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Last active November 8, 2016 16:53
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Pushdown automaton computation in Haskell
data PushdownAutomaton a b =
Automaton { currentState :: Int
, stack :: [b]
, transitions :: [((Int, Maybe a, Maybe b), [(Int, Maybe b)])]
, acceptStates :: [Int]
checkMaybe m h = if m == Nothing then True else m == Just h
eval :: (Eq a, Show a, Eq b) => PushdownAutomaton a b -> [a] -> Bool
eval (Automaton state stack transitions acceptStates) [] =
any (\s -> elem s acceptStates) $ traverseEmptyStringTransitions [state]
traverseEmptyStringTransitions states =
let states' = foldl (\acc s ->
(acc ++) . concatMap (\(_, n) ->
filter (\nextState -> not $ elem nextState (acc ++ states))
$ map (\(nextState, _) -> nextState) n
) $ filter (\((state', input, sHead), _) ->
state' == s && input == Nothing
&& (if null stack then True else checkMaybe sHead $ head stack)
) transitions
) [] states
in if null states' then states else traverseEmptyStringTransitions $ states ++ states'
eval (Automaton state stkxs transitions acceptStates) (input:inputxs) =
let next = concatMap (\((_, input', sHead'), next) ->
map (\(nextState, nextHead) ->
let input'' = if input' == Nothing then input:inputxs else inputxs
stack = if null stkxs then
case nextHead of
Just nextHead -> nextHead:stkxs
Nothing -> stkxs
else case (sHead', nextHead) of
(Just _, Just nextHead) -> nextHead : tail stkxs
(Nothing, Just nextHead) -> nextHead : stkxs
(Just _, Nothing) -> tail stkxs
(Nothing, Nothing) -> stkxs
eval (Automaton nextState stack transitions acceptStates) input''
) next
$ filter
(\((state', input', sHead'), _) ->
state == state' && checkMaybe input' input
&& (if null stkxs then True else checkMaybe sHead' (head stkxs)))
elem True next
testPushdownMachine =
(Automaton 1 []
[ ((1, Nothing, Nothing), [(2, Just "$")])
, ((2, Just 0, Nothing), [(2, Just "0")])
, ((2, Just 1, Just "0"), [(3, Nothing)])
, ((3, Just 1, Just "0"), [(3, Nothing)])
, ((3, Nothing, Just "$"), [(4, Nothing)])
[1, 4]) [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
*Main> testPushdownMachine
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