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Created September 2, 2011 22:44
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Clojure and Ruby apps to populate mock user data into a Cassandra database and then retrieve it
; Populate data for a set of random users to a Cassandra instance.
; Users consist of the following set of data:
; - a username [String]
; - a user ID [integer]
; - a flag indicating whether the user is "active" [boolean]
; - a list of location IDs for each user [list of integer]
; User records are keyed by username rather than user IDs, mainly because at the moment
; we only support strings for key values. The Cassandra API exposes keys as byte arrays
; so we could extend our Cassandra support to include other datatypes.
(use '[fencepost.avro])
(use '[fencepost.cassandra])
(import '(org.apache.commons.lang3 RandomStringUtils)
'(java.util Random)
; Utility function to combine our Avro lib with our Cassandra lib
(defn add_user [client username userid active locationids]
(let [userid_data (encode_with_schema userid)
active_data (encode_with_schema active)
locationids_data (encode_with_schema locationids)]
(insert client username "employee" "userid" userid_data)
(insert client username "employee" "active" active_data)
(insert client username "employee" "locationids" locationids_data)
; Generate a list of random usernames
(let [client (connect "localhost" 9160 "employees")]
(dotimes [n 10]
(let [username (RandomStringUtils/randomAlphanumeric 16)
random (Random.)
userid (.nextInt random 1000)
active (.nextBoolean random)
locationids (into [] (repeatedly 10 #(.nextInt random 100)))]
(add_user client username userid active locationids)
(println (format "Added user %s: [%s %s %s]" username userid active locationids))
; Retrieve information from the Cassandra database about one of our employees
(use '[fencepost.avro])
(use '[fencepost.cassandra])
(defn evaluate_user [slices username]
"Gather information for the specified user and display a minimal report about them"
; Note that the code below says nothing about types. We specify the column names we
; wish to access but whatever Cassandra + Avro supplies for the value of that column
; is what we get.
(let [user_data (range_slices_columns slices username)
userid (decode_from_schema (user_data :userid))
active (decode_from_schema (user_data :active))
locationids (decode_from_schema (user_data :locationids))]
(println (format "Username: %s" username))
(println (format "Userid: %s" userid))
(println (if (> userid 0) "Userid is greater than zero" "Userid is not greater than zero"))
(println (format "Active: %s" active))
(println (if active "User is active" "User is not active"))
; Every user should have at least one location ID.
; Well, they would if we were able to successfully handle an Avro record.
;(assert (> (count locationids) 0))
(let [client (connect "localhost" 9160 "employees")
key_slices (get_range_slices client "employee" "!" "~")
keys (range_slices_keys key_slices)]
(println (format "Found %d users" (count keys)))
(dotimes [n (count keys)]
(evaluate_user key_slices (nth keys n))
require 'rubygems'
require 'avro'
require 'cassandra'
def evaluate_avro_data bytes
# Define the meta-schema
meta_schema = Avro::Schema.parse("{\"type\": \"map\", \"values\": \"bytes\"}")
# Read the meta source and extract the contained data and schema
meta_datum_reader =
meta_val =
# Build a new reader which can handle the indicated schema
schema = Avro::Schema.parse(meta_val["schema"])
datum_reader =
val =["data"])))
client ='employees', '')
client.get_range(:employee,{:start_key => "!",:finish_key => "~"}).each do |k,v|
userid = evaluate_avro_data v["userid"]
active = evaluate_avro_data v["active"]
locationids = evaluate_avro_data v["locationids"]
puts "Username: #{k}, user ID: #{userid}, active: #{active}"
puts "User ID #{(userid > 0) ? "is" : "is not"} greater than zero"
puts "User #{active ? "is" : "is not"} active"
# Ruby's much more flexible notion of truthiness makes the tests above somewhat less
# compelling. For extra validation we add the following
"Oops, it's not a number" unless userid.is_a? Fixnum
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