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Created November 10, 2017 15:09
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package org.campagnelab.dl.framework.mixup;
import cern.jet.random.Beta;
import cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine;
import it.unimi.dsi.util.XorShift1024StarRandom;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.api.MultiDataSet;
import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.api.MultiDataSetPreProcessor;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
* Implements mixup as a preprocessor on a multi-dataset. See about mixup.
* Created by fac2003 on 11/1/17.
public class MixupMultiDataSetPreProcessor implements MultiDataSetPreProcessor {
private final double alpha;
XorShift1024StarRandom random;
Beta beta;
public MixupMultiDataSetPreProcessor(long seed, double alpha) {
random = new XorShift1024StarRandom(seed);
assert alpha > 0 : "alpha must be strictly positive.";
beta = new Beta(alpha, alpha, new RandomEngine() {
public int nextInt() {
return random.nextInt();
this.alpha = alpha;
public void preProcess(MultiDataSet multiDataSet) {
double alm = beta.nextDouble();
INDArray[] features = multiDataSet.getFeatures();
INDArray[] labels = multiDataSet.getLabels();
INDArray[] featureMasks = multiDataSet.getFeaturesMaskArrays();
INDArray[] labelMasks = multiDataSet.getLabelsMaskArrays();
int minibatchSize = features[0].size(0);
INDArray[] tmpBuffer = new INDArray[minibatchSize];
int randomIndex1[] = new int[minibatchSize];
int randomIndex2[] = new int[minibatchSize];
// determine how this minibatch will be mixuped:
for (int exampleIndex = 0; exampleIndex < minibatchSize; exampleIndex++) {
tmpBuffer[exampleIndex] = null;// Nd4j.zeros(features[inputIndex].shape());
// draw two indices randomly from this minibatch, keep track of these indices
// to mix labels and mask appropriately.
randomIndex1[exampleIndex] = random.nextInt(minibatchSize);
randomIndex2[exampleIndex] = random.nextInt(minibatchSize);
// System.out.printf("exampleIndex %d randomIndex1: %d randomIndex2: %d %n",exampleIndex, randomIndex1[exampleIndex], randomIndex2[exampleIndex]);
for (INDArray feature : features) shuffle(minibatchSize, alm, feature, randomIndex1, randomIndex2);
for (INDArray label : labels) shuffle(minibatchSize, alm, label, randomIndex1, randomIndex2);
if (featureMasks != null) for (INDArray featureMask : featureMasks)
keepLongestMask(minibatchSize, featureMask, randomIndex1, randomIndex2);
if (labelMasks != null) for (INDArray labelMask : labelMasks)
keepLongestMask(minibatchSize, labelMask, randomIndex1, randomIndex2);
private void keepLongestMask(int minibatchSize, INDArray mask, int[] randomIndex1, int[] randomIndex2) {
if (mask == null) return;
INDArray[] tmpBuffer = new INDArray[minibatchSize];
// Find the longest mask and keep it as mixup ask:
for (int exampleIndex = 0; exampleIndex < minibatchSize; exampleIndex++) {
int random1 = randomIndex1[exampleIndex];
int random2 = randomIndex2[exampleIndex];
final INDArray mask1 = mask.getRow(random1);
final INDArray mask2 = mask.getRow(random2);
tmpBuffer[exampleIndex] = Nd4j.createUninitializedDetached(mask1.shape());
if (mask1.sub(mask2).sumNumber().doubleValue() < 0) {
// mask2 has more 1s than mask1, use mask2:
Nd4j.copy(mask2, tmpBuffer[exampleIndex]);
} else {
Nd4j.copy(mask1, tmpBuffer[exampleIndex]);
for (int exampleIndex = 0; exampleIndex < minibatchSize; exampleIndex++) {
// assign tmpBuffer[inputIndex] back into the minibatch:
mask.putRow(exampleIndex, tmpBuffer[exampleIndex]);
private void shuffle(int minibatchSize, double alm, INDArray features, int[] randomIndex1, int[] randomIndex2) {
INDArray[] tmpBuffer = new INDArray[minibatchSize];
for (int exampleIndex = 0; exampleIndex < minibatchSize; exampleIndex++) {
int random1 = randomIndex1[exampleIndex];
int random2 = randomIndex2[exampleIndex];
final INDArray example1 = features.getRow(random1);
final INDArray example2 = features.getRow(random2);
// new example is linear combination of example 1 and example2:
tmpBuffer[exampleIndex] = example1.mul(alm).addi(example2.mul(1.0 - alm));
for (int exampleIndex = 0; exampleIndex < minibatchSize; exampleIndex++) {
// assign tmpBuffer[inputIndex] back into the minibatch:
features.putRow(exampleIndex, tmpBuffer[exampleIndex]);
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