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Created June 4, 2021 16:58
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  • Save entrptaher/24c0845d67d6b03fd9643eca7b996c8a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save entrptaher/24c0845d67d6b03fd9643eca7b996c8a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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export interface StartAction {
rootId: string;
items: Items;
export interface Items {
root: Root;
startId: StartID;
export interface Root {
id: string;
hasChildren: boolean;
isExpanded: boolean;
children: string[];
export interface StartID {
children: any[];
id: string;
type: string;
badges: StartIDBadges;
data: StartIDData;
next: Next;
disabled: boolean;
noAccess: boolean;
export interface StartIDBadges {
execute: boolean;
export interface StartIDData {
label: string;
referrerUrl: null;
blockAds: boolean;
preserveCookies: boolean;
static: boolean;
append: boolean;
stopAtDuplicate: boolean;
collectTimestamp: boolean;
deduplicateReference: null;
dynamic: Dynamic;
schedule: Schedule;
trigger: Trigger;
dynamicInput: PurpleDynamicInput;
proxy: any[];
export interface Dynamic {
enabled: boolean;
instanceId: null;
listId: null;
listHeaderId: null;
actionId: null;
googleSheetId: null;
sheetId: null;
column: null;
source: null;
useParentCookie: boolean;
skipOnFail: boolean;
batchSize: number;
resume: boolean;
sampleIndex: number;
export interface PurpleDynamicInput {
limit: number;
resume: boolean;
export interface Schedule {
enabled: boolean;
intervalVal: number;
intervalUnit: string;
export interface Trigger {
enabled: boolean;
type: string;
instanceId: null;
export interface Next {
down: null;
left: null;
parent: string;
export interface OtherActions {
input: Input;
click: Click;
extract: Extract;
toolbox: Toolbox;
paginate: Paginate;
export interface Click {
icon: string;
children: any[];
isExpanded: boolean;
badges: ClickBadges;
type: string;
data: ClickData;
next: Next;
export interface ClickBadges {
selector: boolean;
execute: boolean;
export interface ClickData {
count: number;
css: PurpleCSS;
state: PurpleState;
label: string;
subType: string;
skip: boolean;
delay: number;
timeout: number;
export interface PurpleCSS {
roots: null;
selector: string;
patterns: Pattern[];
uniqueSelector?: null;
navigation?: boolean;
export interface Pattern {
export interface PurpleState {
selectionType: string;
selection: any[];
rejection: any[];
export interface Extract {
icon: string;
children: any[];
isExpanded: boolean;
badges: ExtractBadges;
type: string;
data: ExtractData;
next: Next;
export interface ExtractBadges {
selector: boolean;
export interface ExtractData {
count: number;
css: PurpleCSS;
state: PurpleState;
label: string;
leaf: string;
delay: number;
timeout: number;
export interface Input {
icon: string;
badges: ClickBadges;
type: string;
data: InputData;
next: Next;
children: any[];
isExpanded: boolean;
export interface InputData {
count: number;
css: PurpleCSS;
state: PurpleState;
label: string;
value: string;
keyAfterText: null;
dynamicInputTarget: null;
dynamicSampleIndex: number;
isDynamicInput: boolean;
dynamicInput: FluffyDynamicInput;
source: null;
delay: number;
timeout: number;
skip: boolean;
export interface FluffyDynamicInput {
type: null;
sourceId: null;
sampleInput: null;
googleSheetId: null;
sheetId: null;
export interface Paginate {
icon: string;
children: any[];
isExpanded: boolean;
badges: ExtractBadges;
type: string;
data: PaginateData;
next: Next;
export interface PaginateData {
count: number;
css: PurpleCSS;
state: PurpleState;
label: string;
subType: string;
delay: number;
pages: number;
optionIcon: string;
export interface Toolbox {
icon: string;
children: any[];
isExpanded: boolean;
type: string;
badges: ClickBadges;
data: ToolboxData;
next: Next;
export interface ToolboxData {
count: number;
css: FluffyCSS;
state: FluffyState;
isDynamic: boolean;
dynamicInput: TentacledDynamicInput;
dynamicInputTarget: null;
label: string;
url: string;
subType: string;
optionIcon: string;
export interface FluffyCSS {
roots: null;
uniqueSelector: null;
export interface TentacledDynamicInput {
type: null;
sourceId: null;
sampleInput: null;
export interface FluffyState {
selectionType: string;
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"id": "root",
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"isExpanded": true,
"children": [
"startId": {
"children": [],
"id": "startId",
"type": "start",
"badges": {
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"data": {
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"preserveCookies": false,
"static": false,
"append": false,
"stopAtDuplicate": false,
"collectTimestamp": false,
"deduplicateReference": null,
"dynamic": {
"enabled": false,
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"googleSheetId": null,
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"column": null,
"source": null,
"useParentCookie": false,
"skipOnFail": false,
"batchSize": 0,
"resume": false,
"sampleIndex": 0
"schedule": {
"enabled": false,
"intervalVal": 5,
"intervalUnit": "mins"
"trigger": {
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"type": "schedule",
"instanceId": null
"dynamicInput": {
"limit": 0,
"resume": false
"proxy": []
"next": {
"down": null,
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"disabled": false,
"noAccess": false
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