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Forked from kashifulhaque/
Created April 22, 2024 11:32
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Neovim stuff with NvChad

Neovim keybinds

  • Capital letters do the opposite of small letters in command (Press shift to trigger capital letters)
  • _ (underscore) to move the cursor at the beginning of line (doesn't switch to insert mode)
    • 0 (zero) moves the cursor to the zeroth position of the line (doesn't switch to insert mode)
  • $ (dollar) to move the cursor at the end of line (doesn't switch to insert mode)
  • d$ will delete from wherever your cursor is till the end of the line
  • f<character> to move cursor to the first occurrence of <character>
    • f( to move cursor to first occurence of (
  • t<character> to move cursor to upto but not on the first occurrence of <character>
    • t( to move cursor to first occurence of (
  • To repeat it, use , (comma, goes backward) or ; (semicolon, goes forward)
    • fe and then keep pressing ; to walk through each e
  • To indent lines, select them using the visual line mode Shift + v and then use > to indent them right and < to indent them left

NvChad keybinds

  • based on this video
  • space + c + h to open keybinds cheatsheet (same command to close the window)
  • space is considered as the leader key (commands often start with this key)
  • Press the leader key space and wait for a second, a window should appear suggesting potential commands.

Themes ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ

space + t + h

Syntax Highlight ๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ

File tree ๐ŸŒณ

  • ctrl + n
  • Arrow keys to move cursor to a file and return (enter) to open a file
  • m to mark a file
  • a to create a new file and type the new file name
  • c to copy a file
  • p to paste the file
  • r to rename a file
  • ctrl + w + h/l or larrow/rarrow to switch between file tree and editor

Line numbers ๐Ÿ”ข

  • space + n to toggle line numbers on/off
  • space + r + n to toggle relative line numbers on/off
    • Once inside relative line number mode, can also press space + n to show current line as 0 (adjust as per your liking)

File navigation (Search) ๐Ÿ•ธ๏ธ

  • space + f + f to open file search menu (across the entire project)
  • space + f + b to open file search menu (across the currently opened files)

Window navigation ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ

  • :vsp to vertial split windows
  • :sp to horizontal split windows
  • ctrl + h/j/k/l to toggle windows

Cycle through open tabs (buffers) ๐Ÿ“‘

  • tab to cycle left to right
  • shift + tab to cycle right to left
  • space + x to close current tab (buffer)

Open terminal ๐Ÿค–

  • space + v to open terminal (vertically)
    • alt + v to toggle the terminal on/off
  • space + h to open terminal (horizontally)
    • alt + h to toggle the terminal on/off

Other useful stuff โœ๐Ÿป

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