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Last active February 6, 2016 06:06
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Generics in purescript (updated to version 7)
module Generic where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Array
data GenericSpine = SProd String (Array (Unit -> GenericSpine))
| SRecord (Array {recLabel :: String, recValue :: Unit -> GenericSpine})
| SNumber Number
| SString String
| SArray (Array (Unit -> GenericSpine))
data GenericSignature = SigProd (Array {sigConstructor :: String, sigValues :: Array (Unit -> GenericSignature)})
| SigRecord (Array {recLabel :: String, recValue :: Unit -> GenericSignature})
| SigNumber | SigString | SigArray (Unit -> GenericSignature)
data Proxy a = Proxy
anyProxy :: forall a. Proxy a
anyProxy = Proxy
class Generic a where
toSpine :: a -> GenericSpine
toSignature :: Proxy a -> GenericSignature
fromSpine :: GenericSpine -> Maybe a
instance genericNumber :: Generic Number where
toSpine x = SNumber x
toSignature _ = SigNumber
fromSpine (SNumber n) = Just n
fromSpine _ = Nothing
instance genericString :: Generic String where
toSpine x = SString x
toSignature _ = SigString
fromSpine (SString s) = Just s
fromSpine _ = Nothing
instance genericArray :: (Generic a) => Generic (Array a) where
toSpine xs = SArray ((\x y -> toSpine x) <$> xs)
toSignature x = SigArray (\unit -> toSignature (lowerProxy x))
where lowerProxy :: Proxy (Array a) -> Proxy a
lowerProxy (Proxy) = (anyProxy :: Proxy a)
fromSpine (SArray x) = traverse (fromSpine <<< ($ unit)) x
module Test where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe
import Generic
import Data.Array
import Console
data Foo = Foo Number String | Bar Number | Quux (Array String) | Baz {a :: String, bq :: Number} String
data IntList = IntList Number IntList | NilIntList
instance genericFoo :: Generic Foo
instance genericIntList :: Generic IntList
genericShow :: GenericSpine -> String
genericShow (SProd s arr) =
if null arr
then s
else s <> " " <> go (map (\x -> genericShow (x unit)) arr)
go x = case uncons x of
Nothing -> ""
Just uc -> uc.head <> " " <> go uc.tail
genericShow (SRecord xs) = "{" <> go xs <> "}"
go x =
case uncons x of
Nothing -> ""
Just uc -> uc.head.recLabel <> ": " <> genericShow (uc.head.recValue unit) <> ", " <> go uc.tail
genericShow (SNumber x) = show x
genericShow (SString x) = show x
genericShow (SArray xs) = "[" <> go xs <> "]"
go x = case uncons x of
Nothing -> ""
Just uc -> genericShow (uc.head unit) <> ", " <> go uc.tail
gShow :: forall a. (Generic a) => a -> String
gShow = genericShow <<< toSpine
instance showFoo :: Show Foo where
show = gShow
instance showIntList :: Show IntList where
show = gShow
newtype MyNewInt = MyNewInt String
instance genericNew :: Generic MyNewInt
instance showNewInt :: Show MyNewInt where
show = gShow
toFrom :: forall a. (Generic a) => a -> Maybe a
toFrom x = fromSpine (toSpine x)
-- main1 = print $ show $ toFrom [Foo 12 "Hello", Quux ["Hi","Dere"], Baz {a : "yo", bq : 22} "oy"]
-- main2 = print $ show $ toFrom (IntList 12 (IntList 23 (IntList 45 NilIntList)))
main = print $ show $ toFrom $ MyNewInt "Hello"
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