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Created June 3, 2017 06:51
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A Swift 3.1 implementation of the Xoroshiro128+ generator
// RandomGenerator.swift
// Created by Jens Persson on 2017-05-22.
import Security // Only needed for SecRandomCopyBytes, used for random seed generation in the init() of RandomGenerator
// MARK: - RandomGenerator Protocol
/// A pseudo random UInt64 bit pattern generator.
/// The generated UInt64 values can be converted to other types, for example:
/// // An instance of the Xoroshiro128Plus random generator:
/// let prng = Xoroshiro128Plus(seed: 1234)
/// // A uniformly distributed random Int in the range [1, 6]:
/// let roll = 1 ... 6)
/// // A uniformly distributed random Double in the range [0, 1):
/// let d =
/// // A uniformly distributed random array element:
/// let randomElement = someCollection.randomElement(using: prng)
/// // A single random UInt64 value can produce two Floats:
/// let (a, b) =
/// // You can save computation time like this:
/// let rndBits =
/// let roll = 1 ... 6)
/// let d = rndBits.doubleInUnitRange()
/// let randomElement = someCollection.randomElement(using: rndBits)
/// let (a, b) = rndBits.floatsInUnitRange()
/// A random generator only have to implement two initializers and the
/// next() -> UInt64 method.
protocol RandomGenerator : class {
associatedtype State
/// The current state of the random generator.
var state: State { get }
/// Creates a a new random generator with the given state.
/// The initializer fails if the given state is invalid according to the random generator.
init?(state: State)
/// Creates a a new random generator with a state that is determined by `seed`.
/// Each `seed` must result in a unique valid state.
init(seed: UInt64)
/// Returns the next random bit pattern and advances the state of the random generator.
func next() -> UInt64
extension RandomGenerator {
/// Creates a a new random generator with a random state.
/// This initializer calls self.init(seed: rs) where rs is produced using SecRandomCopyBytes.
init() {
var seed: UInt64 = 0
// The following can be replaced by any other code that produces a random seed:
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &seed) { uint64Ptr in
let bytePtr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(uint64Ptr).assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
precondition(SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, 8, bytePtr) == 0)
self.init(seed: seed)
// MARK: - Two Random Generators
final class SplitMix64 : RandomGenerator {
// Based on
// (Used in Xoroshiro128Plus to scramble its seed.)
var state: UInt64 // The state of SplitMix64 can be seeded with any value.
init(state: UInt64) { self.state = state }
init(seed: UInt64) { self.state = seed }
func next() -> UInt64 {
state = state &+ 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15
var z = state
z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) &* 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9
z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) &* 0x94D049BB133111EB
return z ^ (z >> 31)
final class Xoroshiro128Plus : RandomGenerator {
// Based on
// Both higher quality and faster than SplitMix64, uses SplitMix64 to scramble seed into a valid state.
var state: (UInt64, UInt64) // The state of Xoroshiro128Plus must not be everywhere zero.
init?(state: (UInt64, UInt64)) {
if state.0 != 0 || state.1 != 0 { self.state = state } else { return nil }
init(seed: UInt64) { let sm = SplitMix64(seed: seed); state = (, }
func next() -> UInt64 {
func rol55(_ x: UInt64) -> UInt64 { return (x << 55) | (x >> 9) }
func rol36(_ x: UInt64) -> UInt64 { return (x << 36) | (x >> 28) }
let result = state.0 &+ state.1
let t = state.1 ^ state.0
state = (rol55(state.0) ^ t ^ (t << 14), rol36(t))
return result
// MARK: - UInt64 extensions for converting to other types
extension UInt64 {
func doubleInUnitRange() -> Double {
let shifts: UInt64 = 63 - UInt64(Double.significandBitCount)
return Double(self >> shifts) * (.ulpOfOne/2)
func floatsInUnitRange() -> (Float, Float) {
let low = UInt32(truncatingBitPattern: self)
let high = UInt32(truncatingBitPattern: self >> 32)
let shifts: UInt32 = 31 - UInt32(Float.significandBitCount)
return (
Float(low >> shifts) * (.ulpOfOne/2),
Float(high >> shifts) * (.ulpOfOne/2)
func floatInUnitRange() -> Float {
return floatsInUnitRange().0
func double(inRange range: Range<Double>) -> Double {
return range.lowerBound + self.doubleInUnitRange() * (range.upperBound - range.lowerBound)
func int(inRange range: CountableRange<Int>) -> Int {
let doubleRange = Range<Double>(
uncheckedBounds: (
return Int(self.double(inRange: doubleRange).rounded(.down))
func int(inRange range: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> Int {
let doubleRange = Range<Double>(
uncheckedBounds: (
Double(range.upperBound) + 1.0
return Int(self.double(inRange: doubleRange).rounded(.down))
var bytes: (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8) {
return unsafeBitCast(self, to: (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8).self)
// MARK: - Collection extensions for shuffling and getting random elements
extension Collection where IndexDistance == Int, Index == Int {
func randomElement<R: RandomGenerator>(using randomGenerator: R) -> Iterator.Element {
return self[ 0 ..< count)]
func randomElement(using randomBits: UInt64) -> Iterator.Element {
return self[ 0 ..< count)]
mutating func shuffled<R: RandomGenerator>(using randomGenerator: R) -> [Iterator.Element] {
var mutableCopy = Array<Iterator.Element>(self)
mutableCopy.shuffle(using: randomGenerator)
return mutableCopy
extension MutableCollection where IndexDistance == Int, Index == Int {
mutating func shuffle<R: RandomGenerator>(using randomGenerator: R) {
if count < 2 { return }
for i1 in (1 ..< count).reversed() {
let i2 = 0 ..< i1+1)
(self[i1], self[i2]) = (self[i2], self[i1])
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