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Created September 26, 2024 18:56
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"dt": 1727751600,
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"dt_txt": "2024-10-01 03:00:00"
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"dt_txt": "2024-10-01 06:00:00"
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"sea_level": 1012,
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"pop": 1,
"rain": {
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"dt_txt": "2024-10-01 09:00:00"
"dt": 1727784000,
"main": {
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"icon": "10d"
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"rain": {
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"dt_txt": "2024-10-01 12:00:00"
"dt": 1727794800,
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"pressure": 1012,
"sea_level": 1012,
"grnd_level": 982,
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"weather": [
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"description": "light rain",
"icon": "10d"
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"deg": 263,
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"pop": 0.23,
"rain": {
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"dt_txt": "2024-10-01 15:00:00"
"dt": 1727805600,
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"temp_kf": 0
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"icon": "04n"
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"speed": 3.8,
"deg": 259,
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"pop": 0,
"sys": {
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"dt_txt": "2024-10-01 18:00:00"
"city": {
"id": 3247909,
"name": "Ludwigshafen am Rhein",
"coord": {
"lat": 49.3537,
"lon": 8.1361
"country": "DE",
"population": 148733,
"timezone": 7200,
"sunrise": 1727328005,
"sunset": 1727371034
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