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vine ruby api
require "httparty"
require "json"
module Vine
# Public: The unofficial interface for the Vine API. Vine requires all
# requests to be authenticated when accessing the API.
# Examples
# vine ="username", "password")
# funny_vines = vine.tagged("funny")
class API
include HTTParty
base_uri ""
# Public: Initializes a new Vine API instance.
# username - The String Vine username.
# password - The String Vine password.
# Examples
#"username", "password")
# # => #<Vine:0x007fe052036670>
# Returns the new Vine instance.
def initialize(username, password)
login(username, password)
# Public: fetches a list of Vines that are tagged with a certain tag.
# tag - The String tag to search for.
# query - The Hash options used to refine the selection (default: {}).
# :page - The Integer page number to paginate results (default: 1).
# :size - The Integer number of results to display (default: 20).
# Examples
# tagged("funny")
# tagged("funny", { page: 2, size: 10 })
# Returns a Hash of Vines.
def tagged(tag, query = {})
query = {
page: 1,
size: 20
}.merge!(query)"/timelines/tags/#{tag}", query)["records"].map { |r| })
# Private: authenticates a Vine user with the Vine API. This method only needs
# to be ran once per Vine instance.
# username - The String Vine username.
# password - The String Vine password.
# Returns nothing.
def login(username, password)
response ="/users/authenticate", {
body: {
username: username,
password: password
body = parse_json(response.body)
@auth = {
user_id: body["data"]["userId"],
key: body["data"]["key"]
# Private: performs an HTTP GET request with required headers.
# url - The String URL that we would GET. The URL should be relative to the
# Vine API's domain.
# query - The Hash of query key/value pairs (default: {}).
# headers - The Hash of additional HTTP request headers (default: {}).
# Returns an instance of HTTParty::Response.
def get(url, query = {}, headers = {})
"User-Agent" => "com.vine.iphone/1.0.3 (unknown, iPhone OS 6.0.1, iPhone, Scale/2.000000)",
"Accept-Language" => "en, sv, fr, de, ja, nl, it, es, pt, pt-PT, da, fi, nb, ko, zh-Hans, zh-Hant, ru, pl, tr, uk, ar, hr, cs, el, he, ro, sk, th, id, ms, en-GB, ca, hu, vi, en-us;q=0.8",
"vine-session-id" => @auth[:key]
self.class.get(url, { query: query, headers: headers })
# Private: perfoms the get method and parses the response.
# Returns a Hash of the HTTP GET response body.
def get_parsed(*get_args)
response = send(:get, *get_args)
# Private: parses a JSON String.
# string - The String of JSON.
# Returns a the parsed JSON as a Hash.
def parse_json(string)
# Public: An array-like object that contains Records. This class inherits from
# Set.
# Examples
# collection =
# collection.add(record1)
# collection << record2
# collection =[record1, record2, record3])
class Collection < Set
# Public: Appends a new Record to the end of a Collection.
# record - The Record to be appended to the end of the Collection.
# Examples
# collection.push(record)
# Returns the array of Records.
def add(record)
raise TypeError, "the object is not a Record" unless record.is_a? Record
alias_method :<<, :add
# Public: A Vine post. Contains attributes and helper methods for working with
# a specific post.
class Record
attr_reader :description, :id, :raw, :share_url, :thumbnail_url, :user_id, :venue, :video_url
# Public: Initializes a new Record instance.
# data - A Hash that contains the posting's attributes. Typically this is
# a record from a parsed JSON API call response.
# Returns the new Vine instance.
def initialize(data)
@description = data["description"]
@id = data["postId"]
@raw = data
@share_url = data["shareUrl"]
@thumbnail_url = data["thumbnailUrl"]
@user_id = data["userId"]
@venue = data["venue_name"]
@video_url = data["videoUrl"]
# Public: Produces a human-readable representation of the Record.
# Returns the String representation of the Record.
def inspect
"<#{self.class} @id=\"#{@id}\" @video_url=\"#{@video_url}\" @description=\"#{@description}\">"
# Public: Produces a HTML iframe embed tag.
# type - A Symbol that specifies the type of embed layout to display.
# Possible types are :simple and :postcard (default: :simple).
# If the type is not allowed, it will revert to :simple.
# html_attrs - A Hash of HTML attributes for the iframe tag (default: {}).
# Any keys with an underscore ("_") will be replaced with a
# hyphen ("-").
# Examples
# record.embed_tag
# # => '<iframe src=".../embed/simple"></iframe>'
# record.embed_tag(:postcard)
# # => '<iframe src=".../embed/postcard"></iframe>'
# record.embed_tag(:simple, {
# width: 600,
# height: 600,
# id: "vine-video",
# class: "class1 class2",
# data_foo: "bar"
# })
# # => '<iframe src="..." width="600" height="600" id="vine-video"
# class="class1 class2" data-foo="bar"></iframe>'
def embed_tag(type = :simple, html_attrs = {})
allowed_types = [:simple, :postcard]
type = :simple unless allowed_types.include?(type)
attrs = ""
html_attrs = attrs.each do |attr, val|
attrs << " #{attr.to_s.replace('_', '-')}=\"#{val}\""
"<iframe src=\"#{@share_url}/embed/#{type}\"#{attrs}></iframe>"
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