arg c "$TASK_CLUSTER" \
--argjson t $(cat runner-response.json | jq -r -c '.arns') \
'{cluster: $c, tasks: $t}')
aws ecs wait tasks-running --cli-input-json $PAYLOAD
aws ecs wait tasks-stopped --cli-input-json $PAYLOAD
echo "Got tasks, asserting exit codes"
EXIT_CODES_SUM=$(aws ecs describe-tasks --cli-input-json $PAYLOAD \
| jq '[.tasks[].containers[0].exitCode] | reduce .[] as $sum (0; .+$sum)')
./ && echo "Teardown script finished." || echo "No file found. Continuing..."
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