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Forked from anonymous/gist:5834316
Last active December 18, 2015 19:39
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Save forkandwait/5834437 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function out = semiv (xy, z, lagw, maxr, varargin)
## calculate simple semivariance along with spherical (and other) fits
## out = semiv (xy, z, lagw, maxr, varargin)
## xy points, z value at each xy, lag width, max radius of biggest lag
## save input
out.xy = xy;
out.z = z;
out.lagw = lagw;
out.maxr = maxr;
out.nargin = varargin;
if find(isnan(out.z))
error("semiv: nans in z values");
## calculate distance matrix for later reference, adjust max radius
dmat = distmat(xy);
dmax = max(dmat(:));
if maxr > dmax
maxr = ceil(dmax);
warning("semiv: max radius unnecessarily large, adjusting to %i.", maxr);
out.dmat = dmat;
## calculate lagb(oundaries) for lags lagw(idth) maxr(adius)
out.lagb = (0:lagw:(maxr+lagw))';
## set up vector to hold variance for each lag
out.lagnv = zeros(length(out.lagb)-1,1);
out.lagv = zeros(length(out.lagb)-1,1);
out.saslagt = zeros(length(out.lagb)-1,1);
## for each lag
for lagi = 1:(length(out.lagb)-1)
out.saslagt(lagi) = 0;
## for each point
for pnti = 1:rows(xy)
## for each other point in lag window
## for each index in the distance matrix inside lag
lagmatches = (find(dmat(:,pnti) > out.lagb(lagi) & dmat(:,pnti) <= out.lagb(lagi+1)));
for lagpnti = lagmatches'
## collect variance components
out.lagnv(lagi) += 1;
out.lagv(lagi) += (z(lagpnti) - z(pnti))^2;
## "the total [not average] distance from the origin Distance=0 of all pairs in a given lag class" ... divide later
out.saslagt(lagi) += dmat(pnti, lagpnti);
## delete outermost band if empty
if out.lagnv(end) == 0
out.lagnv(end) = [];
out.lagv(end) = [];
## finish calculation of variance for each lag
out.lagvt = out.lagv ./ (2*out.lagnv);
## slightly modified boundaries for plotting
out.lagb = out.lagb(2:end);
## average the total distance from above
out.saslagb = out.saslagt ./ out.lagnv;
out.saslagb = out.saslagb;
## fit one spherical, linear, exponential models to variance
%! pkg load linear-algebra
%! xy = cartprod(0:2:4, 0:2:4);
%! foo = semiv(xy, [], 2, 5);
# coal seam data
coal = [
0.7 59.6 34.1
4.8 52.8 34.3
6.4 33.7 36.4
13.3 0.6 44.7
17.8 6.9 43.9
23.0 93.9 43.6
24.8 26.3 39.7
27.7 83.3 41.8
29.5 89.4 43.0
32.7 40.2 37.5
37.0 70.3 39.2
39.4 82.5 41.4
46.4 84.1 41.5
51.0 88.8 42.0
55.5 92.9 42.2
62.1 26.6 40.1
70.5 83.7 40.9
78.1 45.5 38.7
80.5 55.9 38.7
84.5 11.0 41.5
86.7 70.4 39.6
88.4 12.1 41.3
88.9 6.2 41.5
91.5 55.4 39.0
55.8 50.5 38.1
2.1 82.7 42.2
5.9 67.1 37.0
7.0 46.7 34.6
13.3 68.2 37.8
20.1 66.3 37.7
24.3 73.0 39.3
26.4 58.0 36.9
27.9 90.8 43.3
30.1 6.1 43.6
34.8 8.1 43.3
38.2 77.9 40.7
43.0 4.7 43.3
46.7 10.6 42.6
52.8 68.9 39.3
56.0 1.6 42.7
63.0 12.7 41.8
70.9 11.0 41.7
78.2 9.1 41.7
81.1 51.0 38.6
85.2 67.3 39.4
87.2 55.7 38.8
88.4 99.6 41.2
90.6 7.0 41.5
92.9 46.8 39.1
96.2 84.3 40.3
4.7 75.1 39.5
6.0 35.7 35.9
8.2 40.1 35.4
13.4 31.3 37.8
22.7 87.6 42.8
24.8 15.1 42.3
26.9 65.0 37.8
29.1 47.9 36.7
30.8 12.1 42.8
35.3 32.0 38.8
38.9 23.3 40.5
43.7 7.6 43.1
49.9 22.1 40.7
52.9 32.7 39.2
60.6 75.2 40.1
69.0 75.6 40.1
71.5 29.5 39.8
78.4 20.0 40.8
83.8 7.9 41.6
85.5 73.0 39.8
88.1 0.0 41.6
88.8 82.9 40.5
90.7 49.6 38.9
93.4 70.9 39.7
98.2 58.2 39.5
semiout = semiv(sascoal(:,1:2), sascoal(:,3), 7, 70);
figure; plot(semiout.saslagb, semiout.lagvt, 'o');
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