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Last active July 14, 2017 13:43
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Type-level date/time formatter sketch
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, log)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..), reflectSymbol)
-- First we define a HList with custom kinds, so that we can restrict it to
-- format stuff
foreign import kind FormatAtom
foreign import kind FormatList
foreign import data FCons FormatAtom FormatList FormatList
foreign import data FNil FormatList
infixr 6 type FCons as :
-- Then we define the possible components of a format
foreign import data Hour24 FormatAtom
foreign import data Hour12 FormatAtom
foreign import data Minute FormatAtom
foreign import data Second FormatAtom
foreign import data Meridiem FormatAtom
foreign import data Text Symbol FormatAtom
-- Now we need to define a bunch of states for the "hour type" of our format
foreign import kind HourType
foreign import data NoHour HourType -- initial state
foreign import data HourType24 HourType -- 24-hour time is present
foreign import data HourType12 HourType -- 12-hour time with meridiem is present
foreign import data Hour12Only HourType -- 12-hour time without meridiem is present
foreign import data MeridiemOnly HourType -- meridiem without 12-hour time is present
-- Now we need to define which of the above "hour types" result in a valid
-- format
class ValidHourType (htHourType)
instance vht1ValidHourType HourType12
instance vht2ValidHourType HourType24
instance vht3ValidHourType NoHour
-- Now we need to write a type-level function that computes the HourType of a
-- format. Fundeps are essentially just that - type-level functions.
class ValidateHours (fmtFormatList) (iHourType) (oHourType) | fmt i o
-- The nil case means we've reached the end of the format, so we want to pass
-- through whatever input HourType we have at that step as the final output
instance vh0ValidateHours FNil t t
-- When we see an `Hour24`, if no hour type has been set yet, continue along
-- the rest of the format with the state set to `HourType24`
instance vh2ValidateHours rest HourType24 o ValidateHours (Hour24 : rest) NoHour o
-- When we see a `Meridiem` or `Hour12` and no hour type has been set yet,
-- continue along the rest of the format with the approriate `-Only` type for
-- the `HourType`
instance vh3ValidateHours rest Hour12Only o ValidateHours (Hour12 : rest) NoHour o
instance vh4ValidateHours rest MeridiemOnly o ValidateHours (Meridiem : rest) NoHour o
-- When we see a `Meridiem` or `Hour12` and the input was the appropriate
-- `Hour12Only` or `MerideimOnly`, finally set type type to the "confirmed"
-- `Hour12Type`
instance vh5ValidateHours rest HourType12 o ValidateHours (Meridiem : rest) Hour12Only o
instance vh6ValidateHours rest HourType12 o ValidateHours (Hour12 : rest) MeridiemOnly o
-- All other cases are trivial - they pass through whatever input & output they got
instance vh1ValidateHours rest i o ValidateHours (Text s : rest) i o
instance vh7ValidateHours rest i o ValidateHours (Minute : rest) i o
instance vh8ValidateHours rest i o ValidateHours (Second : rest) i o
-- This class is used to simplify the type arguments involved for the individual
-- type-level functions, and can accumulate different tests. It will only ever
-- have one instance, which is there to check everything is good.
-- Here our instance calls the `ValidateHours` "function", starting with the
-- `NoHour` default state (it needs something passing through otherwise you get
-- errors about an undetermined type variable), and then it checks that our
-- computed `HourType` is valid.
-- We can do the same process for anything else we want to validate (like
-- day+week), split it into a function that computes a state, and then have a
-- class that only has instances for allowable states.
class ValidDate (aFormatList)
instance vd ∷ (ValidateHours a NoHour o, ValidHourType o) ValidDate a
-- We need a new proxy type to accomodate our custom kind, so we can use it at
-- the value level for printing, etc.
data FProxy (aFormatList) = FProxy
-- This class folds a string from a `FormatList` to produce our desired output.
-- We would want to hide this class internally, as it does not enforce the
-- constraint that the date is valid - we can only do that at the top level of
-- a format, and this class deals with all of the tails of the format.
class PrintFormatI (fmtFormatList) where
printFormatI FProxy fmt String String
instance rdi0PrintFormatI FNil where
printFormatI _ acc = acc
instance rdi1 ∷ (IsSymbol s, PrintFormatI rest) PrintFormatI (Text s : rest) where
printFormatI _ acc = printFormatI (FProxy FProxy rest) (acc <> reflectSymbol (SProxy SProxy s))
instance rdi2PrintFormatI rest PrintFormatI (Hour24 : rest) where
printFormatI _ acc = printFormatI (FProxy FProxy rest) (acc <> "HH")
instance rdi3PrintFormatI rest PrintFormatI (Hour12 : rest) where
printFormatI _ acc = printFormatI (FProxy FProxy rest) (acc <> "hh")
instance rdi4PrintFormatI rest PrintFormatI (Minute : rest) where
printFormatI _ acc = printFormatI (FProxy FProxy rest) (acc <> "MM")
instance rdi5PrintFormatI rest PrintFormatI (Second : rest) where
printFormatI _ acc = printFormatI (FProxy FProxy rest) (acc <> "ss")
instance rdi6PrintFormatI rest PrintFormatI (Meridiem : rest) where
printFormatI _ acc = printFormatI (FProxy FProxy rest) (acc <> "a")
-- This class is the public version of the above. The single instance enforces
-- our validity constraint, and also removes the accumulator argument from the
-- `printFormatI` function.
class PrintFormat (fmtFormatList) where
printFormat FProxy fmt String
instance pf ∷ (ValidDate a, PrintFormatI a) PrintFormat a where
printFormat prx = printFormatI prx ""
-- One type level format definition:
type MyFormat = Hour12 : Text ":" : Minute : Text ":" : Second : Text " " : Meridiem : FNil
-- One reflected format:
myFormat String
myFormat = printFormat (FProxy FProxy MyFormat)
-- Try removing `Meridiem` from the above and see how it no-longer typechecks.
-- The error for that is pretty great, since it tells you exactly what is wrong.
-- The error for missing "pattern matches" isn't so great - try having two
-- `Hour12`s. We can add every permutation of arguments, and use `Fail`
-- constraints to explain invalid combinations, but it's just a bit tedious.
-- Might be worthwhile in the long run though.
main Eff (console CONSOLE) Unit
main = do
log $ show myFormat
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