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Jennifer Schelkopf jenschelkopf

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jenschelkopf /
Last active November 5, 2020 15:20
Issue content for team retrospectives

Team Retrospective - [MM/DD/YY]

A retrospective is a way to learn from experience. It's an opportunity for a team to take a step back and reflect on how things are going, and to create a plan for itself to refine and improve for the future. This was issue was automatically created to remind the team to take time to reflect, and to provide guidance for the conversation.

Remember that retrospectives are blameless. Focus on what you can learn and improve upon for next time.


  • [1] Merged pull requests since [MM/DD/YY]
  • [1] Open pull requests since [MM/DD/YY]
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 1 column, instead of 7 in line 1.
I think that the log output is fairly difficult to read\, not only because displaying the log is fairly slow for huge log outputs\, but it is also very small (only around 30 lines of code are displayed on a 1440p monitor).\r\n\r\nSince I have mostly migrated from Travis (because GitHub Actions is far superior in terms of Selenium Browser Tests)\, I got used to the display of Travis for the log output\, where all output is displayed and loaded asynchronously. Furthermore\, unimportant lines are collapsed (e.g. git checkout)\, so that the first 100 lines are skipped.
UI is dreadful\, it's not easy at all to do trivial things (e.g. see a log of what happened and when)
I like providing binaries for all builds\, keeping only the latest. Currently\, I'm doing this by publishing a pre-release after every build. The links to these builds are fixed since the tag is always the same\, which makes it easy to put a link on the top-level to provide access to the latest bi
jenschelkopf / jepsen-foundationdb-log.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
Complete log for FoundationDB Key-Value Store vs Jepsen2
lein test jepsen.system.foundationdb-test
INFO jepsen.os.ubuntu - :n4 setting up ubuntu
INFO jepsen.os.ubuntu - :n5 setting up ubuntu
INFO jepsen.os.ubuntu - :n2 setting up ubuntu
INFO jepsen.os.ubuntu - :n3 setting up ubuntu
INFO jepsen.os.ubuntu - :n1 setting up ubuntu
INFO jepsen.os.ubuntu - :n1 ubuntu set up
INFO jepsen.os.ubuntu - :n3 ubuntu set up
INFO jepsen.os.ubuntu - :n4 ubuntu set up
INFO jepsen.os.ubuntu - :n5 ubuntu set up
jenschelkopf / jepsen-foundationdb-cas-register.clj
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
FoundationDB CAS Register for Jepsen
:cas (timeout 5000 (assoc op :type :info :value :timed-out)
(let [cas (reify Function
(apply [this, tr]
(let [
[value value'] (:value op)
key_var (byte-array (map byte key))
old_value (.getLong (Tuple/fromBytes (.get (.get tr (byte-array (map byte key))))) 0)
new_value (.pack (Tuple/from (into-array [value'])))]
(if (= old_value value)
jenschelkopf / jepsen-foundationdb-cas-test.clj
Created November 14, 2014 19:11
Tester for Jepsen2 vs FoundationDB
(deftest create-cas-test
(let [test (run!
:name "foundationdb"
:os ubuntu/os
:db db
:client (cas-register)
:model (model/cas-register)
:checker (checker/compose {:html timeline/html
jenschelkopf /
Last active August 9, 2019 21:05
Cheat Sheet for the FoundationDB 'Hot Cloud Swap' Screencast

Cheat Sheet for the FoundationDB 'Hot Cloud Swap' Screencast

Initial Cluster Setup on Digital Ocean

Grab the client and server packages from the FoundationDB website

ansible -i inventory digital_ocean -a "wget"

Install the client and server packages