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Created January 2, 2020 17:02
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js examples
/* ... -> SPREAD OPERATOR */
[ ...[ 1, 3 ], 3, 4 ]
/* create array with concat of array and items, result: [ 1, 3, 3, 4 ] */
[ ...[ 1, 2 ], ...[ 3 ] ]
/* create array with literal concat of two arrays, result: [ 1, 2, 3 ] */
[ ...[ 1 ] ]
/* copy array, result: [ 1 ] */
{ ...{ teste: 'teste' }, ...{ teste1: 'teste1' }}
/* create object with assign of two, result: { teste: 'teste', teste1: 'teste1' }
it works like: Object.assign({}, { teste: 'teste' }, { teste1: 'teste1' }) */
{ ...{ teste: 'teste' }}
/* clone object, result: { teste: 'teste' } */
[ ...'teste' ]
/* split string, it works like: 'teste'.split('')
result: [ 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'e' ] */
const testFunction = (foo, bar) => { console.log({ foo }); console.log({ bar })}
const a = [1, 2]
/* split all items of array to parameters for a function, result: { foo: 1 } { bar: 2 } */
/* ... -> REST OPERATOR - Example 1 */
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[ first, second, ...others ] = numbers
first // 1
second // 2
others // [ 3, 4, 5 ]
/* ... -> REST OPERATOR - Example 2 */
const { first, second, ...others } = {
first: 1,
second: 2,
third: 3,
fourth: 4,
fifth: 5
first // 1
second // 2
others // { third: 3, fourth: 4, fifth: 5 }
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