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Last active May 15, 2024 21:23
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Computer Enhance Part 3.8 Homework -- Linking Directly to ASM (on macOS/arm64)
// @NOTE(BDJ): Resources:
// - ARM ABI: (see "Procedure Call Standard for the Arm 64-bit Architecture")
// - Apple's ARM64 ABI:
// - ARM instruction reference:
// - clang/GNU assembler syntax reference:
// There are a few minor assembler syntax differences compared to NASM:
// - all label names have to be unique--including loop labels
// - no leading `.` in front of labels
// - `global` -> `.global`
// - `section .text` -> `.text`
// - the end of an assembly file is marked with `.end`
// - conventionally ARM assembly files have a `.s` file extension
// To satisfy Apple's ARM64 toolchain and ABI, we also need to:
// - prepend global symbol names with an underscore
// - align the first instruction in a function to an 8-byte boundary (using `.balign`)
.global _MOVAllBytesASM
.global _NOPAllBytesASM
.global _CMPAllBytesASM
.global _DECAllBytesASM
// @NOTE(BDJ): On ARM64, the first 8 parameters to a function are passed
// in registers x0-x7. x9-x15 are available as temporary registers. So--
// x0 holds the count
// x1 holds the base data pointer
.balign 8
eor x9, x9, x9
strb w9, [x1, x9]
add x9, x9, #1
cmp x9, x0
b.lo loop_mov
// @NOTE(BDJ): There is no variable-length `nop` instruction in ARM64. But there are SOME variable-length instructions!
.balign 8
eor x9, x9, x9
add x9, x9, #1
cmp x9, x0
b.lo loop_nop
.balign 8
eor x9, x9, x9
add x9, x9, #1
cmp x9, x0
b.lo loop_cmp
.balign 8
sub x0, x0, #1
cbnz x0, loop_sub
// @NOTE(BDJ): Build steps:
// - Assemble: clang -arch arm64 -g -o arm64_assembly.o -c arm64_assembly.s
// - Archive: ar rcs libarm64_assembly.a arm64_assembly.o
// - Compile+Link: clang -L. -larm64_assembly test.c -o test
// Debug with Xcode or lldb as usual. In Xcode, be sure to check the menu option
// Debug >> Debug Workflow >> "Always Show Disassembly". Hold down the Control key
// when debugging to step by assembly instruction.
typedef int s32;
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
extern void MOVAllBytesASM( u64 count, u8 *data );
extern void NOPAllBytesASM( u64 count );
extern void CMPAllBytesASM( u64 count );
extern void DECAllBytesASM( u64 count );
s32 main (s32 argument_count, char const* arguments[]) {
u8 buffer[ 1 << 16 ] = {0};
MOVAllBytesASM( sizeof(buffer), buffer );
NOPAllBytesASM( sizeof(buffer) );
CMPAllBytesASM( sizeof(buffer) );
DECAllBytesASM( sizeof(buffer) );
return 0;
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pankkor commented May 15, 2024

all label names have to be unique--including loop labels

There are numerical local labels. You jump to them providing direction f - for forward, b - for backward. You can have multiple of them in one file and they'd better be used in macro.

1: // <--- loop
b.lo 1b // jump back for '1'

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