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Julien Jakubowski jak78

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jak78 / roman.feature
Created May 21, 2015 14:51
Roman calculator examples
Feature: Add
Scenario Outline: Add
When I add <firstNumber> and <secondNumber>
Then the sum is <sum>
| firstNumber | secondNumber | sum |
| I | I | II |
| I | II | III |
| II | I | III |
# Used for Jasmine tests in CI and in developer PC with http://localhost:3000/jasmine
# You need to install PhantomJS on your PC/Mac or VM to run Jasmine tests.
group :development, :test do
gem "jasminerice", '0.0.9' # Use Jasmine with asset pipeline in order to test with CoffeeScript, HAML and SASS.
gem "jasminerice-runner", '0.0.3' # Make JasmineRice run in command line with 'rake jasminerice:run'
gem "poltergeist", '0.7.0' # jasminerice-runner uses Capybara to run Jasmine, and Poltergeist adds PhantomJS support to Capypara to make tests run headlessly on CI.
gem "guard-jasmine"