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Last active May 2, 2024 18:38
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Business of 21st Century notes

Common in all the rich dad poor dad series Take responsibility for your finances—or get used to taking orders for the rest of your life. You’re either a master of money or a slave to it. Your choice.

The corporate myth is over. If you’ve spent years climbing the corporate ladder, have you ever stopped to notice the view? What view, you ask? The rear end of the person in front of you. That’s what you get to look forward to.

This is the best time. When times are bad is when the real entrepreneurs emerge. Entrepreneurs don’t really care if the market’s up or down. They’re creating better products and better processes. So when somebody says, “Oh, there’s less opportunity now,” it’s because they’re losers.

Q: What do the Microsoft and Disney empires have in common, besides the fact that they are both hugely successful billion-dollar businesses that have become household names? A: They were both launched during a recession.

I’m not saying employment is a bad thing. I’m just saying it’s only one way of generating income, and one that is extremely limited. What’s happening right now is that people are waking up to this fact. These people—including you—are realizing that the only way they’re going to have what they really want in life is by setting foot on the path of the entrepreneur.

But whether you’re earning $8 an hour or $80,000 a year, the S(Self employed) quadrant is typically a trap. You may have thought you were “firing your boss,” but what really happened is that you just changed bosses. You are still an employee. The only difference is that when you want to blame your boss for your problems, that boss is you. In a very real way, the S stands for slavery: You don’t really own your business;

Breaking away from those typical job structures and creating your own stream of income puts you in the best position to weather an economic storm, simply because you are no longer dependent on a boss or on the economy to determine your annual income. Now you determine it.

There are people who earn millions and people who go bankrupt in each of the quadrants. Living in any one quadrant does not in itself necessarily guarantee financial success.

E Quadrant Values “I am looking for a safe, secure job with good pay and excellent benefits.” For someone living in the E quadrant, the core value is security. You might be the top-earning vice president of a company yet still share the same core values as the company’s janitor, who earns a tenth of your salary. A person in the E quadrant, regardless if he is the janitor or the president, often thinks or says words such as, “I am looking for a safe, secure job with benefits.” Or, “How much do we get for overtime?” Or, “How many paid holidays do we have?”

S Quadrant Values “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” For people in the S quadrant, the core value is independence. They want the freedom to do what they want.

how we view our business tends to be how we view everything.

“If you’re the leader of the team and you’re also the smartest person on the team, your team is in trouble.”

You do not have to raise the capital to create your business, because that has already been done for you. But you do have to build your business!

If you can’t get your employees to produce at least ten times more than you pay them, you’re out of business, and if you’re out of business, you don’t need to raise any more money.

I came to realize that while personal success is fulfilling, it’s much more fulfilling when you can help many others create their own success as well.

Instead of spending tons of money on all sorts of professional agencies and marketing channels to promote products or services, why not pay the people who love them most to just tell others about them? That’s exactly what a network marketing company does: They pay a portion of every sales dollar received back out to their field of independent representatives, who typically are also the products’ most committed and enthusiastic consumers.

“where you earn while you learn.”

Many people actually end up in other businesses where they become very successful due to the business training and experience they first received in their network marketing experience.

The power is not in the product; the power is in the network. If you want to become rich, the best strategy is to find a way to build a strong, viable, growing network.

The real business is not the product, but the networks through which the product travels

The key to success in sales is what you can do. The key to success in network marketing is what you can duplicate.

the ability to have self-confidence, withstand rejection, communicate, be a great storyteller, care about people, coach people, and the rest

I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

And when you start looking around at different companies, the question foremost in your mind needs to be, “Is this company going to help me learn how to become a master network-builder?” The No. 1 reason I recommend network marketing is for its system of real-world business education and personal development.

Not all network marketing companies really support education. There are some that are just about hustle: They just want you to go sell for them, and don’t really care about teaching you anything. They just want you to bring your friends and family into the fold. If you run into one of those companies, I would be leery about getting involved: They won’t contribute to your growth and may not be around long.I looked into, the only training they had was a recommended book list, and then they focused on training you to recruit your friends and family into the business.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself about a network marketing company. • Who’s running the ship? • Does the company offer a proven plan of action? • Does the company embrace both business skills and personal development as a regular part of its educational and training programs? • Doesthecompanyhaveastrong,high-quality,andhighlymarketableproduct line that you can be passionate about?

Instead of putting their advertising budgets into expensive mass media, they put their advertising budget into people like you.

It is not real estate, gold, stocks, hard work, or money that makes you rich; it is what you know about real estate, gold, stocks, hard work, and money that makes you rich. Ultimately, it is your financial intelligence that makes you rich.

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