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Created December 14, 2017 04:44
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Updated 2017-12
⏳ If I could live for a week in the past or the future, I’d rather…
⏳ If I could travel in time to any place and year, I would go to…
☀️ Between the morning and the night, I prefer…
☔️ The best thing to do when the weather is bad…
☕ My favorite beverage is…
☕️ Between coffee and dessert, it would be harder for me to give up…
☺️ Emojis that best describe me are…
☺️ Something that always makes me smile is…
⚽️ If I could spend the day with any athlete, I would spend it with…
⚽️ The football team I’m most loyal to is…
⚽️ The hobby I most enjoy is…
✈️ My dream vacation looks like…
✈️ The farthest I’ve ever been from home…
✨ If a genie pops out of a bottle and grants me wishes, I would wish for…
✨ The superpower I want most is…
❤️ A trend I really love is…
❤️ If I could be feared by all or loved by all, I’d choose to be…
❤️ The best things in life are…
🌀 If I could choose to be able to teleport anywhere or read people’s minds, I’d rather…
🌅 Between sunrises and sunsets, I prefer…
🌅 My favorite time of day is…
🌅 The best sunrise or sunset photo on my phone is…
🌈 My perfect day looks like…
🌓 If I had to be locked for a week in a room that was completely dark or completely bright, I’d rather…
🌟 My hidden talent is…
🍂 Between spring, summer, winter and fall, I prefer…
🍎 If I was stranded on a deserted island and could only eat one food, it would be…
🍕 My perfect pizza looks like…
🍞 If I had to eat rice with every meal or bread with every meal, I’d pick…
🍟 My all-time favorite appetizer or snack is…
🍟 The one food I could never give up is…
🍦 If I were to go to the store right now to buy ice cream, the flavor I would pick is…
🍨 Between chocolate and vanilla, I prefer…
🍰 Between sweets and savories, I’ll always pick…
🍲 My comfort food is…
🍴 If I could invite anyone over for dinner, I would invite…
🎁 If I could pick any gift to receive today, I’d pick…
🎒 The most useless class in school…
🎨 If I could choose to be an amazing painter or a brilliant mathematician, I’d rather be…
🎩 The most memorable costume I’ve worn is…
🎬 If I could live on the set of any movie, it would be…
🎬 My favorite comedy movie is…
🎬 The videos that always make me laugh are…
🎭 My favorite actor/actress of all-time is…
🎭 The image that best reflects my personality is…
🎮 The video game I can play for hours is…
🎵 A concert I’d love to attend…
🎵 The albums that always put me in a good mood are…
🎶 The music genre I listen to the most is…
🎸 If I could learn any skill, it would be…
🏅 My personal hero is…
🏅 The sport I’d choose to be a professional athlete in…
🏆 My greatest accomplishment is…
🏆 One goal I want to accomplish in my lifetime is…
🏆 The best thing that has happened to me this week…
🏝️ If I could only take one item with me to a deserted island aside from food and water, I’d take…
🏞️ Between the city and the country, I’ll always pick…
🏟️ My favorite sport/s to watch…
🐘 If I went on safari, the animal I would be most excited to see is…
🐰 If I could live the life of any animated character, I would pick…
🐱 Between dogs and cats, I prefer…
🐶 The best photo of my pet is…
👀 My recent emoji’s keyboard looks like…
👀 The first thing I notice about other people is…
👂 My favorite sound is…
👍 My greatest passions in life are…
👑 As president for a day, I would…
👑 If I could make one rule that everyone had to follow…
👑 My role model as a child was…
👤 If I could meet any figure from the past or future, I would want to meet…
👤 If I could meet any figure from the past, present or future, I would want to meet…
👧 The life advice I wish I could give my younger self is…
👪 My favorite family tradition is…
👪 The best thing about family is…
👯 I met my best friend when…
👯 I’d want to be stuck in an elevator with…
👴 If I could give my father an award it would be for…
👵 If I could give my mother an award it would be for…
👶 My favorite activity as a kid was…
👶 The thing or person I miss most from my childhood is…
👻 If I could bring anyone back to life, I would bring back…
👻 If I were invisible for a day, I’d…
👻 If for one day I could be invisible or fly, I’d choose to…
👻 The scariest movie I’ve ever seen is…
💃 The best dance move of all time is…
💎 My most treasured memory is…
💎 The best thing about the internet is…
💗 Something I love about my sibling/s is…
💡 My biggest inspiration in life is…
💡 The greatest invention in human history is…
💪 The most impressive thing I know how to do is…
💫 My favorite superhero is…
💬 A quote that I turn to for inspiration is…
💬 Three things I couldn’t live without…
💭 If I could choose any job imaginable, I would want to…
💭 Mondays make me feel like…
💭 My earliest memory is…
💭 One word that describes me is…
💰 The first thing I’d do after winning the lottery is…
💼 My first job was…
📅 If I could be a day of the week, I’d be…
📅 The best day of the year is…
📆 If I could relive one day in my life, it would be…
📍 If I could be anywhere else right now, I’d be…
📍 My favorite place to be is…
📖 An author whose work changed my life is…
📘 The last book I read without skipping over anything was…
📣 What I’d say if I could speak to everyone in the world at the same time…
📷 The last photo I took on my phone was…
📷 The most random photo on my phone right now is…
📺 The cartoons that I could never get tired of watching are…
🔥 Between earth, fire, air and water, the element I identify most with is…
🔥 If I could choose to control fire or water, I’d rather control…
🔭 If I could discover a new planet or invent the cure for cancer, I’d rather…
🕔 If I had five hours to kill, I would…
🗻 Between the beach and the mountains, I’d rather spend time at…
😁 The happiest moment of my life was…
😂 The funniest person I know is…
😆 The GIFs I can’t stop using are…
😈 A guilty pleasure that I’m willing to admit to is…
😋 The most delicious meal I’ve ever had was…
😌 The person I’d trust with my life is…
😍 What I value most in life is…
😎 If I could be any celebrity for a day, I would be…
😎 If I could be famous for anything, it would be…
😑 Something I find boring is…
😜 The funniest thing I’ve found in my pocket is…
😝 A job I’d be terrible at…
😝 The vegetable I hate the most is…
😡 It drives me crazy when…
😬 Something I’ll never do again is…
😴 The longest I’ve gone without sleep is…
😷 When I’m sick all I want is…
🙀 If I could face my fears or forget them, I’d rather…
🙌 I’m most grateful for…
🚀 If I could visit another planet, I’d choose…
🛀 How I relax after a hard day…
🛏️ What gets me out of bed in the morning is…
🤐 A food I couldn’t ever bring myself to eat is…
🤑 If I had a billion dollars to spend…
🤓 I’d love to be an expert in…
🤔 If I could pick an age to be for the rest of my life, I’d pick…
🤔 My favorite age I’ve been so far…
🤕 The scar I have with the best story is…
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