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Last active September 24, 2021 18:41
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using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
internal static class UndoableExtension
public static T GetOrAddComponentWithUndo<T>(this GameObject gameObject) where T : Component
if (!gameObject.TryGetComponent<T>(out var component))
component = Undo.AddComponent<T>(gameObject);
Undo.RecordObject(component, $"{nameof(component)} Component Added.");
return component;
public static T GetOrAddComponentWithUndo<T>(this Transform transform) where T : Component
if (!transform.TryGetComponent<T>(out var component))
component = Undo.AddComponent<T>(transform.gameObject);
Undo.RecordObject(component, $"{nameof(component)} Component Added.");
return component;
public static T AddComponentWithUndo<T>(this GameObject gameObject) where T : Component
return Undo.AddComponent<T>(gameObject);
public static T AddComponentWithUndo<T>(this Transform transform) where T : Component
return Undo.AddComponent<T>(transform.gameObject);
public static GameObject CreateNewGameObjectWithUndo(string name, Transform parent = null)
var gameObject = new GameObject(name);
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(gameObject, name);
if(parent != null) gameObject.transform.SetParent(parent);
return gameObject;
public static void SetDirtyIfPartOfPrefabInstance(this Component component)
if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabInstance(component))
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